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    ztracené heslo?
    MAGEPayday 2 & 3

    Payday Wiki
    Payday 2 skills & tools
    Nápověda pro Big Oil - den 2 (Big Oil Engine selector)

    Prosim o to, aby ti co hraji a obcas treba nemaji s kym a chteli by mit, necht na mistni home napisi svoje Steam ID, dekuji .. :o)
    rozbalit záhlaví
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    HANOUCH: ve dvou, ale zase na normal .. :o)
    HANOUCH --- ---
    SHASHA_KRASTY: nutno dodat ze jsme ten train davali ve dvou a i na normal to celkem trvalo ono obhospodarovat 6 vrtacek neni zadna legrace
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    Co na to DLC vl;astne rikate? Ja dal v patek s Hanouchem (a dvema pohodarema z publicu) a jako co rict no. Lepsi nez dratem do voka, ale zadnej velkej zazrak se taky nekona ... hlavne ten train heist jak pada nahodne na zaklade (ne)nalezeni planu v nejakym transport heistu je zvlastni .. hlavne proto, ze train heist bude asi nejlepsi cira stealthtovka, transport heisty jsou cista strilecka ... noale proc ne, ze .... a nejvetsi zklamani teda, ze levelcap nebyl posunut .. :o(
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    aha, tak treba me zustane .. to je mile! :o)

    Hey everyone!
    Check it out!
    Armored Transport DLC website
    Say hello to the fastest moving vaults since the Panic room in PAYDAY: The Heist!
    Make sure you tell your friends and check back tomorrow to find out what gear you get when you buy it.
    Finally - what about the trailer? Nice? ;)

    Q: I pre-ordered, will I get this for free?
    A: Yes, if you bought a pre-order version or Career Criminal Edition on Steam, you will get it for free. If you bought it somewhere else, you will need to check with their customer support as we don't know what they sold you.

    Q: Can I play the heists even if I don't own the DLC?
    A: Yes, just a heads-up to all the veteran heisters - we're doing like we did last time with the Wolfpack DLC for PAYDAY: The Heist. We are not splitting the community. Anyone can play the heists, as long as a DLC owner hosts them.

    Q: When is the DLC released?
    A: It's released tomorrow on PC. Console release dates are to be announced later.

    Q: How much will it cost?
    A: The price will be announced tomorrow on the DLC website.
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    HANOUCH: snad ano .. :o)
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    hmmm... to DLCcko nam asi po vikendu nezustane... :o/

    Hey everyone,
    I hope you're enjoying the new heists!
    Just so everyone knows, the following is happening;
    - The Armored Transport DLC just got released!
    - Thursday through Monday, PAYDAY 2 and the PAYDAY 2 Game Soundtrack will be 40% off!
    - Thursday through Monday, PAYDAY: The Heist and its DLC's will be 75% off!
    Hope you have a great weekend! Don't forget to check out the Twitch.tv streamers and Youtubers for contests and raffles for some awesome DLC keys!
    We'll continue to monitor the forums and fix any bugs that you might find.
    Have a great weekend everyone and HEIST ON!

    OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.
    HANOUCH --- ---
    dame dneska ne?
    MAGE --- ---
    SHASHA_KRASTY: vyšlo to včera, jak jsem psal, vypadá to že DLC je na zkoušku na víkend zdarma, uvidíme...
    SHASHA_KRASTY: jen zběžně jsem to projel a ten truck heist má několik variant, takže by se to mohlo počítat jako víc =)
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    teda ale z tohodle achievu me kapanek spadla celist .. :o)

    We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat
    On the Train Heist, steal and secure 40 bags worth of ammo.
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    kazdopadne - JENOM 2 novy heisty? Que? :o(
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    Kdy to vyslo? Jak to ze to dlc uz vlastnim? Asi diky preorderu! Hallelujah! :o)
    O vikendu bych dal, doufam, ze se k tomu dostanu ... budu moct doufam dnes vecer (kolem osmy) a stejne tak v sobotu vecer .. :o)
    MAGE --- ---
    Vypadá to že DLC je k ošahání zdarma tento víkend (plus sleva na celý PD2). Tak kdopak si půjde hrát s autíčky?
    MAGE --- ---
    DLC pro PC verzi Payday 2 přiveze přepadení pancéřového vozu - GAMES.cz
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    Ha pridano spousty dalsich achievu! (a tim nemyslim to co psala Pepssi) Ze by to DLC ?! :o)

    wut? "8 Days After I Thought I was Out... They pull me back in."
    PEPSSI --- ---
    SHASHA_KRASTY: jj, byl za to novej achievement "look at yourself on TV", tak jsem to zkusila
    Nechcete někdo nový hodinky? :D
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    povedenej Jewellery store! :o)

    Lupiči si z hodinářství v centru Prahy odnesli věci za sedm milionů - iDNES.cz
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    _LEPIK_: nebyl cas.. :o(((

    The Halloween event has ended!
    Community Announcements - OVERKILL_Almir
    Hey guys and gals,
    The time has come to end the Halloween event.
    We hope you enjoyed it!
    At 17:00 CET today we patched the game, thus ending the Halloween event. We removed the Halloween related things such as the Nightmare safe house and the possibility to receive more Halloween related items in the drops.
    I understand many of you were frustrated that you couldn't hoard more Halloween patterns because of the low % chance. That was a mistake on our part and good feedback that we'll take with us going forward.
    OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.
    _LEPIK_ --- ---
    SHASHA_KRASTY: tak proc uz davno nefarmis? ;)
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    pro ty co jeste nemaj helouvynsky acivy.. pripadne masky.. me jeste dve masky chybej.. :o(

    Halloween will go on for a couple of days more!
    Hey everyone,
    After a fantastic weekend with trick or treatin' we were ready to pull the plug because a date's a date, right?
    However, seeing how popular the event is and that so many weren't able to join in during the weekend because of other real-life stuff and what-not, we've decided to postpone the plug-pulling and let you guys enjoy it for a few days more. And yes, this means that the headless Bulldozers will continue to ravage the streets for a couple of days.
    So, take the chance and continue stocking up those cool Halloween masks and patterns!
    OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.
    RUDOLF --- ---
    prej diamond heist přibyl.. ale jsem už pár měsíců mimo, tak asi le old.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam