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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
    TOXYGEN --- ---
    VIRGO: planuje niekto ist?
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    Super-Massive And Supersonic: The First Black Hole Studied With The Sardinia Radio Telescope — English
    Using the brand-new Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT), a giant parabolic dish of 64 meters diameter, a team of astronomers from
    the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) and the University of Cagliari have produced a detailed image of a super-
    massive black hole proceeding at high speed towards the core of the distant cluster of galaxies designed as 3C 129

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    The outer edge of a star's habitable zone a hard place for life
    New research is showing a dramatically different scenario for planets at the outer edge of a star's habitable zone.
    That boundary is a dangerous place for life, exhibiting long ice ages with only short bursts of a temperate climate,
    a scenario that would be unfavorable to the development of complex animal-like life (Simpler forms of marine life
    may be possible though).

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    ALMA Observes First Protoplanetary Water Snow Line Thanks to Stellar Outburst
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    Poloha New Horizons k dnešnímu dni:

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    Stellar Outburst Brings Water Snow Line Into View | ESO United Kingdom
    The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has made the first ever resolved observation of a water snow line within a protoplanetary disc.
    This line marks where the temperature in the disc surrounding a young star drops sufficiently low for snow to form. A dramatic increase in the brightness
    of the young star V883 Orionis flash heated the inner portion of the disc, pushing the water snow line out to a far greater distance than is normal for
    a protostar, and making it possible to observe it for the first time. The results are published in the journal Nature on 14 July 2016.

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    A Preferred Home for Disrupted Stars
    Observed “burps” from the shredding of stars by supermassive black holes suggest that this behavior is more common in an unusual type
    of galaxy. A new study has examined NGC 3156, an example from this galaxy type, to better understand what causes this preference.

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    Hubblecast 93: Telescope Teamwork
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    Watch the difference of atmospheric pressure at the ALMA sites at 5000m and 2900m above sea level.

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    Enhancing astronomers’ ability to peer ever more deeply into the cosmos may hinge on developing larger space-based telescopes.
    A new concept in space telescope design makes use of a modular structure and an assembly robot to build an extremely large telescope
    in space, performing tasks in which astronaut fatigue would be a problem.

    The robotically assembled modular space telescope (RAMST) design is described by Nicolas Lee and his colleagues at the California
    Institute of Technology and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in an article published this week by SPIE, the international society for
    optics and photonics, in the Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems (JATIS).

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    Astronomers discover a highly inflated sub-Saturn extrasolar planet
    An international team of astronomers led by Joshua Pepper of the Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania,
    has detected an extremely inflated sub-Saturn exoplanet orbiting a bright subgiant star. The newly discovered
    alien world is one of the most inflated, least dense planets known to date. The findings were presented in
    a paper published July 6 on arXiv.org.

    The team used the Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT) to observe a bright subgiant star named HD 93396
    (KELT-11), which is located some 320 light years away. They were looking for transit signals indicating the presence
    of a planet circling this distant star. KELT was chosen for this job as it can observe stars generally brighter than
    those observed by other ground-based surveys.

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    New Yorkers line up for Manhattanhenge as sun sets in alignment with buildings | World | News | London Evening Standard

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    Solar Prominence taken by Greg McKay on July 11, 2016 @ Henderson, NV
    Solar Prominence

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    Milky Way’s bulge may have been formed by the galaxy buckling | New Scientist
    Many disc galaxies, including our own Milky Way, have a central bulge that resembles either a box or an unshelled peanut.
    This bulge may form when the circular orbits of stars become elongated, creating a “bar” of stars that runs through the centre
    and tilts out of the disc’s plane. The combined effect makes the once-flat galaxy look like it has buckled under enormous pressure.

    There’s just one problem – we’ve never seen this buckling occur. The whole process is thought to take a few hundred million years,
    so it’s not surprising that we haven’t caught it in action. But it does make the theory difficult to confirm.

    “It would be a bit tedious to wait for the whole thing,” says Peter Erwin of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
    in Garching, Germany.

    Now, Erwin and Victor Debattista of the University of Central Lancashire in Preston, UK, think they have spotted a couple of galaxies
    in mid-buckle. “It’s probably what the Milky Way looked like billions of years ago,” Erwin says.

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    DZEJDZEJ: Kam chcete tu almaru, pani Dymáková? :))

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    Eternal light, up for grabs | Harvard Gazette
    The Outer Space Treaty bars any nation — and by extension, corporation — from owning property on a celestial body,
    but a loophole in the pact may amount to the same thing, warns a Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) researcher.

    Martin Elvis, a senior astrophysicist at the CfA, says that provisions in the treaty allow nations to exploit resources, including
    through establishing research stations, and bar others from disrupting such endeavors. In some cases, this could amount to de facto
    ownership, Elvis said. As China and Japan plan moon landings, and corporate leaders eye their own space ventures, the loophole has
    gained in importance.
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    Deeper, Wider, Faster - Chasing the fastest transients in the Universe
    ATNF Daily Astronomy Picture

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