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    VSOUKOLOHLOREnergetika a energie v politické a hospodářské perspektivě
    Vše o politickém a ekonomickém dění v energetickém sektoru. Klub usiluje o to diskutovat téma energetiky v širších, nikoliv jen úzce technologicky a vědecky zaměřených (jakkoliv ani ty nejsou zakázány), souvislostech. Témata a kauzy typu: energetická bezpečnost, státní energetická koncepce a surovinová politika ČR, ČEZ, MUS, OKD, Bakala, Komárek, Tykač, Gazprom, územní limity, německý odstup od jádra, kanadské roponosné písky, rizikový managment, negativní externality energetických zdrojů, ropné havárie, válečné konflikty ohrožující dodávky energie, vliv spekulantů na cenu surovin apod.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    R_U_SIRIOUS --- ---
    “If confirmed, this would be the largest potential natural hydrogen discovered to date in Europe,” Philippe de Donato, co-director of research at the GeoRessouces laboratory at the University of Lorraine, told France 3 Grand-Est at the end of May.

    Indeed, it is believed that the Lorraine basin could contain 46 million tonnes of natural hydrogen – equivalent to half the world’s current hydrogen production – and enough to contribute to the EU’s decarbonisation objectives significantly.


    Excitement grows about ‘natural hydrogen’ as huge reserves found in France – Euractiv
    SHEFIK --- ---
    NECROMAN --- ---
    Jen si tu odložím jeden můj oblíbený odkaz
    Liebreich: ‘Oil sector is lobbying for inefficient hydrogen cars because it wants to delay electrification’ | Recharge
    SHEFIK --- ---
    World Bank approves $1.5 billion loan to support India’s hydrogen plans – pv magazine International
    SHEFIK --- ---
    The Hydrogen Stream: China may hit 2025 green-hydrogen targets a year early – pv magazine International
    PES --- ---
    MAKROUSEK: Hydrogen!!! ;-)

    Toyota testovala v závodě na 24 hodin Corollu se spalovacím motorem poháněným kapalným vodíkem – VTM.cz
    PES --- ---
    R_U_SIRIOUS: ty renewables a hydrogen storage nebudou? ;-)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    PES: tak to mas stejny s tim fosilem vs renewables a hydrogen storage
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Prece jen z cop28 neco vymackli

    The Hydrogen Stream: Masdar signs more hydrogen deals at COP28 – pv magazine International

    Masdar unveiled a 10 GW Africa Growth Plan for renewable investments in six Sub-Saharan Nations at COP28 in Dubai this week, in addition to signing four additional hydrogen deals.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    The Hydrogen Stream: German hydrogen collaboration strategy takes shape – pv magazine International
    SHEFIK --- ---
    SHEFIK: tohle je zajmavy v kontextu toho, ze tahle cena se ocekavala jeste vloni az pro 2050

    International Renewable Energy Agency (May/July 2022): The production cost of green hydrogen from solar and solar/onshore wind hybrid projects will fall below $1/kg for most regions by 2050 under optimistic scenarios, and to about $1.30/kg under pessimistic assumptions.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    European Hydrogen Week: what’s next for the hydrogen economy? – EURACTIV.com

    Last month, Denmark held Europe’s first national auctions for green hydrogen, and the results were hugely encouraging for the future of the hydrogen economy. Six projects totalling 280MW secured support, all of them well below the auction’s ceiling price – the maximum level of support one can receive – of €2 per kilogram of hydrogen produced. All the winning bids fell below €1.2/kg, with the most competitive project asking for a premium of only €0.15/kg!
    TUHO --- ---
    OMNIHASH: Tak on "ty vedecky podlozeny cykly" mysli nejspis Milankovicovy cykly, ktery skutecne vliv maj (mj stojej za nastupem a koncem doby ledovy) nicmene tty nijak nepopiraj vliv CO2 na klima.]

    LEXIK: No, tak jako obvykle jde o mnozstvi. Nejaky mnozstvi CO2 prospiva (dokonce muzem rict, ze spalovani fosilnich paliv oddalilo dobu ledovou, ktera by jinak prisla), problem ovsem je, ze ho roste moc - cast problemu je oteplovani, ale taky treba okyselovani oceanu (co2 se rozpousti ve vode) a souvisejici problemy pro siroke populace morskych organismu. Jako prvni rade jsou treba koralovy utesy, ktery ve vetsine pravdepodobne neprezijou tohle stoleti (a na ne je navazana velka mira morskyho zivota)... Ale problemy maj i dalsi organizmy, prevazne ty, ktery si stavej schranky z vapniku.

    Ocean acidification is already impacting many ocean species, especially organisms like oysters and corals that make hard shells and skeletons by combining calcium and carbonate from seawater. However, as ocean acidification increases, available carbonate ions (CO32-) bond with excess hydrogen, resulting in fewer carbonate ions available for calcifying organisms to build and maintain their shells, skeletons, and other calcium carbonate structures. If the pH gets too low, shells and skeletons can even begin to dissolve.

    What is Ocean Acidification?

    SHEFIK --- ---
    US Makes $7 Billion Available For Hydrogen Hubs - CleanTechnica
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Battle for earth begins :)

    Nekolik zajmavosti:
    - Texas vyrost na fosilu a ma izolovanej grid od ostatnich statu
    - presto, nebo prave proto silne investuje (el.operator, ne stat) do renewables
    - statni univerzity sou inkubatorem pro vylepseni elektrolyzeru

    Green Hydrogen Slugfest Brewing In Texas

    As the home state of Hydrogen City, Texas will be the host to a massive energy storage project as well as a green hydrogen and ammonia plant.


    While some of the green hydrogen will be available for local markets, the main plan is to dedicate about 230,000 tons of green hydrogen per year to produce 1 million tons of green ammonia per year, destined for overseas markets that are eager to replace fossil-sourced ammonia fertilizer and other products with a more sustainable supply chain.

    (Research pro vymenu platinovejch katalyzatoru v elektrolyzerech za Mxenes)

    My work is centered around designing and evaluating materials to be used as catalysts for sustainable chemical production,” Yesudoss added. “We have been able to reduce the cost of catalysts that are used in producing green hydrogen by half, which I think is really significant.”
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Sem to patri mozna vic, pac politicko-hospodarsky tema zatim. Synergie nuclear+hydrogen. To dava obema technologiim jinej business case

    Is nuclear power set for a European renaissance? – EURACTIV.com

    In a letter revealed by EURACTIV France, Pannier-Runacher urged the European Commission to recognise the contribution of nuclear-derived hydrogen in the targets set out in RED III. For Paris, the aim was to prevent renewable hydrogen targets from jeopardising low-carbon hydrogen production from nuclear sources.

    At the end of March 2023, after months of battles between EU countries and within the European Parliament, the political agreement on RED III recognised the principle of non-cannibalisation between renewable and low-carbon hydrogen.

    But while this seemed like a victory for France, the conditions imposed for nuclear-derived hydrogen to contribute to achieving the EU’s objectives were so strict that they were practically unattainable.

    After a month and a half of hesitation, Trafalgar: at the last minute, Paris blocked the final adoption of RED III, scheduled for mid-May, because the agreement did not provide sufficient guarantees regarding nuclear-derived hydrogen – though the decision to block the adoption of the directive did not go down well with all in the French camp.

    On 16 June, France finally obtained an official declaration from the European Commission recognising the role of nuclear energy in achieving the objectives of decarbonising the EU economy – fruits of an intense year of lobbying, aided by France’s setup of a pro-nuclear alliance of 14 EU countries and (possibly) counting
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Pilot live 2025

    Hysata testing hydrogen electrolyzer tech in real-world setting – pv magazine International

    Hysata is developing ultra-high efficiency hydrogen electrolyzer technology that eliminates almost all resistance in the electrolysis process and has the potential to significantly shift the economics of green hydrogen production.

    “Existing electrolyzers face energy losses from electrical resistance and gaseous bubbles forming on electrodes, reducing the overall efficiency of the system,” Hysata said. “[The technology] has been proven to produce hydrogen with 95% (41.5 kWh/kg) efficiency, well ahead of incumbent technologies that operate with efficiencies close to 75% (52.5 kWh/kg).”

    ARENA said the technology has the “potential to reduce the cost of renewable hydrogen production through reduced electricity inputs … The technology also offers lower balance of plant costs, with reduced electrical resistance resulting reduced cooling requirements. If delivered at scale, these reduced input costs will help lower the levelized cost of hydrogen, making renewable hydrogen a commercially viable energy resource.”
    SHEFIK --- ---
    The Hydrogen Stream: Germany to use hydrogen ‘in all sectors’ – pv magazine International

    BloombergNEF has reported that the levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH2) has increased slightly this year due to inflation and higher financing costs. However, it says that green hydrogen (H2) will become competitive with existing gray H2 plants operating at marginal cost in five markets by 2030. The analysts say that green hydrogen will be cheaper than new blue H2 by 2028 using Chinese alkaline electrolyzers and by 2033 using Western alkaline electrolyzers, undercutting blue H2 by one to three years earlier in all modeled markets.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Technische Universität Berlin researchers say a hydrogen network connecting regions with low-cost renewable potential to demand centers, electrofuel production, and cavern storage sites in Europe could reduce system costs by up to €26 billion ($29.2 billion) a year. “The presence of a new hydrogen network can reduce system costs by up to 3.4%,” wrote the researchers. They say that between 64% and 69% of the hydrogen network could reuse gas pipelines and that expanding both the hydrogen network and the power grid would help meet net-zero emission targets, cutting costs by 9.9%, or €72 billion per year.

    The Hydrogen Stream: Hydrogen grid could cut Europe’s energy costs by 3.4% – pv magazine International
    SHEFIK --- ---

    UK poised to drop plans to replace home gas boilers with hydrogen alternatives | Hydrogen power | The Guardian
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