A New Chapter In History: LHC To Reveal Possible Parallel Universe Next Week
Despite critics all over the world, earth has not yet been sucked into a black hole or another dimension for that matter.
In reality the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN centre in Geneva, Switzerland has produced spectacular results instead.
First scientists proved the existence of the elusive Higgs boson ‘God particle’ and they’re seemingly well on the way to
nailing ‘dark matter’ also. But all of it pales in comparison to next week’s experiment.
Fired up to its highest energy level possible, the LHC might possibly create even miniature black holes. If the parallel
universe springs into existence it will not only be outside of our own, but it could also be filled with some of our gravity.
This will surely lead to another red alert aboard the USS LHC Critics (may be even rightfully so).
However, if successful CERN’s LHC will not only remain intact, but will open up a new chapter in history, eventually rewriting
physics and philosophy books altogether.