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    ztracené heslo?
    FESTERPoliticka situace v USA z pohledu konzervativce....
    rozbalit záhlaví
    MARSHUS --- ---
    FESTER: jo. tady je miroslavovo.
    FESTER --- ---
    MARSHUS: dosla ti rec ???
    FESTER --- ---
    That’s how Mortimer Zuckerman describes the current state of the economy, highlighting an effective 19 percent unemployment rate.

    We are experiencing, in effect, a modern-day depression. Consider two indicators: First, food stamps: More than 45 million Americans are in the program! An almost incredible record. It’s 15% of the population compared with the 7.9% participation from 1970-2000. Food-stamp enrollment has been rising at a rate of 400,000 per month over the past four years.

    Second, Social Security disability—another record. More than 11 million Americans are collecting federal disability checks. Half of these beneficiaries have signed on since President Obama took office more than three years ago.

    Mortimer Zuckerman: Those Jobless Numbers Are Even Worse Than They Look - WSJ.com
    FESTER --- ---
    ma si to snad brat tak ze ti dosla rec najednou ???
    FESTER --- ---
    a co se deje v USA .. nevis nic a snazis se apply vase euro ziti na USA a tim padem u tebe VIVA OBAMAAAASAAAAAAA
    FESTER --- ---
    priste Marshus neargumentuj s idiotskejma vecma.. udelas lip kdu se me spis zeptas co si myslim o a tom a tomto clanku a das link...

    strasne malo vis o zdejsi situaci ....
    FESTER --- ---
    nebo dalsi parada jak demokrati vsecko omlouvaji... Clintonova mrdacka s monikou v presidentske kancelari :

    Clinton’s reckless sexual behavior actually enhanced their personal ties. It made their relationship more functional and productive."

    FESTER --- ---
    MARSHUS: negratuluj.. praver jeden z duvodu proc komousi skoncili... nebyly rechttaky... ted to v EU mate vsude a vsecko vam jde do riti.. krahujete jednA radost... drive nebo pozdeji i CR bude v riti...
    FESTER --- ---
    jsem zvedavy co Soudruh Marshus rekne na toto :

    Obamanomics: 173K New Food Stamp Recipients Vs. 96K New Jobs…

    nebo parada je liberalni blogeri co ted vyrukovali :

    Gawker: 'Pedophilia Is a Sexual Orientation'

    Born This Way: Sympathy and Science for Those Who Want to Have Sex with Children
    MARSHUS --- ---
    problém je že Romney pro Republikány říká že Obamacare zruší, pro ostatní voliče říká že nezruší. tak co pak udělá?

    chudá US economy si nemůže dovolit to co má každej blbej komunistickej stát. gratuluju!
    FESTER --- ---
    najednou Marshus nema odpovedi a jde hledat na najekej liberalni platek pro odpoved ze...
    FESTER --- ---
    problerrm je v tom ze kdyz je US economy v prdeli tak proste nejsou penize na universal health care... a kdo pracuje tak pojisteni ma... a neminim aby na mych danich se prizivovali ilegalove... na Obamacare
    FESTER --- ---
    nice :

    So how in the world can Barack Obama claim that we are better off now?

    In August 2010, 58.5 percent of working age Americans had jobs.

    In August 2012, 58.3 percent of working age Americans had jobs.

    So where is the recovery?

    FESTER --- ---
    MARSHUS: rikej tomu ze opravi jeho sracku...
    MARSHUS --- ---
    FESTER: jojo, odvolává co slíbil že odvolá.

    Republican challenger Mitt Romney disclosed on Sunday that he would keep several important parts of Barack Obama's overhaul of the American health care system, altering earlier vows for a blanket repeal of the president's most significant legislative achievement.
    FESTER --- ---
    MARSHUS: jedine v poradku...
    ObamaCare je totalni srewup a bullshit...
    FESTER --- ---
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Romney care

    Romney wavers on repeal of Obamacare - World - CBC News
    FESTER --- ---
    What Is The Real Unemployment Rate? (INDEXSP:.INX) | ETF DAILY NEWS
    FESTER --- ---
    tomu rikam hospodareni demokratu "

    Democrats Said to End Convention $15 Million Short - Bloomberg
    FESTER --- ---

    Feds Seek Prison Time For Obama "Hope" Artist | The Smoking Gun
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