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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
    VIRGO --- ---
    Small gas cloud caught blowing a huge bubble in the Milky Way | New Scientist
    Halfway across the Milky Way, a gas cloud has punched a hole in the galaxy, leaving a blast wave and a gaping void 3000 light years across.

    Compared with our galaxy, this cloud, named CHVC040, is a lightweight: only 16,000 times the mass of the sun. It is moving at high velocity
    and should have disintegrated on impact with the galactic disc, according to simulations, so it’s a mystery how it created this hole.

    VIRGO --- ---
    New methodology provides better size estimates of meteorite impact craters
    Using newly developed methodology, planetary scientists from Western University have re-estimated the diameter of eight well-known impact
    craters on Earth. The journal Science Advances published an explanation of the new technique and the improved estimations today.
    VIRGO --- ---
    HADIAK: Pěkný!
    HADIAK --- ---
    nieco z vlastnej dielne; zapad Mesiaca, na moment aj s Jupiterom (nazaciatku vpravo dolu) a vedla Mesiaca malicka dvojhviezda Porrima a na konci sa vlavo objavi na momentik Spica.

    Zapad mesiaca
    VIRGO --- ---
    Astronomers offer a new bucket list for other worlds
    Lisa Kaltenegger, professor of astronomy and director of Cornell's Carl Sagan Institute, lead author Stephen Kane of San Francisco State University
    and other scientists have written "A Catalog of Kepler Habitable Zone Exoplanet Candidates," which will be published in a forthcoming Astrophysical
    Journal – listing more than two dozen possibly perfectly placed planets with potential to have liquid water or even life.
    Nearly 3,500 exoplanets have been found by NASA's Kepler mission – launched seven years ago to survey the Milky Way.
    "We're trying to make interstellar travel just a little bit easier," Kaltenegger quipped. "These exoplanets are the first ones we'd like to examine –
    with more to come – as every day we're finding more. These are the first few pages in our ever-expanding travel guide."
    VIRGO --- ---
    Rosetta celebrates 2 incredible years at comet 67P
    Space in Images - 2016 - 07 - Comet on 6 August 2016 – NavCam

    VIRGO --- ---
    Evidence mounts that neutrinos are the key to the universe's existence
    New experimental results show a difference in the way neutrinos and antineutrinos behave, which could explain why matter persists over antimatter.
    VIRGO --- ---
    Are the Aliens Trying to Extinguish an Entire Star? | Motherboard
    VIRGO --- ---
    When did the lights turn on in the universe? | Astronomy.com
    The universe lived through a prolonged "Dark Ages" until hydrogen reionized.
    Now, researchers are closer to figuring out when that happened.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Jupiter And Moon Conjunction – 6th August 2016
    Taken by Dennis Simmons on August 6, 2016 @ Brisbane, Qld, Australia

    VIRGO --- ---
    Minerals Hint at Liquid Groundwater, More Oxygen in Mars's Past - Eos
    Manganese deposits in Gale Crater fractures are similar to Earth features that usually require flowing water and highly oxidizing conditions.
    VIRGO --- ---
    The changing length of the shadow marks the passing of the seasons on Saturn. As the planet nears its northern-hemisphere solstice in May 2017, the shadow will
    get even shorter. At solstice, the shadow's edge will be about 45 000 kilometers from the planet's surface, barely making it past the middle of the B ring.

    APH --- ---
    ale chcel som sem hlavne dysonovu sferu znizujucu sa svietivost toby's star:
    We just got even weirder results about the 'alien megastructure' star - ScienceAlert
    APH --- ---
    VIRGO: americke predstavy boli viac technologicky sexi; ruske nejak vzdy viac smrdeli propagandou :] - mozno to bolo aj tym, ze zapadne futuristicke koncepty sa sem dostavali menej
    VIRGO --- ---
    China's lunar-based telescope observes a binary star system
    China's Chang'e-3 mission landed on the moon in December 2013 and deployed a lunar rover known as Yutu or Jade Rabbit;
    it also carried a robotic telescope designed to observe various celestial objects such as galaxies, active galactic nuclei,
    variable stars, binaries, novae, quasars and blazars in the near-ultraviolet band. The Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope
    (LUT) was recently used by a team of Chinese astronomers to observe a peculiar binary star designated V921 Her. Results of
    these observations are described in a paper published Aug. 1 on arXiv.org.

    The observed (open circles) and theoretical (solid line) light curve of V921 Her. Theoretical light
    curve without contaminated by the third light is plotted with dashed line. Credit: Zhou et al., 2016.

    VIRGO --- ---
    This galaxy, known as NGC 2337, resides 25 million light-years away in the constellation of Lynx. NGC 2337 is an irregular galaxy,
    meaning that it — along with a quarter of all galaxies in the Universe — lacks a distinct, regular appearance. The galaxy was discovered
    in 1877 by the French astronomer Édouard Stephan who, in the same year, discovered the galactic group Stephan’s Quintet (heic0910i).
    A lopsided lynx | ESA/Hubble

    VIRGO --- ---
    HOWKING: právě to mě zajímá, nakolik je ta křivka správná. Budu pozorovat i z pátku na sobotu, ale čtvrteční noc údajně nejlepší.
    HOCH2: Dík za info.
    HOCH2 --- ---
    VIRGO: Neco podobneho znam - Mam doma knizku Sest dnu na Lune, kde je popisovan tyden pobytu malych pionyru na mesici. Je tam plno propagandy a techto vizi budocnosti ve vesmiru. Velmi doporucuji pro to, abyste si udelali obrazek te doby.
    HOWKING --- ---
    VIRGO: Byl jsem dne s v noci v Beskydech a řekl bych, že 10 m/h už se konalo. Tak pokud je ta křivka dobře, mohlo by to být i "podhajpováno" :-)
    VIRGO --- ---
    Breaking News for sky aficionados: The Perseids of 2016 ... beyond the hype
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