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    ztracené heslo?
    AIM_FREEMANPosvátné zpěvy všech kultur. (otevřené) Srdce, radost, mráz po zádech... :)
    Čistě a silně zazpívané posvátné písně. Je jedno jestli v sanskrtu (me gusta;)), pálí, tibetštině, latině nebo neznámým jazykem indiánského kmene. Pokud se vám z toho ježí chlupy na těle, probíhají vámi vlny mrazivé blaženosti, vyvolává to ve vás pocit posvátna, úcty k životu, pocit lásky a tak, tak..TO JE ONO. Moc Vás prosím, vložte sem. Chvalme To/Tu/(Ho) Nejvyšší(ho), chvalme Život. Můžeme tu kromě videí vkládat i texty, toho co se na nich zpívá a i překlad..třeba podiskutovat..nebo jen říct AAAA, to je náádherný..to znám..to rád hraju, zpívám:) Případně časem dohodnout i nějaký sraz a společně si zazpívat...mě tak teď napadlo.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    NUSPHIR --- ---
    Pěknej zpívající kroužek..

    JAI MATA KALI JAI MATA DURGE ↟ ARAN Sessions ↟ Cerchio di Donne - Busqueda de Vision 2021
    NUSPHIR --- ---
    Je to jen smyčka, ale nemůžu se jí nabažit. Sladkost...

    Govind Bolo Hari Gopal Bolo | Hare Krishna | Neesa Rishi | Tarun Rishi | Divine Naad
    NUSPHIR --- ---
    9+1 POWERFUL DURGA Devi Mantras to Remove all Doshas

    Odkládám si pro Navaratri
    KAMAHL --- ---
    Já mám vlastně rád tu dobovou západní tvorbu

    Cradle it Close
    VIHATIZKA --- ---
    ᴍᴏsᴛ ᴀɴᴄɪᴇɴᴛ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴘᴏᴇᴍ: 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔 | نَشِيدُ الأَنَاشِيدِ | שִׁיר הַשִּׁירִים - 𝑯𝒂𝒅𝒂𝒓 𝑵𝒆𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒚𝒂
    ATOMIKS --- ---
    ATOMIKS --- ---
    Тело Христово примите
    ATOMIKS --- ---
    " الله الله " اللطمية الإيرانية التي ظلمت في الإعلام الإسلامي (مترجمة للعربية والإنجليزية)
    GRID --- ---
    Intelligence – Hymns of the Patriarch – Brahma Samhita
    NUSPHIR --- ---
    ZHABOGHUBA: nádherný a TAK procítěný. taky jsem jí sem dával..pod svým minulým nickem :)
    [AIM_FREEMAN @ Posvátné zpěvy všech kultur. (otevřené) Srdce, radost, mráz po zádech... :)]
    NUSPHIR --- ---
    INK_FLO: dokonalý
    INK_FLO --- ---
    Ethiopian artist Sosena Gebre Eyesus sings accompanied by her playing of the Begena, or King David’s Harp, one of the world’s oldest and most beguiling instruments. Since ancient times the Harp of David has been used as an aural balm, a soother of evil and disturbed spirits - it’s low, buzzing tones widely noted for their ability to sweetly refresh one’s soul. Said to have been brought to Ethiopia in biblical times by Menelik I, it has long been the central instrument used to accompany Ethiopian Orthodox hymns, which Eyesus plays in an absolutely entrancing manner while softly singing songs of devotional reflection. Sosena Gebre Eyesus magically creates a rarefied atmosphere that feels absolutely necessary and vital for these most turbulent of days.

    Sosena Gebre Eyesus | Sosena Gebre Eyesus | Little Axe Records

    Sosena Gebre Eyesus ‎– Sosena Gebre Eyesus [Little Axe Records]
    INK_FLO --- ---
    Their voice goes out into all the earth | MUSIC IN THE RELIGIOUS LIFE OF THE ASHKENAZI JEWS | In Crudo
    ZHABOGHUBA --- ---
    NUSPHIR --- ---
    INK_FLO --- ---
    Mumbai 04.02.1996 | Amelia Cuni | cuni durand

    Following on from the stunning recording of her 1992 performance at the Berlin Parampara Festival (BT079), Black Truffle is pleased to continue its documentation of the work of Berlin-based Italian singer Amelia Cuni, one of the great contemporary exponents of dhrupad, the oldest surviving style of North Indian classical vocal music. Beautifully recorded in concert at Vishweshwarayya Hall, Mumbai. 04.02.1996 presents expansive performances of three ragas stretching across four sides and almost one and a half hours of music. Beginning with the serene Raga Lalit, Cuni dwells for over twenty-five minutes on its opening alap movement, accompanied only by tanpura, her limpid yet full-bodied voice moving from graceful exposition in free tempo to increasingly rhythmically active variations, gradually spiralling upward in register. She is then joined by master pakwahaj player Manik Munde for the raga’s dhrupad and dhamar sections, the resonant tone of the drum and his constant invention with the complex 14-beat cycle serving as the perfect accompaniment for Cuni’s ecstatic melodic developments.

    On the more solemn Raga Bhairav, Cuni’s alap, again stretching out over a whole side, is particularly notable for its powerful held notes and mastery of microtonal movement of pitch. After Munde returns for another rhythmically intricate dhamar movement, the record ends with the buoyancy of the Raga Alhaiya Bilaval, whose mode has, for the Western listener, an unmistakably ‘major’ quality. The rapturous applause that greets the performance is reflected in a remarkable selection of press clippings contemporary with the recording, which demonstrate Cuni’s success with Indian critics. Arriving in a gorgeous gatefold featuring stunning colour photographs of Cuni taken by legendary Australian fashion photographer Robyn Beeche (who resided in India from the early 90s), Mumbai. 04.02.1996 is a document of indescribable beauty and a moving testament to music’s ability to cross national and cultural borders.
    INK_FLO --- ---
    Dhrupad Singing Amelia Cuni on Vimeo
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    Ahoj, snad Vás potěší pozvánka ke společnému zpívání - tenhle čtvrtek v Praze, Karlíně :)

    Více v pozvánce:

    [Mahámantra - společné zpívání posvátných písní různých kultur]
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