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    ztracené heslo?
    MAGEPayday 2 & 3
    SVORO --- ---
    što e to?

    NELLI --- ---
    SHASHA_KRASTY: vcelku pochopitelný.
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    hmm zajimave, Commander (CH) si dava od Payday po nahranejch 864 hodinach voraz... zajimavy :o)

    Hello everyone
    I will already call in now about my resignation on the 9th of September 2014. Few people know about that already and we're looking for more leaders of Master Stealther. Currently surely Kins0 will further lead the group after me but he can't lead it alone.
    We currently don't have any kind of application form or something for you but we'll inform you as soon as we organized something. For now, you can leave a comment if you're already interested in a spot and we can talk with you what it takes etc. to lead a group.
    For those who are wondering why I'm stepping back, it's not because I hate Payday or something, instead I still love it but I found something more addicting and definitely consuming more of my freetime than Payday (if not all). It's a new game called Destiny (console only) that was developed for 5 years and will be further added with more content (in form of DLC's / Add-Ons) for the next 10 years (at least that's what I was told) and I definitely see that in that game.
    For the fans out here I already want to thank to supporting me and hope you enjoyed my stealthing skills. ;) If you still want to see more stealthing, you can check out our =TM$= members and especially Kins0 who's still putting a lot of work into the game. For those who still follow me, watch out for ALOT OF Destiny content and streams! ;)
    And for the haters, well, fuck the haters, I don't care about you.
    =TM$= Commander (CH)
    LKNFYI --- ---
    SVORO: já asi 3x
    SVORO --- ---
    Tak kdo jste dal dnes Watchdogs a oslavila tak svátek co má dnes Ilja ? :)
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    a kdyby snad jako nekdo mel pocit ze "praskat se nema, ale hlasit se to prece musi", tak... :o)))

    We're aware that there are people who cheat in PAYDAY 2.
    We don't approve of cheats in PAYDAY 2. We're working on a better tool and a better way to handle cheaters. We're considering VAC among other solutions.
    If you find a cheater, e-mail us at info@overkillsoftware.com and we'll look into it. At the very least, said person can be kicked from the community. In scenarios where a cheater "griefs" we work with Valve to handle them. This process takes time however.
    We have a policy of "no naming and shaming" on these forums. If you think someone is cheating, better e-mail us privately than creating a thread where you "name and shame" said individual. We'll continue to delete threads like these if we see them.
    OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    btw pekny... :o)
    Payday 2: Big Oil Day 1, Death Wish, Level 0 Setup, Solo Stealth
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    PEPSSI: to bys je musela videt v pohybu :o)
    PEPSSI --- ---
    SHASHA_KRASTY: vypadaj spíš jak zetka než účastníci bujarého večírku :) Ale proč by chodili do banky zetka, žejo..
    PEPSSI --- ---
    MAGE: to je taková trezorová bábuška...musíš vydržtet a otvírat :))
    LKNFYI --- ---
    MAGE: koukam HoxHud se ujal =)
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    LOL :o)))
    MAGE --- ---
    You dawg...
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    akorat si teda nedokazu predstavit ten "Making Crime Into an Art Form" (Complete the Framing Frame pro job on the Death Wish difficulty.), protoze prvni dva dny na pro clovek da, ale ten treti den je obcas silenej...
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    huch, solo Moonlighting (Complete the Framing Frame job on the Death Wish difficulty.) udela kua radost! :o)))
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    a kdyz se v bance zacne tak jako spontanne tancit, tak to taky stoji za to ... :o)

    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    no a HLAVNE to umi tohle... :o)))
    .. ale chce to videt v pohybu.. :o)

    az tohle uvidi Kaja, tak se pocura smichy... :o)
    LKNFYI --- ---
    Tak jsem dnes vyzkoušel "HoxHud" a nemůžu si ho vynachválit. Všem heisterům vřele doporučuju. Overkill ho začal ofiko podporovat a tenhle mod toho má dost před sebou :)

    Několik výhod namátkou:
    - hrajete stealth a poděláte to? jednoduše přes menu heist restartujte, už nemusíte všichni umírat a čekat..
    - detekuje cheatery a zamezuje jim např používat milion granátů, ammo&medic bags atd (a jestli je to automaticky kickuje nemám ještě ověřeno)
    - ukazuje časy drillů, když se zaseknou
    - ukazuje počet zabití
    - ukazuje kolik zbývá pagerů, bodybags, etc..
    - ukazuje počet životů protivníků (užitečný např u dozera)

    http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HHPD2 (nutno nejdříve se připojit k této Steam grupě)
    oficiální vyjádření Almira z Overkill:
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    Tak posledni achiev, co me chybel z tech puvodnich achivu je doma! Uff... :o)
    Guessing Game (Unlocked: 10 Jul @ 7:34pm) - On day 2 of the Firestarter job, complete the heist in stealth without hacking the computer.
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