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    ztracené heslo?
    FESTERPoliticka situace v USA z pohledu konzervativce....
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    FESTER: jasný, v Hollywoodu jsou všichni komouši, až na Guvernatora Arnolda, ale ten se zase přiženil do špatné familie ,)
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    FESTER: moc ne, jsem tu po 3 týdnech. Někdy si pokecáme, až se budou blížit volby ,)
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Romney dál utíká Obamovi, v červnu vybral 106 milionů - Aktuálně.cz
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    "Liberál je komouš s vysokoškolským vzděláním s černošskými myšlenkami"
    MARSHUS --- ---
    FESTER: jasně, a ty nepoznáš rozdíl mezi francouzským a běloruským socialismem. Forman narozdíl od tebe něco dokázal.
    FESTER --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: asi moc nectes zdejsi auditko co ??? akorat prijdes a neco placnes

    doufam ze ty a Marhus si tez precetli diskusi k clanku co tam je...

    Forman neni nic jineho nez Hollywood blbecek a Obamuv doprdelolizek...
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    WASHINGTON - Do politické debaty ve Spojených státech se vložil i režisér Miloš Forman. V článku pro The New York Times se opřel do republikánů, kteří obviňují Baracka Obamu ze socialismu a přitom prý pořádně nevědí, o čem je řeč.

    "Komunistická strana mi říkala, co smím a nesmím dělat, říkat, kam chodit a dokonce i to, kdo jsem. A teď po letech slyším, jak lidé jako Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum tvrdí, že prezident Obama je socialista. Chybně srovnávají socialismus západoevropského stylu, v němž vláda zajišťuje sociální pojištění a zdravotní péči, s marxisticko-leninistickým totalitarismem. Uráží mě to a znehodnocuje to zkušenost milionů lidí, kteří zažili nebo stále žijí pod krutými formami socialismu."

    Socialista Obama? Ani náhodou, vysvětluje Forman Američanům | Zprávy ze světa | www.lidovky.cz

    FESTER --- ---
    70 Facts President Obama Doesn’t Want You To Know | Yolohub
    FESTER --- ---
    Hollywood debil
    FESTER --- ---
    MARSHUS: stejny hovado
    MARSHUS --- ---
    stejně tak jako ty už nevíš co to je socialismus.
    MARSHUS --- ---
    FESTER: Zeman není Forman vole.
    FESTER --- ---
    MARSHUS: pokud vim tak jste vsichni v cr meli Zemana za pitomce a komouse a najednou se na nej odvolavas ? Jdi s takovou do haja ... abys neco dokazal tak je ti i Zeman dobrej...
    FESTER --- ---
    MARSHUS: Forman si svy rozumy muze strcit do prdele... vrana k vrane seda..

    btw... uz mas odpoved na my otazky ?
    MARSHUS --- ---
    naruším festerovy monology

    NYT: Miloš Forman vysvětluje Američanům, proč Obama není socialista | zpravy.ihned.cz - Svět
    FESTER --- ---
    FESTER --- ---
    New Republican governors rapidly bringing down unemployment in their states - Orlando Political Buzz | Examiner.com
    FESTER --- ---
    George W. Bush Helps Renovate Cancer Clinic - YouTube

    All this while his idiot successor is busy hiring IRS agents to implement his signature achievement.

    FESTER --- ---
    Demokrati... cim vetsi pitomec tim vyssi pozice

    DNC Chair "Happy" With 8.2% Unemployment - YouTube

    8.2% unemployment brings joy to her heart.

    FESTER --- ---

    - In a government attempt to artificially create a demand in the free market where no demand exists, Obama squandered half a billion dollars to Solyndra, a “green technology” company that advisers told him not to go near. When it went bankrupt he attempted to funnel an additional 60 mil to them in order to keep them afloat so the “optics” wouldn’t bite him in the ass.

    Many more Solyndras have been revealed, but Solyndra remains the icon for this miserable failure.

    Obama said that he will force price signals upon the energy industry to curb American’s appetite for cheap resources that are “killing the planet.”

    He appoints Carol Browner, a socialist, as Energy Czar.

    Obama’s EPA declares carbon dioxide a poison.

    He appoints NWO and eugenics proponent, John Holdren, as Science Czar, who then gives technology secrets to China.

    Cap and Trade proponent, Todd Stern, appointed Climate Czar

    Obama drops the ball on BP oil spill. Turns containable accident into worldwide disaster through inaction.

    Obama kills the coal industry, EPA restrictions make it impossible for coal industry to continue.

    Obama puts moratorium on oil-drilling. Allows drilling by foreign nations.

    Obama kills Keystone natural gas pipeline.

    Canada turns to China to sell gas.

    Top Obama donors receive 80% of “green energy” loans.

    Gibson Guitar Raid - Obama sides with another country’s laws, rather than our own, to shut down a company using what they characterize as illegal wood. The wood would be legal if prepared in the originating country by their workers, not ours. Obama compels a U.S. company to outsource or be shut down

    Wisconsin – Obama’s administration helps astroturf a movement to oust a sitting governor that wants to end the evil cabal that kicks money back to leftist campaigns in exchange for green-lighting cushy contracts for public unions.

    Obama tries to force Boeing to unionize or be shut down.

    Mubarak - Obama endorses the overthrow of the Egyptian leader that kept peace with Israel and ushers in a government led by the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama then sells arms, including tanks, to Egypt.

    Obama sends aid to rebuild Mosques in the Middle East.

    Obama urges Israel to go back to 1967 border.

    Religion - Obama threatens Christian organizations that they must provide contraception and abortions for employees through healthcare bennies.

    Obama imposes new tax on charitable organizations.

    Obama appoints radical homosexual, Kevin Jennings, as Safe School Czar. Jennings holds seminars telling underage kids which gay bars in their area are lax on checking ID’s. He also hands out “Fisting Kits” to seminar attendees.

    Obama endorses the “Caliphate Conference,”, a UN sponsored bill that would make it a crime to criticize Islam.

    Obama guts NASA. Amidst the ashes Obama says that Muslims will be the focus of attention for their contributions to science and Muslims will be recruited aggressively for future programs.

    Obama calls terrorism “man-made” disasters and characterizes Major Hasan’s cries of Allahu Akbar, as he murdered American soldiers, as “workplace violence.”

    AG Holder seeks to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in NYC as just any old pedestrian criminal.

    Borders - Obama sues Arizona for protecting their sovereignty from illegal border crossing. Obama appoints Open Border proponent, Alan Bersin, as BORDER CZAR!!!

    Hilda Solis, another open border proponent, is appointed Dept. of Labor Secretary

    Obama grants amnesty to millions of illegals without any realistic changes to border security.

    Border agent, Brian Terry is murdered with guns supplied to drug lords by Obama’s ATF.

    Obama grants executive privilege to AG Holder to keep information about his intended assault on the 2nd amendment from the American people.

    AG also drops all voter intimidation charges against The New Black Panthers.

    Health - Obama takes over the health care industry. Appoints Single Payer proponent, Donald Berwick, as head of Medicaid/Medicare. The single payer government anti-trust monopoly is the holy grail.

    Obama announces that capitalism is a failed economic philosophy.

    Defense – Obama reveals the size of our nuclear arsenal and says he has a moral obligation to disarm America.

    He tells which countries are not countries that would ever be retaliated against with nuclear weapons.

    On a hot mic Obama says he’ll deal with Russia, in regards to missile shields, after his reelection

    Obama allows Russia to obtain majority of uranium mining in America.

    Obama grants UN international police supreme authority in America.

    Obama approves the use of spy drones on American citizens.

    Obama’s appointee, Janet Napolitano, puts TEA party members on terror watch list.

    Obama’s TSA pats down elderly nuns, children in wheelchairs, and RAND PAUL in order to not offend people who look like EVERY FRIGGIN TERRORIST WHO WAS EVER SUCCESSFUL or THWARTED.

    Obama blocks voter ID legislation. Obama begins refunding ACORN, a known voter fraud organization, after defunded through congress.

    Obama sets up websites designed to give him information supplied by spying citizens.

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