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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
    VIRGO --- ---
    Asteroid Redirect Mission at Critical Juncture
    Three weeks after NASA completed a key milestone review of the Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM),
    the agency still has not officially announced the results. A NASA official indicated at a NASA
    Advisory Council (NAC) meeting that the review revealed cost growth, forcing a reexamination of
    its objectives versus the cost. An Obama Administration initiative, it is at a critical juncture
    as the House Appropriations Committee denied funding earlier this year and President Obama’s term
    in office comes to an end in just 5 months.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Commercial Space to Smash the Astronomy 'Funding Wall'?
    There's been much coverage of the more than $9 billion James Webb Space Telescope that will launch in 2018, to probe planetary atmospheres and to look
    back at the universe's beginnings. What will come next? Looking a bit ahead, the astronomy organization AURA suggests a "High Definition Space Telescope"
    to launch in 2035, an observatory double Webb's size. But how this would be paid for comes under scrutiny in a new report.

    Harvard astrophysicist Martin Elvis' new paper in Space Policy to try to solve what he calls the astronomy "funding wall." Our hunger for greater telescopes
    in X-ray emissions alone, he argues, has made the cost of this mission type increase 20 times in the past generation. (Yes, that's after adjusting for
    inflation.) Moreover, space missions often go over their budget before launch.


    VIRGO --- ---
    1967 solar storm nearly took US to brink of nuclear war
    A solar storm that jammed radar and radio communications at the height of the Cold War could have led to a disastrous
    military conflict if not for the U.S. Air Force’s budding efforts to monitor the sun’s activity, a new study finds.
    VIRGO --- ---
    Large aeolian ripples on Mars | Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
    Ripples cover the surfaces of sand dunes on Earth and Mars. On Earth, ripples formed in typical aeolian sand (e.g., 0.1 and 0.3 mm)
    range in wavelength between 10 and 15 cm and display a highly straight, two-dimensional crestline geometry. Ripples are thought to
    develop through a process dominated by the ballistic impacts of saltating sand grains in which wavelength selection occurs through
    the interplay of grain size, wind speed, the saltation trajectories of the sand grains, and ripple topography.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Rocks in Chile Help Scientists Hunt for Life on Mars - Eos
    Robots like Viking, Phoenix, and Curiosity have found indirect evidence of oxalate minerals on Mars. New techniques
    tested in the Chile’s Atacama Desert could help future Mars rovers analyze these minerals for possible by-products of life.

    Organic oxalates tie up carbon, creating carbon sinks that are extremely resistant to most physical and chemical weathering.
    On Earth, oxalates are primarily broken down by biological weathering; fungus and bacteria consume oxalate, recycling carbon
    back into the environment. But Mars’s carbon cycle is not as well understood. Developing better techniques to identify trace
    concentrations of oxalates may provide insights into the processes at play on the Red Planet.

    VIRGO --- ---
    NEBULA: No ahój! To je prima tě tu vidět. :)

    No jasně - špička Perseid se blíží, takže Murphyho zákony zase pracují s přesností švýcarek.
    Dnes se zatáhlo, navíc předpovědi nic moc, a to ještě o víkendu vypadaly tak dobře!
    Když jsem sem dnes házel ten návod na pozorování, hodně škodolibě jsem se pochechtával...
    Už z toho letos začíná být tradice - při rojích je zkrátka hnusně. Už si to koleduje o pranostiku.
    Třeba: "Na svatého Perseida - na obloze zmar a bída". (na "Persea" jsem nenašel rým...:D)
    NEBULA --- ---
    VIRGO: hmm :) tak to mám foto teda pěkně mimo :D
    VIRGO: nádhernej snímek!
    NEBULA --- ---
    No dobrý večer miláčkové, byla jsem nějakou dobu mimo signál a připojení, takže to chvíli potrvá než se zorientuju, nicméně nesu sem zprávu, že Perseidy lítaj :) včera teda totálka jasno, nádhera krása, čekala jsem až proletí a proletěl jeden nádhernej snad přes celý nebe :) asi tak přesně o půlnoci, a jasnost vzestupná, pak sestupná a zas vzestupná, zajímavé, uchvacující, no snad se nám to dnes vyprší a zítra bude zas viditelnost... :)
    DARKMOOR --- ---
    VIRGO: Pořád doufám, že pro změnu bude oblačnost mizivá :)
    VIRGO --- ---
    Ano, takhle to nejčastěji chodí... :-))

    VIRGO --- ---
    [1608.02013v1] The Thirteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-IV Survey MApping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory

    VIRGO --- ---
    Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument to Measure Light from 35M Cosmic Objects in Effort to Understand Expansion of the Universe
    DOE Approves Construction of 3-D Galaxy-mapping Project ‘DESI’ | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    A 3-D sky-mapping project that will measure the light of 35 million cosmic objects has received formal approval from the Department of Energy
    to move forward with construction. Installation of the project, called Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), is set to begin next year
    at the Mayall 4-meter telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory near Tucson, Arizona, with observations starting up in January 2019.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Looking down on the prime focus & primary mirror of the 200" Hale Telescope.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Tabby's star, alien megastructures, and Dyson spheres: This mysterious planet refuses to reveal its secrets — Quartz
    A flurry of studies published over the past year show that the more data scientists collect, the stranger the star’s tale becomes.
    Every attempt to rule out the alien-megastructure hypothesis is met with more data that stops it from being discarded.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Ultimate Gravitational Waves Demo
    VIRGO --- ---
    Asteroid Update - Jill Tarter from SETI Institute - August 2016

    VIRGO --- ---
    Comet Swift-Tuttle: The Icy Parent of the Perseid Meteor Shower
    The spectacular Perseid meteor shower, peaking Thursday night (Aug. 11–12), lights up Earth's sky every summer as
    Earth passes through the trail left by Comet Swift-Tuttle, a miles-wide behemoth that swings by Earth every 133 years.

    Swift-Tuttle, whose nucleus is 16 miles (26 kilometers) wide, is the largest solar system object to pass close to Earth
    repeatedly, NASA has said, and researchers once thought it was likely to hit Earth in 2126 — but the last time it passed
    Earth, in 1992, astronomers took more precise measurements and calculated that its next pass wouldn't be so dangerous
    after all.

    VIRGO --- ---
    The Kepler K2 Campaign 10 has suffered a couple of unexpected reductions to the intended science.
    Break in science collection during K2 Campaign 10 - Kepler & K2
    VIRGO --- ---
    The Wow! Signal Podcast: 3 Episode 8 - Ben Montet Makes a Star Weirder
    Host Paul Carr talks to astronomer Ben Montet,who has, with his colleague Joshua Simon,
    just published the result that Tabby's Star (KIC 8462852) dimmed considerably over the four
    year course of the Kepler Space Telescope prime mission.

    VIRGO --- ---
    New Technique Searches for Exomoons by the Light of Their Planets
    Bright, young planets that are still hot from their formation could shine some light on their moons,
    making the dim satellites easier for astronomers to spot using a newly developed technique.

    The new method suggests using the polarization of the light from the planet to find these small moons.
    Polarization light refers to light waves that are oriented in the same direction. For example, when
    sunlight reflects off the surface of the ocean, it tends to become polarized.

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