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    ztracené heslo?
    FESTERPoliticka situace v USA z pohledu konzervativce....
    FESTER --- ---
    MARSHUS: ne.. jen rikam realitu veci ktera zumpa sracek nechape.. including you
    MARSHUS --- ---
    FESTER: a tys by samozřejmě chtěl aby tě žumpa sraček milovala.
    FESTER --- ---
    Poll: More Than 90% Of Europeans Would Vote For Obama Over Romney…

    90 percent of Europeans would vote for Obama: poll| Reuters
    90 percent of Europeans would vote for Obama: poll| Reuters

    pak se nedivim ze hodne lidi na nyxu je agresivni vuci me :) EU neni nu me nic jineho nez komunisticka basta :) a zumpa sracek....
    FESTER --- ---
    2012 Presidential Candidates (P2012)
    FESTER --- ---

    That’s no way to treat a comrade.
    FESTER --- ---
    Chudak Obama ze uz i rusaci se do nej obuli ohledne Obamacare....

    Russian Report Cites Obamacare, Drone Strikes and ‘Xenophobia’ as U.S. Human Rights Violations | CNSNews.com
    FESTER --- ---
    MARSHUS: pac lidi dostavaji rozum ze tgen socialismus nefuguje...
    MARSHUS --- ---
    FESTER: ale dělaj tady z toho čím dál větší ameriku..
    FESTER --- ---
    MARSHUS: vino nepiju.... btw jak se vede v socializovane kanade...
    MARSHUS --- ---
    FESTER: už si otevřel šampáňo? :)
    FESTER --- ---
    FESTER --- ---
    rikam ti ze si napsal ptakovinu...tot vse...
    nikdo necili ( co je to proboha za idiotske slovo ) to si akorat namlouvas sam sobe...
    FIONOR --- ---
    Na nástěnce se tím pyšníš, ale když to dostaneš sežrat, tak se čílíš? Vždyť ty tu fňukáš výrazně víc, než co jsem kdy viděl fňukat demokraty.
    I kritika politického oponenta jde dělat s grácií, respektem a nadhledem (já vím, je to revoluční myšlenka).
    FESTER --- ---
    FIONOR: vetsi hovadinu jsi uz nemohl sesmolit?

    Vy zase davate kretenum nobelovku cim vetsi debil tim vetsi nadeje ze dostane
    FIONOR --- ---
    If a Republican doesn't like Obama, he doesn't vote for him.
    If a Democrat doesn't like Obama, he votes him anyway, but complains about it.
    If Fester doesn't like Obama, he just complains over and over...
    FESTER --- ---

    This has to be devastating to the Obama campaign who have made an all-out effort to get people to vote early (both Barack and Michelle have already voted), Romney on the other hand has barely been pushing it all . . . and he’s leading!

    In U.S., 15% of Registered Voters Have Already Cast Ballots

    FESTER --- ---
    mentality of progressive :

    Sandra Fluke: Free birth control will help career women, candidates shed 'barriers' of unwanted children [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

    u me totalni pica
    FESTER --- ---
    Mitt Romney gained a point over President Obama, according to a Gallup daily tracking poll released Monday, and now holds a healthy 5-percentage-point national lead.

    Romney took 51 percent support in the poll of likely voters, compared to 46 percent for Obama.

    The GOP nominee also pulled even with Obama among registered voters, 48 percent to 48, after trailing by a point on Sunday.

    The survey is a rolling seven-day average through Oct. 28, so it has almost fully digested voter sentiment since last Monday’s third and final presidential debate.

    FESTER --- ---
    Slain SEAL's father to Obama: 'Better to die the death of a hero than it is to live the life of a coward' [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller
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