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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Artificial black hole creates its own version of Hawking radiation : Nature News & Comment
    Result could be closest thing yet to an observation of the bizarre phenomenon.

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    Retirement of CCD Module 4 confirmed - Kepler & K2
    As reported in detail in the latest Kepler Mission Manager Update, additional spacecraft telemetry appears to confirm
    the loss of CCD Module 4 during K2's current Campaign 10.

    Module 4 is the third of the 21 science modules to have failed in-flight. Such hardware failures were foreseen in the
    initial mission planning, and the system design is robust and compartmentalized to minimize the impacts. After more
    than seven years in the harsh conditions of space, 85 percent of Kepler's original detectors are still operating.

    Campaign 10 science observations were interrupted between July 20 and August 3 as a result of the anomaly. Observations
    have since returned to normal and no further interruptions are expected.
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    Here's how the 2016 #Perseids compared to those in 2012. Preliminary analysis suggests up to 3-4x the normal rate.

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    An amazing view of a Perseid captured crossing Andromeda galaxy, by Fritz Helmut Hemmerich

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    Exoplanet Exploration: Planets Beyond our Solar System: Inventing the Future
    To find signs of life on distant worlds, scientists must stare across vast gulfs of space,
    seeking the firefly light of tiny planets amid the searchlight glare of their parent stars.

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    NAS Report Worries About Inadequate NASA Budget - NASA Watch

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    Earth-Like Planet Around Proxima Centauri Discovered
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    Kepler sees spinning stars in Pleiades
    Learning more about the spinning properties of stars could reveal more about how they form,
    evolve, and whether they are likely to host habitable planets.
    Kepler sees spinning stars in Pleiades | BBC Sky at Night Magazine

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    UCI physicists confirm possible discovery of fifth force of nature
    Light particle could be key to understanding dark matter in universe
    UCI physicists confirm possible discovery of fifth force of nature

    Recent findings indicating the possible discovery of a previously unknown subatomic particle may be evidence of a fifth fundamental force of
    nature, according to a paper published in the journal Physical Review Letters by theoretical physicists at the University of California, Irvine.
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    New Calculation Using Planck Satellite Data Updates the Size of Its Radius
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    HiRISE | Defrosting Polar Sand Dunes (PSP_007043_2650)

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    Mars Today from Curio Sol 1431 Left Navcam pictures mosaic. Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech

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    Stunning daylight planets by Tom Harradine on August 13, 2016 from Brisbane.

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    Specialized Life Forms Abound at Arctic Methane Seeps - Astrobiology Magazine

    “For the first time, we have documented that methane seepage clearly influences faunal communities on the bottom of the ocean
    in high Arctic areas around Svalbard Archipelago.” says CAGE PhD candidate Emmelie Åström who is the lead author of the study.

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    HOWKING --- ---
    to je i se spektrem :-)
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    Bright fireball spotted over central #Spain on August 15
    Fireball on 15 Aug. 2016 // Bola de fuego del 15 de agosto de 2016
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    It's all in the rotation: exploring planets orbiting distant stars
    With the discovery so far of more than 3,300 planets orbiting other stars, the challenge now is to learn more about these distant worlds.
    The mere act of discovering an exoplanet gives some information about its nature.
    With the two main planet detection techniques – the radial velocity and transit methods – we see a star wobbling or winking, periodically.

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    Astronomy and Space News - Astro Watch: Pulsar-Based Spacecraft Navigation System One Step Closer to Reality

    XNAV technology is currently in the early stages of development. In February 2017, NASA plans to launch the Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER)
    to the International Space Station (ISS) that will be hosted as an externally attached payload on the orbital laboratory. An enhancement to the NICER mission,
    the Station Explorer for X-ray Timing and Navigation Technology (SEXTANT) will perform the first space demonstration of pulsar-based navigation of spacecraft.

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    Krásný pohled na vrstvy sedimentů. Sol 1429, procesing: Kevin Gill

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