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    ztracené heslo?
    MAGEPayday 2 & 3
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    Hello robbers and music lovers,
    Simon here. For those who don't know, I'm the "voice of Bain". I'm also responsible for all the music in PAYDAY: The Heist and PAYDAY 2 along with some other stuff we don't have to go into now.
    The music is a big part of PAYDAY and we are - in a not too distant future - going to release an update that only has to do with the music. I won't tell you right now exactly what that update contains, but it's gonna be some sweet, sweet stuff!
    In "PAYDAY: The Heist" - the game that "PAYDAY 2" is the sequel of - all heists had their own music, and you would only hear that music when you played that heist.
    Right now I'm interested in hearing from the PAYDAY 2 community, to find out what tracks and heists would fit together like that in PAYDAY 2. Here are ten polls where you can have your say in the matter:
    Click here to get to the polls!
    Please take all ten polls! Right now the first poll I put up (for the track "Time Window") has more than three times more voters than some of the other polls, which is a bit odd. You guys grow tired after answering one poll? Show some resilience! ;-)
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    krasnej glitch.. :o)

    Payday 2: The Big Bank, Glitch Abuse in 2:16, Solo Stealth
    JUDAS --- ---
    SVORO --- ---
    Trochu nuda, ale co...

    Almir Listo ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
    VICTIM81 --- ---
    btw... kolega prodava oculus rift dk1 za 4500. pokud chcete info foto atp. predam vam mail na nej. je to i s vyvojarskym uctem. rada lidi mu to na posledni chvili zazdila. sama lama co nevi co to obnasi. je to precijen vyvojarsky nastroj.
    JUDAS --- ---

    We're not sure what's going on but we figured you'd like to see it. ;)

    What's this?

    OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.

    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    SVORO: teprve bude, ale jak rikas, prvni den Framing frame se da, ale kdyz te treti den v pro jobu nekde prakvapi straz a celej heist jde do kopru, tak to je na rozkousani klavesnice... :o)
    SVORO --- ---
    SVORO: Takže Galerie je jednodenní Heist... Osobně bych byl radši kdyby to byl až ten třetí den protože ten je fakt vopruz :D
    SVORO --- ---
    DUBAS_ --- ---
    IMOLOL: koukas?
    _LEPIK_ --- ---
    to mi pripomina tento multiplayer walking dead, ehm ;)
    kazdopadne hura, potrebujeme vice her pripravujicich hrace na zombie apokalypsu :)
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    Hey Folks,

    Firstly, with the release of the new barbed baseball bat, I'll be adding the ability to decapitate enemies with it as well as more granular filtering on what weapons can be used to score a decapitating headshot. An infobox is also getting added that'll tell you how many baggable/bagged loot items are currently sitting around on the map (never miss a deposit box of gold again!)

    Additionally, and most importantly, Overkill are now collaborating with us to ensure that HoxHud can be kept compatible with the base game ahead of any new updates whether they be to Payday 2 itself or HoxHud!

    SVORO --- ---
    SVORO: Kdo netuší WOCOGOU ;)

    Overkill’s the Walking Dead | Starbreeze
    SVORO --- ---
    OVERKILL's The Walking Dead Reveal Trailer
    JUDAS --- ---
    pokud nekdo nejste na Steamu, tak aby vam treba neutekla pekna sleva:

    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    Tak vcera sem se pokousel o achiev We Are All Professionals (In the GO Bank job, complete the heist without the alarm going off and without killing any civilians on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.) s loadoutem "saw`control freak`ghost" a musim rict, ze je to slusne frustrujici zalezitost ... zpetne me na tom nejvic sere, ze vicemene hned napoprvy sem to dal, akorat sem hned na zacatku omylem zabil managera (spletl jsem si strelbu s pokladanim), tudiz achiev nebyl .. pak uz jen frustrujici pokusy, kdy uz to skoro mate a v posledni chvily prijede GenSec ... ufff :o(
    PEPSSI --- ---
    stfu jude!!!
    NELLI --- ---
    SHASHA_KRASTY: umm...to se ptáš tý Pepssi, která se "omylem" infamnula, přestože měla přes celou obrazovku nápis "WARNING, this is an irreversible action"?
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    PEPSSI: ale ty preci umis cist, zeano? :o)))
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam