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    ztracené heslo?
    FESTERPoliticka situace v USA z pohledu konzervativce....
    FESTER --- ---
    jak delaji v MSNBC reportaze :

    Chris Matthews: 'If I Were Obama I'd Marry' Bill Clinton

    MSNBC's Chris Matthews sure doesn't have a problem expressing his affection for men on national television.

    After showing a new campaign ad former President Bill Clinton just completed for the current White House resident, the Hardball host actually said, "If I were Barack Obama, I'd marry that guy"

    Makes you wonder how Mrs. Matthews feels about her husband talking this way on national television.

    One moment he's telling viewers how listening to Obama gives him a thrill up his leg. The next he's saying he'd marry Bill Clinton.

    Regardless of her feelings on the subject, exactly what do the folks at Comcast, General Electric, and NBC think about such gushing sentiments being expressed by one of their anchors in an election year?

    Are there any journalistic standards left at this network?

    FESTER --- ---
    Exclusive: 10 ICE Agents Sue Napolitano Over Deportation Policies - Janet Napolitano - Fox Nation
    KUKIDE --- ---
    “The Tea Party will never rally behind Mitt Romney.”
    Tea Party Nation Founder: ‘The Tea Party Will Never Rally Behind Mitt Romney’ | Mediaite
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    by me zajimalo na jaky planete ten Biden zije ...

    Vice President Joe Biden: ‘Detroit’s Getting Back Up’ - ABC News
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    Ten Aravosis je jedinej ktery o tom pise.... asi ho sere ze ho nikdo necte ty jeho sracky a tak si chtel udelat publicitu....
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    KUKIDE: joooooo :-)
    KUKIDE --- ---
    FESTER: z internetu přeci :)
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    Tak jsem to nasel odkud cerpal... ten pisalek je John Aravosis a jeho sajta kde o tom pise je americablog.com , pochopitelne a vubec me to neprekvapuje ... democRAT
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    SCHWEPZ: by me zajimalo odkud ma ten radoby pisalek ty informace... zadny zdroj neuveden...
    KUKIDE --- ---
    :D jste se tu hádali o potratech, ale nic novýho tohle video bylo publikovaný den před váma :D
    All this rape stuff - YouTube
    KUKIDE --- ---
    DEBT BOMB - The Global Financial Crisis Stripped Bare - YouTube
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Radikální odpůrci Obamy mluví o druhé občanské válce - Aktuálně.cz
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    California vs Texas
    democRAT vs republikan

    California v Texas: America's future | The Economist
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    MARSHUS: jasne a za crappy ekonomy zesa demokRAT blame kde koho .. jenom ne sebe...

    proto Dement-RAT hleda kdejakou distraction aby se vyhnuli diskusi o ekonomy imigraci masivnihoho dluhu nezamestnanosti...
    MARSHUS --- ---
    lol, demokrati fakt můžou za všechno.

    Rush Limbaugh blames Obama for Hurricane Isaac — RT
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    jak videt pro democRATy je dulezite abortition otazka jestli amerika bude prosperovat


    Groan: Sandra Fluke To Speak At DNC…

    Planned Parenthood And NARAL Presidents To Be Featured DNC Speakers, Convention Tuned Into Pro-Abortion Love Fest In Wake Of Akin Remarks…


    dale :

    Radical Islam Joins The DNC: 20,000 Muslims From Islamist Movement To Attend “Jumah At The DNC” Event…


    FESTER --- ---
    MARSHUS: je videt ze ty jsi z tim Akinem totalne zafixovany jak spravnej demokrat :)

    Frenzied Media Give Four Times More Coverage to Akin Flap Than Biden's 'Chains' Smear

    A week after giving relatively light coverage to Joe Biden's "chains" smear, the broadcast networks eagerly dove into the Todd Akin controversy, giving over four times more coverage to an uproar involving a statewide (conservative) politician than a controversy involving a national (liberal) politician. NBC, CBS and ABC's evening and morning shows have devoted an astonishing 88 minutes (or 40 segments) of coverage to Congressman Akin's "legitimate rape" remark. Over a similar three day period, the networks allowed a scant 19 minutes (or ten segments) to a racially charged gaffe by the Vice President of the United States.

    MARSHUS --- ---
    BBC News - Republican congressman Todd Akin rebukes party bosses

    In a new fundraising appeal, Mr Akin claims "the liberal elite" are trying to take down a "pro-life conservative".

    pro-life = pro-rape?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam