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    ztracené heslo?
    FESTERPoliticka situace v USA z pohledu konzervativce....
    FESTER --- ---

    Microsoft’s ill-advised marriage of convenience to NBC News has finally landed in divorce court, and it couldn’t have happened soon enough. Like any marriage built on a lie – in this case that MSNBC would be a legitimate news organization – it was doomed to fail.

    The MSNBC brand is a tumor, corrupting everything it touches, and it’s good to see that Microsoft is finally cutting it off. Even though Microsoft untethered itself from MSNBC TV in 2005, MSNBC.com was still a stain on one of the most valuable, respected corporations in American history.


    Since the cable network's inception in 1996, our Media Research Center analysts have worked diligently to track and expose MSNBC's bizarre descent into madness where the news is contorted into some sort of liberal fever dream. From Keith Olbermann's anti-American hot air and Ed Schultz’s 'right-wing slut' attack and urge to 'rip out' Dick Cheney's new heart, to the most recent rantings of Al Sharpton to incite racial violence in the Trayvon Martin shooting and Andrea Mitchell’s attempt to fabricate a “super market scanner moment” for Mitt Romney, MSNBC has sent journalism back to the partisan hackery of the 18th century.

    MSNBC's embarrassing mockery of the news and deliberate refusal to Tell the Truth has tainted the NBC News brand with a layer of stink so thick it could take generations to cleanse. Is it any wonder that a titan of industry like Microsoft would want to distance its valuable brand from MSNBC's radioactive stench?

    Maybe, just maybe, Comcast has finally suffered enough embarrassment thanks to its NBC News and MSNBC divisions to muzzle their frothing, rabid liberal attack dogs and go back to reporting the news.

    Of course with former NPR President & CEO Vivian Schiller at the helm of NBCNews.com, that’s hard to imagine.

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    As Obama demands rich Americans pay more in taxes, the IRS reveals 36 Obama aides are far behind in their taxes by Andrew Malcolm - Investors.com
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    opravdu stoji za pozornost a precteni

    Texas Demolishes USDOJ's Case Against Voter I.D. | Campaign 2012 - MEGA 94.9 FM - El Sonido Joven
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    NAACP Unapproved Message – Kira Davis
    Her response to Rep.Cleaver after he suggested Mitt Romney should not criticize Obama in front of Black people.

    To Rep.Cleaver:This Message was NOT Pre-Approved by the NAACP - YouTube
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    Feds Encourage Food Stamps: Helps Local Economies, 'Everyone Wins' | The Weekly Standard
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    Hollywood Lib Chris Rock Defends Obama’s Horrific Job Performance: Leave Him Alone, “Being The First Black Anything Sucks”…
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    MARSHUS: whatever...
    MARSHUS --- ---
    FESTER: však ať romney vyhraje, já vám ho přeju :)
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    Here's The Chart That Will Get Obama Fired... - Business Insider

    FESTER --- ---
    MARSHUS: vedle... pac tvoje mind je totalne screw up

    pro me za me si bud treba v zadnici... jestli tam mate republikanstejsi nebo levicackou je mi srdecne putna.. chovas se jak idiot
    MARSHUS --- ---
    FESTER: nejsem v čechách a tam kde jsem je vláda republikánštější než v USA.

    tohle audítko je přece škádlení Festera, nebo jsem tu vedle?
    FESTER --- ---
    MARSHUS: nechces radsi psat svy voloviny auditka kde probirate ceskou vladu... urcite budes mluvit samou spokojenosti jak vam to v cesku ta vase vlada pekne slape...

    takze sklapni zavcas a neber si me do huby...
    FESTER --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: a co myslis ze ja... na rozdil od tebe v tom Obamovskem bordelu ziji..
    nejsem radikal tak jak se mi to vy snazite namluvit ale prozivam realitu kolem sebe...a tu realitu kolem sebe citim na rozdil od vas na vlastni kuzi...

    ted jeste kdyz do toho pripoctu situaci Californie pod dalsim demokratem Jerry Brown a jak Californsky mesta ted krachuji jak na bezsicim pasu.. ted momentalne uz 5
    Vallejo, Mamoth Lakes , Stockton, San Bernardino dalsi ted si nemuzu vzpomenout
    dale se ocekava bankrotovani LA, San Jose a par dalsich mest.. vsecko pod demokratama

    ted to vezmeme z opacne strany republikani napr wisconsin texas florida... tam to frci...

    MARSHUS --- ---
    FESTER: mě je tě tak líto, taková krutá diktatura demokratů a nikdo z nich nebyl zvolenej, že.

    že neemigruješ do severní koreje.
    FESTER --- ---
    Obama president
    Pelosi sefka kongresu
    Reid sef senatu

    jeden pitomec vedle druheho

    a jdem utracet jak muzem...

    o tom ovsem Marhus mlci... :) rekne jenom kongress ale jaky kongress to ne...

    View in Focus | Government Spending Jumps 21.4% Under Obama-Pelosi-Reid

    Obama/Reid/Pelosi team’s wasteful spending & limited Constitution freedoms - Charlotte Conservative | Examiner.com
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    FESTER: to fakt ne kámo...v bookmarku mám asi 8 e-novin, čtu všechno možné - i "pravicovej i levicovej" tisk.

    Jinak aby nedošlo k nedorozumění - stále věřím tomu, že kdyby jsme si někde sedli na pivo, odložili ideologické klišé, že by jsme našli i témata a názory, na kterých by jsme se shodli. Nejsem komouš, spíše středový volič - a spíše myslím "selským rozumem" než prizmatem ideologie...
    FESTER --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: co ty ctec ??? lidovky ??? a lidovky preberou od Huffingston post.. podle toho Marhus a tvoje nazory vypadaj...
    FESTER --- ---
    MARSHUS: nemam... congress pod demokratama...

    si vybiras tak jak se ti to hodi... reknes kongress ale nerekness kdyz byl kongres pod prackama te pice Pelosi
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam