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    ztracené heslo?
    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
    TOXYGEN --- ---
    VIRGO: kde pozeras tu mapu oblakov? inak, ked su oblaky, treba pozerat v radiovom spektre :)

    Perseids SDR#
    VIRGO --- ---
    Watch Baby Macaques “Smile” In Their Sleep | Nature | Science | Australian Popular Science
    After spying on sleeping baby monkeys, scientists in Japan have determined that humans and chimpanzees are not the only primates to practice smiling in
    their sleep. Japanese macaques, a more distant relative, do it too. This pushes back the likely evolutionary origin of smiling, perhaps to 30 million years ago.

    Japanese macaque infants smile in their sleep ニホンザルの赤ちゃんにおける自発的微笑
    VIRGO --- ---
    Hope Valley Perseid Meteor Shower Timelapse - Bijou Creative
    VIRGO --- ---
    Neptune is visible in these days from the STEREO HI1-A view from the other side of the Sun.
    SECCHI Images

    VIRGO --- ---
    My sources say it's for real: Earth like planet discovered at Proxima Centauri
    New Nearby Earth-like Planet Discovered

    An Earth-like Planet Might Be Orbiting Proxima Centauri - D-brief
    VIRGO --- ---
    Mars Panorama - Curiosity rover: Martian solar day 1421

    VIRGO --- ---
    Meteors Encountering Earth's Atmosphere: A View From the International Space Station

    A Space-Based View of Meteor Showers : Image of the Day
    VIRGO --- ---
    Evening Landscape with Exomoons

    VIRGO --- ---
    Astronomers Are On A Celestial Treasure Hunt. The Prize? Planet Nine : NPR

    Nobody's actually seen the new planet. The reason astronomers think it's out there is the strange behavior of some
    smallish objects in the Kuiper Belt, a collection of celestial objects orbiting in the outer reaches of the solar system.

    "The seven most distant of these objects, when they go really far away, they all go in the same direction," says Mike Brown,
    professor of planetary astronomy at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech).

    That's one hint there's a planet tugging on them, but there are others. "They're all also tilted, compared to the planets in
    the solar system," says Brown. "They're tilted about 20 degrees, and they're all tilted in nearly exactly the same direction."

    There's a third oddity about these objects: They never come closer to the sun than Neptune, "as if they'd been pulled away from
    the sun by something," he says.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Dawn Of Time - One Universe at a Time
    Although the Sun seems ageless and never changing, it is a star like any other. It’s only a bit older than the Earth itself,
    and like every star it formed from the gas and dust of a stellar nursery. As we’ve come to understand stellar evolution, it
    has become clear that stars get warmer as they age. Billions of years ago, our Sun was about 70% as luminous as it is today.
    That means young Earth received less heat from the Sun than it does today. So much less heat that it wasn’t enough to sustain
    liquid water. But geologic evidence clearly shows that there were oceans of water in Earth’s youth.

    VIRGO --- ---
    To zas bude v konspiračních álejích nablito...

    Curio Sol 1421 - A strange outcrop on Mars, so rover used ChemCam as spyglass to zoom in. Very interesting!
    Original: http://mars.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/raw/?rawid=1421ML0070160130602223E01_DXXX&s=1421 Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

    VIRGO --- ---
    XCHAOS: No jo no... Mohl bych napsat román o tom, jak ze sebe uděláš blbce
    během 5min. prezentace, pokud nemáš data pořádně ověřena, ale naštěstí to víš, takže ušetřím čas :)

    Ono to zřejmě bude dřív. To co probíhalo v noci na webu, se dá přirovnat k manipulaci s nevybuchlou municí.
    A není se čemu divit. Pokud se to potvrdí, půjde o jeden z objevů dekády. Čímž se dostáváme z5 k tomu, proč ta opatrnost.
    Jinak samozřejmě sdílím faktor nedočkavosti na úrovni 10/10! :D
    XCHAOS --- ---
    VIRGO: European Southern Observatory (ESO) will announce the finding at the end of August. - kdo má tak dlouho čekat?
    APH --- ---
    VIRGO: tabby's star tl;dr naahodou by sa nenaslo ? ]
    VIRGO --- ---
    New, Nearby Earth-Like Planet Discovered
    The exoplanet orbits a star called Proxima Centauri that's 4.24 light-years away.
    VIRGO --- ---
    !! Čerstvý update.
    Frontiers in Artifact SETI: Waste Heat, Alien Megastructures & Tabbys Star - Jason Wright (ST 2016)
    VIRGO --- ---
    Amazing Backlit Saturn on August 8th, via Cassini raw data from Kevin M. Gill.
    Assembled from raw uncalibrated infrared and violet filtered images

    VIRGO --- ---
    OPUS Updates: New Horizons LORRI Calibrated Metadata for Pluto Cruise, Jupiter Encounter, and Post-Launch Checkout

    VIRGO --- ---
    Pro zajímavost, když už je ta meteorická sláva. Spirit a meteor na Marsu:

    Meteor Search by Spirit, Sol 643
    Catalog Page for PIA03613
    The panoramic cameras on NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers are about as sensitive as the human eye at night.
    The cameras can see the same bright stars that we can see from Earth, and the same patterns of constellations dot the night sky.
    Scientists on the rover team have been taking images of some of these bright stars as part of several different projects. One
    project is designed to try to capture "shooting stars," or meteors, in the Martian night sky. "Meteoroids" are small pieces of
    comets and asteroids that travel through space and eventually run into a planet.

    VIRGO --- ---
    90+ Perseid Meteors captured on Video August 11-12, 2016
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