Can one cosmic enigma help solve another? Astrophysicists argue fast radio bursts could provide clues to dark matter
Astrophysicists from the Johns Hopkins University have proposed a clever new way of shedding light on the mystery of dark matter, believed
to make up most of the universe. The irony is they want to try to pin down the nature of this unexplained phenomenon by using another,
an obscure cosmic emanation known as "fast radio bursts."
In a paper published online by the journal Physical Review Letters the team of astrophysicists argues that these extremely bright and brief
flashes of radio-frequency radiation can provide clues about whether a particular kind of ancient black hole is what makes up dark matter.
Julian Munoz, a Johns Hopkins graduate student and the paper's lead author, said fast radio bursts, or FRBs, provide a direct and specific
way of detecting black holes of a specific mass, which are the suspect dark matter.