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    ztracené heslo?
    FESTERPoliticka situace v USA z pohledu konzervativce....
    FESTER --- ---
    Romney si vybira VP a mezi kandidaty je i Condi Rice

    Condoleezza Rice As Mitt Romney's 2012 Vice President Pick? What We Could Expect Of Her VP Style (PHOTOS)
    FESTER --- ---
    MARSHUS: to ma...

    ted Obamacare ktery prohlasi jako nezakonne
    Arizona ktere prohlasi ze je to v poradku

    v obou pripadech je to bolehlav jak pro Obamu tak pro Eric Holder
    kterej je obvinen za stonewalling Fast and Furious

    Republicans prepare contempt citation against Eric Holder over Fast and Furious - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
    MARSHUS --- ---
    FESTER: myslim že tyhle ty hlášky o mrtvejch voličích (nebo ilegálech nebo z vězení) se objevujou dlouhodobě z obou stran.

    každopádně Supreme Court má na stole celkem dost horkejch témat takhle před volbama.
    FESTER --- ---
    MARSHUS: ono to s tema latinos je hodne problematicky...
    demokrate hodne na ne spolehaji s hlasy cemus republikani se brani a republikani chteji voter ID a verification
    vseobecne je zname ze voli i ilegalove kteri vubez nemaji volebni pravo a obevuji se i volebni hlasy mrtvych lidi... zajimave je ze vzdy pro-demolraty
    jinac zde :

    US Attorney General Eric Holder's Ballot to Vote Offered to Total Stranger - YouTube
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Immigration politics: The nativist millstone | The Economist
    FESTER --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: tady vidime jeden z duvodu proc volit naseho milovaneho presidenta na dalsi 4 roky...

    1096 –——————– Days since the Senate majority last passed a budget
    $10.4 trillion ———— Total federal spending since a budget was last adopted
    $4.5 trillion ———––– New gross debt accumulated over that time
    $15,000 —————–– Additional debt per person over that time
    $39,000 —————–– Additional debt per family over that time
    $626 billion ––———– Net interest payments on the debt since a budget was last adopted
    1 ————————–– Budget mark-ups scheduled and then suddenly cancelled at the last minute by the Senate majority this year
    0 ————————–– Number of Democrat Senators who voted for anybudget in the last two years
    0 ————————–– Number of votes in the House and Senate in support of President Obama’s budgets this year and last
    511 ———————–– Number of combined votes against
    51 ––––——————– Number of votes needed to pass a budget in the Senate
    0 ————————–– Number of Democrat budget plans brought to the Senate floor in 2010
    0 ————————— Number brought to the floor in 2011
    0 ————————–– Number brought to the floor in 2012
    2 U.S.C. 631 ––—–—– Title and Section of the U.S. Code that requires a budget be passed
    FESTER --- ---
    Republicans prepare contempt citation against Eric Holder over Fast and Furious - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
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    SCHWEPZ: jiste, kazdej liberal rika ze si zaslouzi byt zvolen...

    ja zase rikam ze si nezaslouzi byt zvolen...
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Obama si zaslouží být opět zvolen, řekl Clinton | Zprávy ze světa | www.lidovky.cz
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    to stoji za pozornost :

    Top five cliches liberals use to avoid real arguments - The Washington Post
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    Define Ironic: Gov’t $15.6T in Debt Funds 16 Programs to Teach Citizens “Financial Literacy”

    Gov’t $15.6T in Debt Funds 16 Programs to Teach Citizens ‘Financial Literacy’ | CNSNews.com
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    He excels at two things and two things only: Running up enormous debt with other peoples’ money and raising cash for his own self-serving ends. He is nothing more than an ordinary street hustler in an extraordinary position.

    Obama has held more fundraisers than previous five Presidents combined as he visits key swing states on 'permanent campaign' | Mail Online
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    FESTER --- ---
    z New York Times si delaji prdel uz i v cine jak jsou neseriozni

    Arthur Sulzberger a putz, says New York Times reporter Don McNeil - YouTube
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    "Crucify Them": The Obama Way - Michelle Malkin - Townhall Conservative Columnists - Page 1
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    Vypada to tak ze bude veselo...
    Republicans prepare contempt citation against Eric Holder over Fast and Furious - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
    FESTER --- ---
    uf to mi spadl kamen ze srdce...
    Michelle Obama Won't Run for President | The Weekly Standard
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