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    ztracené heslo?
    FESTERPoliticka situace v USA z pohledu konzervativce....
    rozbalit záhlaví
    KUKIDE --- ---
    FESTER: "Germany is about to spend the next several years shipping hundreds of tons of gold from New York and Paris to Frankfurt, to satisfy the paranoid."

    tohle neni pravda, lufhansa už je připravená ;)

    FESTER: dík za tvůj názor. A myslíš že by ti řekli pravdu? myslíš že by ti řekly že už nějakej ten rok maj připravený nový razičky, co kdyby a že tam ty matice nejsou na razení eura, ale na razení marek? :)
    FESTER --- ---
    KUKIDE: speulace a co si myslim je rozdil...

    ptal ses a odpovedel jsem ti co si nmyslim.. jestli to chces doopravdy vedet tak ze zeptej primo nemcu,,,
    KUKIDE --- ---
    FESTER: no vidíš stejnak spekluješ : FESTER:

    ale ten obrázek na Wikipedii u public finace mě dostal - jeden anděl drží meč a druhý otěže :D
    FESTER --- ---
    KUKIDE: ja si myslim ze neci to tahaj domu ze dvou duvodu

    Inventura a neveri Obumbovi
    FESTER --- ---
    hodne zemi to ma u federal reserve a nebo ve Fort Knox

    Gold reserve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    KUKIDE --- ---
    FESTER: zajímavá je ta korelace uložení se zrušením zlatého standardu :)
    stejnak tam není odpověď proč to namaj doma?
    KUKIDE --- ---
    FESTER: a proč ho neměli u sebe je otázka na kterou jsme nenašel odpověď
    FESTER --- ---
    KUKIDE: ze si nemci stehuji svy zlato me nevadi.. je jejich
    FESTER --- ---
    KUKIDE: Liberal House Democrats File Bill To Abolish Debt Limit…

    A group of House Democrats are introducing legislation to abolish the debt ceiling, saying uncertainty surrounding the hikes causes unnecessary pain to the economy.

    The lawmakers — who will unveil the bill Thursday — accuse Republicans of hurting the economy by ransoming a hike in the debt ceiling for steep spending cuts. They argue uncertainty over whether the U.S. will raise the debt ceiling will roil markets and damage confidence in the U.S. economy.

    The Dem lawmakers behind the bill are Reps. Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.), Hank Johnson (Ga.), Jim Moran (Va.), Jan Schakowsky (Ill.), Keith Ellison (Minn.) and Peter Welch (Vt.).
    KUKIDE --- ---
    FESTER: já vím máte to těžký a teď ještě němci stahují svoje zlato... :-/
    FESTER --- ---
    KUKIDE: aspon vidis jak nam to pod dear leaderem povyskocilo...
    KUKIDE --- ---
    FESTER --- ---
    NYT’s Krugman Praises Food Stamps As The “Soup Kitchen Of The Modern Depression”…

    No surprise, Krugman, like all libs, wants as many Americans as possible dependent on the government so they will be slaves to the Democratic party.

    Krugman: Food Stamps Are the New Soup Kitchens | CNS News
    KUKIDE --- ---
    :) trocha odlehčení :)
    "Eye Of The Sparrow" — A Bad Lip Reading of the First 2012 Presidential Debate - YouTube
    FESTER --- ---
    Second Republican Considers Impeaching Obama…
    FESTER --- ---
    DR_COOPER: normalne jsem ti odpovedel ( ve tvem stylu )
    DR_COOPER --- ---
    FESTER: Normalne jsem se zeptal.
    FESTER --- ---
    DR_COOPER: zase si neco sam sobe namlouvas... at ti z teho nepraskne cevka
    DR_COOPER --- ---
    Nemrzi te, ze tady s tebou nikdo nediskutuje a vlastne ty tvoje prizpevky ani necte?
    FESTER --- ---
    how sad... useful idiots....

    Obama Campaign Staffers Left Unemployed And Without Health Insurance, Not Invited To Inaugural Festivities…

    Serves them right.

    In a sour footnote to President Barack Obama’s sweeping electoral victory last November, many of his campaign staffers have been shut out of the inaugural festivities, more than a dozen of them complained to BuzzFeed Monday.

    “We worked our butts off, and I’m going to watch it on TV instead of being there,” said one former staffer. “It’s a huge bummer.”

    Former staffers — who spoke to BuzzFeed on the condition of anonymity to preserve their relationships, and possible jobs, in Obama’s second term — say they have grown frustrated by what they see as inadequate communication from the Presidential Inaugural Committee, the group responsible for the inaugural balls, and in particular by its restrictions on access to the official events.

    “I didn’t hear anything from PIC until a little more than a week ago,” said another staffer. “They knew this was happening. Instead of giving us details [of what we could attend] on November 7th, we found out so late that it would cost me $2,000 to go to Washington for a weekend as opposed to $1,000 or less if I booked two months ago.” [...]

    Claims that they were snubbed have consumed the conversation on the Obama campaign alumni LinkedIn group, said the first staffer.

    Obama staffers were paid substantially less than Romney staffers in similar jobs in 2012, and many took pay cuts of $30,000-range from prior jobs, former staffers say. The final payday for staffers was the Friday after the election, as opposed to weeks later for the Republican campaign; health insurance was cut off in November as well.

    Many remain unemployed.
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