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    ztracené heslo?
    FESAKFLOYDDementogenní psychofarmaka a metabolické jedy
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    Alachlor – herbicid (řepka)
    Metazachlor – herbicid (řepka)
    Metolachlor – herbicid (kukuřice, řepka, řepa)
    Acetochlor – herbicid (kukuřice, řepka)
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    Ketogenic Diets for Psychiatric Disorders: A New 2017 Review | Psychology Today

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    Autism experts call for further research into 100-year-old drug that could hold key to treating condition | The Independent
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    Mice made with CRISPR usher in new era of autism research | Spectrum | Autism Research News
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    The Role of Prescribers

    Doctors who fail to warn their patients about nightmares, compulsive suicidality, violent feelings and other potentially dangerous and distressing adverse drug reactions from antidepressants are doing their patients and society a grave disservice. Their patients’ lack of information leaves them at the mercy of horrifying experiences that border on psychosis. The unsuspecting patients will fear they are going crazy. They will think that they are “so far gone” that not even the potent antidepressants can help them. That often leads to despair and sometimes to suicide.
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    What Did We Know How About the Harms of Antidepressants in 2011?

    By 2011, anyone who read the scientific literature, much of it from leading American medical centers, would have known that children cannot tolerate SSRIs and should not be given them.

    The following scientific report, as well as many other confirmatory studies, can be obtained without cost from my

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    MORPHLER: to je takovej ten tabor skupinova psychoterapie kdykoliv behem roku (neni to o prazdninach) a plati to pojistovna
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    citalopram citalec muzes s klidem doporucit kazdymu (nemuze ublizit) pokud je to fyziologickeho razu, ale nic jinyho, a rozpoznat dysthimii od deprese.
    MORPHLER --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: souhlasim, ..
    o taborech nevim, ale 3 tydny jinde asi muzou pomoct a radeji tabor nez lecebna. .)
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    MORPHLER: nejohrozenejsi jsou deti a teenageri... zachranit obecne takovyho teenagera, natoz dite, to je u me psycholog borec.

    poslat je na tabor na 3 tydny na skupinovou psychoterapii zabira, aby problem vysumel&rozpoznali to?

    protoze jinak jim cpou Zoloft :)
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    MORPHLER: diky za zpravu a informaci pane, preji ti moc pekny den :)
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    no abych pravdu rekl, tak jsem do velke miry omezil praci s lidmi, kteri na nich jsou a vyhybam se tomu pokud mozno. sem tam nekoho upozornim na studie (metastudie o AD kde zavery jsou mozne ucinky jsou nejiste ale vedlejsi ucinky tragicke) ale ze bych lidi vylozene presvedcoval, to asi uplne ne, beru ze rozhodnuti je na nich... nekdo proste chce zobat prasky a nekomu to zjevne prinasi i neco pozitivniho..
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    MORPHLER: sem te zacal podezirat. pomohl si vubec nekomu za tu dobu se dostat ze sparu zmrdsky nasazenych psychofarmak? pokud si pamatuji tak si rikal ze se snazis maximalne nekolaborovat?
    MORPHLER --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: ted jsem ti je tam k tem antidep dal, za chvili je zrusim ty detektive :) ja to nebyl, ale i kdyby. co ti je do toho. asi se to proste nekomu nelibi, no. to je tak male...
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    MORPHLER: nedelej, proc si dal ty posledni minusy a ty dva minusy na antidepresiva ?
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    ten je chlap je psychopat, psy cho pat, a ty ted tancujes s dablem.

    / Twin Peaks
    MORPHLER --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: ? heh .. co to je za dotaz.. navic kdybych uz teda pristoupil na tvou potrebu neco takoveho resit, kde jako myslis?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam