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    ztracené heslo?
    FESTERPoliticka situace v USA z pohledu konzervativce....
    FESTER --- ---
    American Socialists Release Names of 70 Congressional Democrats in Their Ranks | The Gateway Pundit
    FESTER --- ---
    Assploding Irony: Obama Suggests Bumper Sticker Slogan For Romney – “It’s Obama’s Fault”…

    President Obama gets enthusiastic welcome at L.A. gay event - latimes.com
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    kdyby Obama nemel ty svy Hollywood doprdelolizky tak by uz byla asi davno v haji :

    Romney, Republicans outraise Obama, Democrats in May – USATODAY.com
    FESTER --- ---
    Requiring Photo ID To Vote Is Racist, Requiring Photo ID For Michelle Obama Book Signing Is Mandatory…

    “. . . Mrs. Obama will visit the downtown Barnes & Noble store located at 555 12 St. NW, at E St. On Friday, June 8th, those wishing to attend the event must purchase a copy of the First Lady’s book at the location (for $19.20) and leave it at the store, according to the employee. At the same time, customers must also submit their social security number and show an official photo ID (driver’s license, passport) to a Secret Service agent, and they will be issued a wristband to attend the First Lady’s event on June 12. . ..

    FESTER --- ---
    Requiring Photo ID To Vote Is Racist, Requiring Photo ID For Michelle Obama Book Signing Is Mandatory…

    “. . . Mrs. Obama will visit the downtown Barnes & Noble store located at 555 12 St. NW, at E St. On Friday, June 8th, those wishing to attend the event must purchase a copy of the First Lady’s book at the location (for $19.20) and leave it at the store, according to the employee. At the same time, customers must also submit their social security number and show an official photo ID (driver’s license, passport) to a Secret Service agent, and they will be issued a wristband to attend the First Lady’s event on June 12. . .
    FESTER --- ---
    Requiring Photo ID To Vote Is Racist, Requiring Photo ID For Michelle Obama Book Signing Is Mandatory…

    “. . . Mrs. Obama will visit the downtown Barnes & Noble store located at 555 12 St. NW, at E St. On Friday, June 8th, those wishing to attend the event must purchase a copy of the First Lady’s book at the location (for $19.20) and leave it at the store, according to the employee. At the same time, customers must also submit their social security number and show an official photo ID (driver’s license, passport) to a Secret Service agent, and they will be issued a wristband to attend the First Lady’s event on June 12. . .
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Killing It - By Michael A. Cohen | Foreign Policy
    FESTER --- ---
    paul Krugman... nechapu jak mu takovymu blbovi nekdo mohl dat nobelovku za ekonomii...

    President of Estonia goes ballistic on Paul Krugman | FP Passport
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    OMNIHASH: v tom pripade kdyz me linky stoji za nic a nectes je tak chapu ze liberalovi jako ty ti nevoni realita veci a podle tebe ows je urcite reseni...
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    FESTER: však já psal o tvejch linkách, ne o mejch.
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    MARSHUS: uh to jsem si oddychl :)
    jinac ale :

    Audit: Dead people and prisoners recorded as voting in Michigan | MLive.com
    MARSHUS --- ---

    Invaze zombies v USA nehrozí, uklidňují občany úřady - Aktuálně.cz
    FESTER --- ---
    OMNIHASH: dementnich pubertaku ???

    “Kill Scott Walker”: Angry libs flood Twitter with death threats after Wisconsin recall defeat | Twitchy

    a zacni sledovat profily... a pak mluv o dementnich pubertakach kteri uz nejsou zrovna teenageri...
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    OMNIHASH: nelzi.. dal jsem filter Omnihash a naleno par prispejku a link jenom jeden.. mas nulovou pamet...
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    ne... je to o politicke situaci.. a tvy linky stali za nic...
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    FESTER: Zabejvat se tweetama dementních puberťáků má asi takovou hodnotu jako posuzovat stav společnosti z diskuze na novikách.cz

    Nějak tě opět nepobírám festere. Jsem myslel, že tu chceš něco vážně řešit, asi tejden si sem házel nějaký smysluplný linky a od tý doby tu už vytahuješ tu největší žumpu, co se dá na netu najít...ale jestli je tvůj cíl uvědomit nyx o tom, že nemáš rád demokraty, tak si ho splnil. Akorát bych doporučil přejmenovat auditko na něco míň zavádějícího, třeba ČURÁK OBAMA nebo tak nějak.
    FESTER --- ---
    reakce liberalu na porazku :

    FESTER --- ---
    Liberalove a demokrati :
    Weeping Walker Opponent Sobs On Live TV: “This Is The End Of Democracy!”…
    The Most Disappointed Barrett Supporter In Wisconsin - YouTube
    FESTER --- ---
    liberalove a demokrati :
    Pissed Off Liberal Slaps Barrett In The Face After Being Trounced In Recall Election
    Woman Slaps Barrett In The Face - YouTube
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