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    ztracené heslo?
    FESTERPoliticka situace v USA z pohledu konzervativce....
    FESTER --- ---
    FESTER --- ---
    jeden z prikladu :

    DAVID LETTERMAN of course democrat ...

    DAVID LETTERMAN: I was talking to Mitt Romney earlier today, and he and his family got a big two day weekend planned. They’re going to hike to the top of his money.

    Excuse me, but who the heck is Letterman to ridicule anyone for how much money they have?

    According to our friends at Celebrity Net Worth, the Late Show host makes $50 million a year with an estate valued at $400 million.

    As Forbes estimated Romney's net worth at $230 million Wednesday, Letterman's worth almost twice the target of his derision.

    How's THAT for hypocrisy?

    definition of estate

    1. A landed property, usually of considerable size.
    2. The whole of one's possessions, especially all the property and debts left by one at death.
    3. Law The nature and extent of an owner's rights with respect to land or other property.
    4. Chiefly British A housing development.
    5. The situation or circumstances of one's life: A child's estate gives way to the adult's estate.
    6. Social position or rank, especially of high order.
    7. A major social class, such as the clergy, the nobility, or the commons, formerly possessing distinct political rights.
    8. Archaic Display of wealth or power; pomp.
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    STRANGERD: :)) oblibena argumentace tech kteri nejsou schopni vygenerovat protiargument.. have a nice day.. pozdravuj Rath
    FESTER --- ---
    a stale cekam odpoved na moji otazku co obama udelal dobreho.. vypada to tak ze se tomu vyhybas jak cert krizi :)
    STRANGERD --- ---
    FESTER: jak se hezky englicky rika, "dont argue with idiots - theyll drag you to their level and beat you with experience"... mej se tu pekne, bavit se s nekym, kdo nechape (psanej) text, nevydrzim dlouho, ani kdyz se mam ucit :))
    FESTER --- ---
    ne ty vase podlble smlouvy vypovedni
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    STRANGERD: na rozdil od tebe mam... v US se hire do praze at will fire at will... to je realita.. na ty vase poblble vypovedni smlouvy
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    MARSHUS: enjoy :)
    MARSHUS --- ---
    no nic, čas podívat se na arabskosocialistickou champions league, víc zábavy.
    STRANGERD --- ---
    FESTER: get brains
    FESTER --- ---
    nebo euro okurky a houby
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    STRANGERD: nealpikuj ceske manyry do US bud tak laskav
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    STRANGERD: get life..
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    a union kurvi co muze.. v USA a Union sou desni asskisser obamy.. a Obama pay them back.. suppert.. a Unions agains pay back .. volicema
    STRANGERD --- ---
    FESTER: preslapni si
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    STRANGERD: v bussinesu nevoli zamestnanci.. pletes si union a provate bussines
    FESTER --- ---
    STRANGERD: nejsde vyhodit ??? ty si vazne sam vtipalek

    presne tak otazka je mira a nastaveni,... coz Obama prekrocil miru
    STRANGERD --- ---
    FESTER: jasne, v businessu totiz bezne voli nadrizenyho zamestnanci, ktery mu taky soucasne platej, vsichni pracujou na dozivoti a nejde je vyhodit - ty jsi fakt vtipalek...
    FESTER: tyhle veci existovat musi, otazka je jen mira a zpusob nastaveni
    FESTER --- ---
    tady je ten zacatek pruseru :

    Community Reinvestment Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam