World of Warships Development Blog: My two cents - CVs are still killing the game for DDs - especially for the DDs with weak AA (I don't have problem with Sims or Kidd, but Kamikaze and basically all IJN torpedo-boats + low tier Pan-Asian DDs are screwed by them...).
Some ships (not only DDs but also cruisers - that are supposed to be AA platforms - and BBs) have so weak AA that it's not worth to go for AA build. What's the use of +2 flak burst module when you have only 1 flak burst at all (e.g. no long range, only one in medium range)? You can get 3 flak bursts in total... Wow, that's 300% increase, but flak-bursts can be avoided and 3 flak-bursts are in fact like nothing...
I have two bad experience with CVs in game recently:
1) I was with T4 Pan Asian DD in T3/4 random battle with 2x2 CVs. Our whole team was able to shoot down only 1 (ONE!) airplane in the whole battle (in the meantime our CVs suffered heavy causalities from enemy AA). Is it balanced? No... I don't think that it was because both enemy CV players were top-ranking CV masters and our both CVs were totally green (I din't check theirs stats).
2) I was with Jervis (T7 DD) low tier in T9 battle - the only DD in our team (no wonder that nobody wants to play DDs these days) - with 2 T8 CVs and 5 radars in enemy team. It should be "fun & engaging" but it's not fun just to run and hide against higher tier CVs and 5 radars...