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    ztracené heslo?
    XLACHTANWorld of Warships
    BLAAZEN --- ---
    Takže mám 200t uhlí, co za to koupit ? Určitě ne DD a letadlovku. Thunderer ? Gerogia (teď mám ale 3x US BB) Pommeren (mel bych komplet něměcký těžký lodě) ? Yoshino (měl bych všechny JPN křížníky..). No nevím vůbec ! Poraďte prosím. Ať to neni pomalá loď, to nemám rád a je s ní sranda.
    XLACHTAN --- ---
    SC na vánoce nebyly nikdy, jsou každý rok za anniversary
    LIQUIDFREAK --- ---
    YORK: To mas jak se santa bigem, ten pocit a... hovno :D
    Totalne mne prudi cela tadle staro-nova moda s bednama, vlajeckama, loot boxama, k posrani. Ja chci hrat ne otevirat krabicky kde je vesmes kulovy :)
    YORK --- ---
    LIQUIDFREAK: Jojo, bývaly SC. Taky z nich nic nepadalo, ale ten pocit, ten pocit...
    LIQUIDFREAK --- ---
    _OZZY_: Fakt jo? Tak to bylo mozna predminulej, ja si zive pamatuju sc. Ale cas leti. A presne, proste bylo neco lepsiho, ne tendle trash.
    _OZZY_ --- ---
    LIQUIDFREAK: ne SC, ale jeziskovy megadarky. Letos to jsou bobumzel jen ty prostredni velke darky
    LIQUIDFREAK --- ---
    HONZA_1980: Mno minulej rok byly SC, to se hralo jinak. K cemu ti je nejaky RNG santa kontejner, ve vetsine pripadu pada hovno. I kdyz to ale i z sc :x
    HONZA_1980 --- ---
    YORK: musím říct, že bych za ty desítky radši ocel než kontík
    YORK --- ---
    Po letech jsem konečeně dojezdil Gearinga, shodil vločku, otevřel kontejner a dostal jsem.... 5 novoročních kamufláží. Thank you, Wargaming, much appretiated!
    BLUMIR: kdyz ta lod je tak strasne rychla, ze se to temer neda ukocirovat :)
    BLUMIR --- ---
    SALUSA_SECUNDUS: Saluso, ale to poškození spojenců, tím se tu chceš chlubit? ... :)
    BLUMIR --- ---
    HONZA_1980: Anglicky snad umí každý a pro obrázky se chodí na nyx do úplně jiných klubíků :P
    jeste k tematu jestli Georgia je dobra lod :)

    HONZA_1980 --- ---
    BLUMIR: taky přímo z webu i česky s obrázky :-)

    Aktualizace schopností velitele | World of Warships
    LIQUIDFREAK --- ---
    BLUMIR: J tak urcite, a diky za ne. Nicmene sem zdesen z tech novych kapitanu, imo to zas zmeni dost veci.
    BLUMIR --- ---
    Přepost z Hofy, myslím celkem důležitý informace...
    BLUMIR --- ---
    We adjusted the parameters of some ships based on testing results. The changes will be applied to Italian battleships and Vampire II. There are also changes to the updated skills for aircraft carriers and cruisers, as well as to the secondary caliber guns of German battleships.

    We're making changes to some skills based on the results of the 0.10.0 Public test.

    Aircraft carriers:

    "Enhanced Armor piercing ammunition" (announced as "Piercing armament"): bonus to damage of AP bombs and rockets lowered from +5% to +3%;
    "Enhanced Aircraft Armor" (announced as "Senior aircraft armor specialist"): reduction of AA shells explosion damage reduced from +33% to +25%;
    "Proximity fuze" (announced as "Ruthless"): torpedo protection damage reduction lowered from -15% to -10%.


    "Heavy AP Shells" (announced as "Armor-Piercing cruiser"): bonus to damage caused by AP shells with a caliber of 190 mm and higher lowered from +7% to +5%.

    Tier VII - X German battleships:

    Accuracy of secondary guns increased.

    With this change and the "Improved Secondary Battery Aiming" skill (announced as "Close Quarters Expert") accuracy of German battleships' secondary guns will be improved by 50%.
    BLUMIR --- ---
    Discounts and Bonuses in Update 0.10.0

    To help you get familiar with the new Commander skill system in Update 0.10.0:

    Commander skills can be reset free of charge.
    Upgrades can be demounted free of charge.
    The cost in Doubloons of Commander retraining has been reduced by 90%—from 500 to 50 Doubloons.

    In addition, to help you experiment with retraining Commanders for different ships:

    Players with Access Level 8 and above will receive 500 Doubloons when they first log in to the game during Update 0.10.0.
    Update 0.10.0 features six special combat missions, one for each nation with more than one ship branch: U.S.A; Japan; U.K.; U.S.S.R.; Germany; and France. To complete each mission, you'll need to earn 1,100 base XP in any number of battles, playing a Tier VII–X ship in any battle type, except Training Battles. The reward is 100 Doubloons.

    In total, you can obtain up to 1,100 Doubloons. This amount will be enough to retrain your Commanders 22 times in Update 0.10.0.
    SALO --- ---
    _OZZY_: Hindenburg, specialne s Lutjensom, je neskutocny dmg farmer. kitujes a zapalujes na max range, neskor mozes pushnut, ked sa trochu vycisti vzduch.

    _OZZY_ --- ---
    _OZZY_: eh, sorry, posledni linie krizniku, co mi chybi, tak je Petro... Nevskeho uz mam - me se tyhle dve furt pletou, proste jedna vymyslena neexistujici lod vs jina neexistujici vymyslena lod :D

    Jinak ted koukam na tohle:
    World of Warships - How Do I Play Hindenburg - Damage Farming Monster

    a prijde mi, ze se Hindas hraje dost stejne, jako Roon, jen ty dve predni veze trosku vic svadi k tomu zbytecne ukazat bok.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam