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  • témata
  • události
  • tržiště
  • diskuze
  • nástěnka
  • zobrazit sekci
    O mísách:

    - doporučení prodejních stránek, kamenných obchodů
    - stránek s užitečným infem
    - sdruzení a klubů pro hru na tibetské zpívající mísy

    O zvoncích:

    tibetské zvonky Dilbu (Ghanta)

    O činelech:


    SaReGaMa - Kalimba solo for Lotus

    Music of Central Asia
            Music of Afghanistan
            Music of Azerbaijan
            Music of Kazakhstan
            Music of Mongolia
            Music of Uzbekistan
        Music of East Asia
            Music of China
            Music of Hong Kong
            Music of Japan
            Music of Korea
            Music of Taiwan
        Music of South Asia
            Asian Underground
            Music of Bangladesh
            Music of Bhutan
            Music of India
            Music of Nepal
            Music of Pakistan
            Music of Sri Lanka
        Music of Southeast Asia
            Music of Indonesia
            Music of Malaysia
            Music of the Philippines
            Music of Singapore
            Music of Thailand
            Music of Vietnam
        Music of West Asia
            Arabic music
                Music of Bahrain
                Music of Jordan
                Music of Iraq
                Music of Lebanon
                Music of Palestine
                Music of Saudi Arabia
                Music of Syria
                Music of the United Arab Emirates
                Music of Yemen
            Assyrian/Syriac folk music
            Kurdish music
            Music of Cyprus
            Music of Iran
            Music of Israel
                Jewish music
            Music of Turkey
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