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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    A discussion with friend and NASA Frontier Development Lab Applied Research Accelerator colleague J.L. Galache,
    Astronomer at the Minor Planet Center at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. We're discussing asteroids.

    J.L. Galache - the Minor Planet Center at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
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    [ VIRGO @ Dobyvani vesmiru a kosmonautika ] 2. supeň ATLAS V pro OSIRIS-REx v KSC:

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    Sol 1420, kontrola vrtného zařízení

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    Animation visualising Rosetta’s two-year journey around Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko.

    The animation begins on 31 July 2014, during Rosetta’s final approach to the comet after its ten-year journey through space,
    and finishes at 9 August 2016, before the details of the end of mission orbits were known. A visualisation of the trajectories
    leading to the final descent to the surface of the comet on 30 September will be provided once available.

    Rosetta’s journey around the comet
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    Sol 1419 (03/08/16) kontrola přístrojů:

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    Technology and art collide in DMM.Planets Art, one of Japan's largest art exhibitions to-date.
    This crystal universe actually exists - CNN.com

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    Einstein and Schrodinger’s Pursuit of a Unified Field Theory
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    Vše nej Curiosity ke 4. narozeninám na Marsu! Od NASA dostala dárek: prodloužení mise o 2 roky.

    Seven Minutes of Terror: The Challenges of Getting to Mars
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    The Daily Minor Planet — Your Daily Dose of Asteroid Information
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    ScienceCasts: Strong Magnetic Fields Found Inside Stars
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    These are the 20 best places to search for alien life, say astronomers - ScienceAlert
    Astronomers have just released a list of the 20 best candidates we have for a 'second Earth', saying
    that if we want to find life beyond the Solar System, these are our absolute best shots (that we know of).

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    When the End is Just the Beginning: Exploring Cosmic Cycles
    By Paul Halpern

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    Quantum Harmonies: Modern Physics and Music, from Atomic Theory to Superstrings
    Quantum Harmonies: Modern Physics and Music - The Nature of Reality — The Nature of Reality | PBS
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    Schrödinger's grandson, Terry Rudolph, explains some of the mysteries of quantum physics.

    Quantum theory: it's unreal
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    The First Ones - One Universe at a Time

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    Kdo by si chtěl zajezdit po Marsu:
    Mars Rover | Gamee - One app, endless fun!
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    Animation of Kreutz comet in SOHO LASCO C3 imager on 4 August.

    Animation of Kreutz comet in SOHO C2 imager on 4 August.

    nimation of Kreutz comet in STEREO COR2 imager on 4 August.

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    The long road to LIGO | Science | AAAS
    The quest to build the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) was a story of ingenuity and persistence—and a decades-long scientific soap opera.
    In 1972, Rainer Weiss, a physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, described how a device called an interferometer could detect
    ripples in spacetime. But LIGO, two giant interferometers in Livingston, Louisiana, and Hanford, Washington, didn’t take data until 2002. It finally scored a discovery
    on 14 September 2015, after a 5-year, $205 million upgrade.

    The idea for LIGO gathered steam only after Kip Thorne, a theorist at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, took an interest, Weiss says. In
    the summer of 1975, the two attended a NASA workshop in Washington, D.C. Thorne had forgotten to book a hotel room, so Weiss took him in and the two talked all night.
    Thorne had doubted Weiss’s scheme and had even suggested in a textbook that it couldn’t work. Now, Weiss says, Thorne “flipped completely, saying what was in his book
    was wrong and becoming an advocate.”
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    An accurate method for spacecraft navigation takes a leap forward today as the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and the University of Leicester
    publish a paper that reveals a spacecraft’s position in space in the direction of a particular pulsar can be calculated autonomously, using a small
    X-ray telescope on board the craft, to an accuracy of 2km. The method uses X-rays emitted from pulsars, which can be used to work out the position
    of a craft in space in 3D to an accuracy of 30 km at the distance of Neptune. Pulsars are dead stars that emit radiation in the form of X-rays and
    other electromagnetic waves. For a certain type of pulsar, called ‘millisecond pulsars’, the pulses of radiation occur with the regularity and
    precision of an atomic clock and could be used much like GPS in space.
    VIRGO --- ---
    The cosmos may have rebounded from an earlier contraction and “big crunch” into a “big bang” that started it all over again
    Did the Universe Boot Up with a "Big Bounce?" - Scientific American
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