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    ztracené heslo?
    FESTERPoliticka situace v USA z pohledu konzervativce....
    GERONIMO --- ---
    Měl by to vyvážit nějakou náboženskou hláškou (Bůh chce aby...) nebo slíbit větší slevy pro nejbohatší (na úkor většiny pracujících obyvatel USA)
    GERONIMO --- ---

    Romneyho kampaň je v troskách. Od jeho výroků se distancovali i samotní republikáni | zpravy.ihned.cz - Svět

    FESTER --- ---
    Popular in Africa: Bush has given more aid than any other US president - Africa - World - The Independent
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    FESTER: dobrá, nahoď nějakýho angolana, gautemalce, nebo filipínce
    FESTER --- ---
    National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
    FESTER --- ---
    FESTER --- ---
    OMNIHASH: pochopitelne ze ne evropan... kteri nezazili na vlastni kuzi... a sve nazory si delaji akorat z toho co jim naserviruje tisk...
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    FESTER: lol...prosil bych o jediný jméno někoho, kdo měl respekt z nejmocnějšího rednecka na světě.
    FESTER --- ---
    MARSHUS: pochopitelne , Daryll Issa chtel indepedent audit coz bylo zamitnuto a pak vysetrovano od Michael Horowitz ktery pracuje pro Eric Holder, takze vysledek se dal ocekavat ze Eric bude nevinatko...

    MARSHUS --- ---
    koukám v Americe to jde uplně do prdele. Fast and Furious vybublá bez závěru, Romney se potopil když použil Festerovu rétoriku a bohatí pořád bohatnou. asi brzo bude válka.
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Představitelé Obamovy vlády si podle informací Daily Telegraphu myslí, že Izrael zaútočí na jaderná zařízení v Íránu před prezidentskými volbami v USA. Pro současného amerického prezidenta by to znamenalo krach jednoho z klíčových bodů jeho zahraniční politiky.

    Do Perského zálivu míří námořní flotily z celého světa. Očekává se útok Izraele na Írán | zpravy.ihned.cz - Svět
    FESTER --- ---
    Coal miners in the battleground states of Pennsylvania and Virginia are losing their jobs in part because of onerous federal regulations. But news of fresh layoffs by Alpha Natural Resources was shuttled to page A16 by Washington Post editors.

    According to Post staffer Steve Mufson, Alpha Natural Resources will lay off 160 mineworkers and abandon eight mines in Virginia, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia this week. Alpha is “the largest coal producer by revenue and third-largest in production.” Talk about President Obama being on the side of workers.

    The company still relies on the U.S. market, so the usual liberal narratives of outsourcing destroying the American working man doesn’t work here. It’s due to “cheap new U.S. natural gas supplies, a weak economy, and environmental regulations.” Yeah, might those be regulations that Obama promised would kill new coal-producing plants back in 2008 to placate the environmental left? For his part, Mufson leaves that issue unexplored and, indeed, fails to consider any of the political dimensions of such job losses just weeks before the November election in a stagnant economy.

    The regulatory onslaught on behalf of the EPA is nothing new. Back in 2011, Investors Business Daily published a column showing that the new regulations would be a job killing policy that could cost over a million jobs. In fact, “Steven Miller, CEO of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, warns of job losses totaling 1.4 million over the next eight years and a 23% jump in electricity rates in states dependent on coal-fired plants. Well, Obama did promise he would make energy prices ‘necessarily skyrocket."

    Alpha Natural Resources closing eight mines, cutting hundreds of jobs - The Washington Post
    FESTER --- ---
    How is Obama leading in the polls?

    Well, this video will give you a bit of insight. This person was shocked to learn that by BEING AT WORK and missing the call, the non-vote resulted in a vote for Obama.

    Robopoll records silence as support for Obama. - YouTube
    FESTER --- ---
    Obama calls for 'democracy with a small d'; Pushes society based on collectivism, 'common good' - YouTube

    Wealth redistribution, collectivism, unions . . . no, he definitely not a communist.

    Obama calls for ‘democracy with a small d’
    FESTER --- ---
    schwepz na tyden zaracha za nadavky
    FESTER --- ---
    klasika.. nevi kudy kam a tak se jde na urazky.. presne tak to delaji demokrate
    FESTER --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: Obamu fotky jak se jim klani a leze do prdele nedas ?
    FESTER --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: ne vul nejsem na rodil od tebe... jense drzim reality jak Obama kurvi ameriku ale pro tebe je to totalni slepota a nadseni z Nobelovy ceny pro bamu..
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam