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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Researchers validate ancient astronomical structures
    University of Adelaide research has for the first time statistically proven that the earliest standing stone monuments of Britain,
    the great circles, were constructed specifically in line with the movements of the Sun and Moon, 5000 years ago.

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    Supernova Ejected from the Pages of History | NASA
    A new look at the debris from an exploded star in our galaxy has astronomers re-examining when the supernova actually happened.
    Recent observations of the supernova remnant called G11.2-0.3 with NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory have stripped away its connection
    to an event recorded by the Chinese in 386 CE.

    New Chandra data on G11.2-0.3 show that dense clouds of gas lie along the line of sight from the supernova remnant to Earth. Infrared
    observations with the Palomar 5-meter Hale Telescope had previously indicated that parts of the remnant were heavily obscured by dust.
    This means that the supernova responsible for this object would simply have appeared too faint to be seen with the naked eye in 386 CE.
    This leaves the nature of the observed 386 CE event a mystery.

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    Star snapped before and after nova explosion - BBC News

    Polish team has caught one in the act using a telescope in Chile.
    The observations, reported in Nature, were made as part of a long-running sky survey that was originally aimed at detecting dark matter.
    The consistent stream of images snapped for that project, the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment, allowed the researchers to go back
    and see what the star system looked like before the explosion brought it to their attention in May 2009.

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    Very bright fireball spotted over southern Spain on August 17
    Amazing fireball on August 17
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    HITS and Yale: Over the ocean, across the Universe – H-ITS
    Start of the HITS-Yale program in astrophysics – the collaboration comprises two
    postdoctoral fellowships as well as regular meetings in Heidelberg and New Haven

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    How did we fool ourselves into believing in a new particle that wasn’t there? — Starts With A Bang! — Medium
    The 750 GeV particle that the LHC thought it saw? A sham. And we all should have known.
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    This A.I. Program Can Identify Billions Of Stars | Popular Science
    The researchers from the University of Illinois have created a star-galaxy classification framework that utilizes
    neural networks for all the heavy lifting.

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    Nine new open clusters found in the Sun's neighborhood

    Astronomers from Heidelberg University in Germany and the Observatory of Strasbourg in France have detected nine new open star clusters
    within 1,500 light years from the sun. The discovery, presented in a paper published Aug. 9 on arXiv.org, improves our knowledge of star
    cluster population in the vicinity of our solar system.

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    Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)
    Taken by Jim Fakatselis on August 15, 2016 @ Peppermill Skies Observatory, Huntington, NY

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    ISS Expedition 51 poster approved today. :)

    HOWKING --- ---
    VIRGO: co je to za materiál, že láme světlo naopak? Vakuovaný hranol? :-)
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    The top of each large volcano has a caldera, formed by a collapse or series of collapses that occurred
    above magma chambers emptied by eruptions elsewhere on the volcano. The Olympus Mons summit displays
    a series of nested collapses. The upper sub-Caldera is quite young (from a crater count age).

    Mars Express, High Resolution Stereo Camera

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    “Kitchen Smoke” Molecules in Nebula Offer Clues to the Building Blocks of Life
    Using data collected by NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) and other observatories,
    an international team of researchers has studied how a particular type of organic molecules, the raw materials for life –
    could develop in space. This information could help scientists better understand how life could have developed on Earth.

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    An ancient Mayan Copernicus
    For more than 120 years the Venus Table of the Dresden Codex—an ancient Mayan book containing astronomical data—has been of great interest
    to scholars around the world. The accuracy of its observations, especially the calculation of a kind of 'leap year' in the Mayan Calendar,
    was deemed an impressive curiosity used primarily for astrology.

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    Star trails over Gemini North as captured by Gemini’s Joy Pollard from the catwalk of the University of Hawaii’s 88-inch telescope on Maunakea.

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    A picture of every extraterrestrial body that robots from mankind have landed on and photographed

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    3D Interactive Asteroid Space Visualization - Asterank

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    World's First Quantum Satellite Launched in China

    China Launches World's First Quantum Satellite
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    Giant planet and brown dwarf discovered in a close binary system HD 87646

    An international team of astronomers reports the discovery of a giant planet and a brown dwarf in a close binary system designated HD 87646.
    The findings, described in a paper published Aug. 11 on arXiv.org, reveal that HD 87646 is the first close binary system with more than one
    substellar circum-primary companion known to date.

    HD 87646, located around 240 light years away, is a bright G-type star with a fainter K-type stellar companion. The primary star in the system,
    HD 87646A, is about 12 percent more massive than the sun and has a radius of about 1.55 solar radii. The system has a separation of only 22 AU
    between the two stars.

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