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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Day 2 of the 11th International LISA Symposium

    The second day of the LISA Symposium in Zurich, Switzerland, began earlier today at 9 am CEST. The morning session features,
    the Virgo GW detector, stellar population models, 3rd generation GW detectors, Cosmology with LISA, and other space interferometry
    missions. Tune in at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUVXwyKNuqo

    LISA Symposium XI @UZH, Zurich Live Stream

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    These are the few limits on our ability to know.
    Cosmological Inflation and Other Limits To Our Knowledge of the Universe
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    Proxima b, where did it come from? | PALE RED DOT
    The recent discovery of Proxima b has not only excited much of the public, but also scores of scientists who are attempting to explain its many different aspects.
    At the time of writing, there are already 8 papers discussing a wide variety of topics concerning Proxima b: ranging from its potential habitability and the impact
    of flares, to how to characterise the planet’s atmosphere with NASA’s new James Webb Space Telescope. Whilst these pieces of work are important in looking at the
    present state of the planet, (well the state of the planet 4.25 years ago) one important question from its past needs to be answered. How did it form and evolve into
    the planet that is detected today? Knowing how and where it formed can give valuable insights into its composition and atmospheric properties, whilst understanding
    its evolution can give hints at to what else, if anything, should be expected to be discovered orbiting Proxima Centauri. But before we examine the specific case
    of Proxima b, it is useful to understand just what planets form from and how they do it in a very general case.

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    Genesis Project: Should We 'Gift' the Cosmos With Life?
    Some exoplanets are only considered habitable for short periods of time, should we give life on these worlds an evolutionary helping hand?
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    Earth's carbon points to planetary smashup
    Research by Rice University Earth scientists suggests that virtually all of Earth's life-giving carbon could have
    come from a collision about 4.4 billion years ago between Earth and an embryonic planet similar to Mercury.

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    One trace of dark matter vanishes
    A mysterious X-ray signal most likely originates from sulfur ions which capture electrons
    Mysterious X-ray signal does not originate from dark matter | Max Planck Society
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    Zooming Philae on vine.co by Matt Taylor
    Watch Matt Taylor's Vine "@philae2014 @esa_rosetta #IGotchaBack @therealGZA @rosetta_OSIRIS"
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    New exoplanet think tank will ask the big questions about extra-terrestrial worlds
    An international exoplanet ‘think tank’ is meeting this week in Cambridge to deliberate on the ten most important questions
    that humanity could answer in the next decade about planets outside our solar system.

    New exoplanet think tank will ask the big questions about extra-terrestrial worlds | University of Cambridge

    Kavli ExoFrontiers 2016 Symposium | Institute of Astronomy
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    OSIRIS-REx flight profile that will start the spacecraft's journey to asteroid Bennu:

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    NASA’s New Horizons Spacecraft Spies a Kuiper Belt Companion. Space News.

    NASA’s Juno spacecraft has sent back the first-ever images of Jupiter. Space News.
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    11th International LISA Symposium
    Starting today in Zurich, Switzerland, LISA and LISA Pathfinder scientists are meeting to discuss first results from LISA Pathfinder,
    further development of LISA, ground based gravitational wave detectors, and precision tests of General Relativity.

    Follow the meeting live at:
    Relativity UZH Live Stream

    More information on the program of the conference at:

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    First gravitational waves form after 10 million years
    If two galaxies collide, the merging of their central black holes triggers gravitational waves, which ripple throughout space.
    An international research team involving the University of Zurich has now calculated that this occurs around 10 million years
    after the two galaxies merge – much faster than previously assumed.

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    Our galactic neighborhood | symmetry magazine
    What can our cosmic neighbors tell us about dark matter and the early universe?

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    "Venus is too hot, Mars is too cold, and Earth is just right," says planetary scientist Dave Brain. But why?
    In this pleasantly humorous talk, Brain explores the fascinating science behind what it takes for a planet
    to host life — and why humanity may just be in the right place at the right time when it comes to the timeline
    of life-sustaining planets.

    What a planet needs to sustain life | Dave Brain
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    Back Alley Astronomy: The Perils of Proxima
    Just as newsworthy is Proxima b likely temperature. Even though Proxima b has an orbital period of only 11.2 days and a semimajor axis
    of only 0.049 astronomical units (AU), its host star is so dim that the planet receives just 65% of the irradiance that bathes Earth.
    This results in a blackbody equilibrium temperature (Teq) of 235 Kelvin (K) – which is actually cooler than Earth’s Teq of 255 K, and
    a bit warmer than that of Mars, at 210 K. Proxima b is located squarely in its system’s habitable zone.

    Anglada-Escude and colleagues were unable to determine the eccentricity of the new planet’s orbit, offering only an upper limit of 0.35.
    This is a notable gap in our understanding of the overall system architecture. Nevertheless, the discovery team collected data suggesting
    a possible second planet orbiting Proxima Centauri with an orbital period longer than 100 days. This result meets expectations, given
    abundant evidence that small planets like Earth and Proxima b often have companions of similar mass.
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