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    FESTERPoliticka situace v USA z pohledu konzervativce....
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    Bad News For Obama:
    Poll Finds Voters Trust Romney Over Obama On The Economy By 49%-39% Margin…
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    Far-Left Media Matters Attacks One Of Its Own: “Shame On Debbie Wasserman Schultz” For Bailing On Muslim Fundraiser…
    MMFA Researcher: ‘Shame On’ DWS | Washington Free Beacon
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    Barack Obama & slave minded Negro's - YouTube
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    Here are some real ‘Reagan Rules’ for Obama « The Enterprise Blog
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    toto je problem s Obamou ze si dela co chce jako diktator :

    Unreal: Obama Regime Overrules Senior GOP Lawmaker’s Hold on Palestinian Aid, Paves Way For $147 Million In Funds For West Bank And Hamas-Run Gaza…

    Clinton’s excuse for this abuse of power is a joke, the Palestinians need the money to “combat extremism.”

    Clinton Overrules Republican Lawmaker's Hold on Palestinian Aid - Sara Sorcher - NationalJournal.com
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    s velikou pravdepodobnosti GOP budou nominovat Romney na kandidata a tak demokrati ted plne na nej utoci... ted napriklad rozmazavaji ze je mormon,,, na druhe strane jim ale vubec nevadi a nechteji vedet ze Harry Reid ( demokrat) je clenem mormonske cirkve tez...
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    sorry Ryan budget prosel s odrenyma usima a Obama byl kompletne strike down

    House Votes 414-0 to Reject Obama’s Budget Plan | Video | TheBlaze.com
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    WAMP_ELF: prave ze ne.. ted je americka vlada plna poblaznenych far left demokratu... jenze se to pomalu zacina obracet... Obama nebyl schopen za pusobeni jako president dodat budget... a veskere pokusy republikanu zase demokrati neodsouhlasili... ted se ale karta obratila Obama dal budget a neproslo mu to , Ryan budget prosel beze ztraty jedineho hlasu jak od republikanu tak od demokratu... demokrati uz tez zacinaji byt z Obamy zoufali...
    WAMP_ELF --- ---
    FESTER: a já myslel že amerika je plná lidí jako je on..
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    USA potrebuje vice lidi jako je Chris Christie
    Governor Christie: If I'm Not Your Cup Of Tea, Vote For Somebody Else - YouTube
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    Public Trustee Report: Obamacare deficit reduction mostly accounting fraud
    Public Trustee Report: Obamacare deficit reduction mostly accounting fraud - National Political Buzz | Examiner.com
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    Congressmen Slam Palestinian President Abbas For Awarding Medal To Helen Thomas, Say It May Cost Them U.S. Aid…

    The award given to controversial journalist Helen Thomas by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has sparked anger not only in Israel, but in the U.S. Congress as well. Two senior Congressmen sent Abbas a letter denouncing the award and hinting that such a move may hurt U.S. assistance to the PA.

    The Congressmen – Republican Steve Chabot, Chairman of the Middle East and South Asia Subcommittee, and Democrat Eliot Engel, senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee – wrote in the letter that “last year, the Committee on Foreign Affairs adopted an amendment entitled the Preparing the Palestinian People for Peace Act. This legislation conditioned U.S. assistance on whether the PA was actively preparing its people for peace through compromise with messages of tolerance, understanding, and reconciliation.”

    GULDUR --- ---
    tak koukám zatím klid před bouří...za chvilku tady bude nedýchatelno :-D, hlavně jestli se k tomu připojí i otázka Izraele z pohledu americké zahraniční politiky...
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