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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Úžasný pán..

    Today asteroid 345842 Alexparker is at its closest to Earth at 1.5027 AU!
    It won't be this close again until 2038.

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    VIRGO: Image of asteroid 2016 RB1 just before close approach

    Remanzacco Observatory - Comets & Neo: Close Approach of Asteroid 2016 RB1

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    Through the looking glass: a look down a TESS camera barrel at MIT Lincoln Laboratory:

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    The dark ages of the universe were nearing their end 700 million years after the Big Bang, which is 150 million years later than previous measurements indicated.
    That is the conclusion according to astronomers who have analysed data from the European Space Agency's Planck spacecraft. The research provides important
    information about when the first stars and galaxies formed in the early universe.

    The first billion years of cosmic history are shrouded in mystery. This shroud began to lift when ultraviolet light from the first stars and galaxies ionized
    the fog of neutral hydrogen gas that filled the universe. This time period is known as the epoch of reionization and was more or less complete about 12.9 billion
    years ago, or about 900 million years after the Big Bang. However, exactly when reionization began has long been a source of debate amongst astronomers.
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    Massive holes 'punched' through a trail of stars likely caused by dark matter
    The discovery of two massive holes punched through a stream of stars could help answer
    questions about the nature of dark matter, the mysterious substance holding galaxies together.

    Researchers have detected two massive holes which have been 'punched' through a stream of stars just outside the Milky Way,
    and found that they were likely caused by clumps of dark matter, the invisible substance which holds galaxies together and
    makes up a quarter of all matter and energy in the universe.

    The scientists, from the University of Cambridge, found the holes by studying the distribution of stars in the Milky Way.
    While the clumps of dark matter that likely made the holes are gigantic in comparison to our Solar System – with a mass between
    one million and 100 million times that of the Sun – they are actually the tiniest clumps of dark matter detected to date.

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    Astronomers Discover Rare Fossil Relic of Early Milky Way | ESO
    Using ESO’s Very Large Telescope and other telescopes a fossilised remnant of the early Milky Way harbouring stars of hugely different ages has been
    revealed by an international team of astronomers. This stellar system resembles a globular cluster, but is like no other cluster known. It contains
    stars remarkably similar to the most ancient stars in the Milky Way and bridges the gap in understanding between our galaxy’s past and its present.

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    The search for alien life is getting bigger, weirder and more contentious

    Weird Star System Scientist Have Been Checking For Aliens Just Got Weirder
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    Record-holding US astronaut and two Russians return to Earth
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    Video: Atlas/OSIRIS-REx pre-launch and mission science press briefings – Spaceflight Now

    Pre-Launch Briefing for NASAs Asteroid Sample Return Mission - OSIRIS-REx
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    Space in Images - 2016 - 09 - Hubble views a cosmic oyster and pearl in NGC 1501
    The world is your oyster, as the expression goes – and the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, with its advanced instruments
    and favourable location in orbit above Earth’s atmosphere, has far more of the Universe to explore than most.

    This image was captured using Hubble’s Wide Field Planetary Camera 2, the camera responsible for many of the telescope’s most beautiful images.
    It shows the appropriately nicknamed Oyster Nebula (more formally known as NGC 1501), a candescent cloud some 5000 light-years away from Earth
    in the constellation of Camelopardalis.

    The Oyster Nebula is a type of cosmic object that is essentially a giant cloud of dust and electrically charged gases. Nebulas are often made
    to glow, as seen here, by the radiation from a nearby star. In the case of the Oyster Nebula, that star can be seen as a yellow–orange dot at
    the centre of the turquoise cloud, resembling the oyster’s precious pearl.

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    Good morning from Kennedy! We are one day away (two for us in mid Europe) from the exciting launch of
    the OSIRIS-REx Sample Return Mission. The launch is targeted for 7:05 p.m. EDT / 11:05 PM GMT / 01:05 AM CEST

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    Dnes v podvečer to bude celkem o fous...

    Newly discovered asteroid 2016 RB1 will make a very close flyby of Earth on September 7, 2016, passing at 0.1 LD (38 400 km) from the surface of our planet.
    The size of 2016 RB1, based on absolute magnitude, is estimated to be between 7.3 and 16 m. For comparison, this is about half the size of the asteroid that
    exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia in February 2013, injuring over 1 000 people.
    At the moment of its closest approach, around 17:12 UTC today, 2016 RB1 is expected to flyby Earth at a relative speed of 8.1 km/s. The orbit uncertainty
    estimate for this object is 8 (on a scale of 0 - 9), highly uncertain.
    This Aten class asteroid was first observed by Mt. Lemmon Survey on September 5, 2016.

    Near-Earth Asteroid 2016 RB1 exceptionally close encounter: an image and movie (06 Sept. 2016)
    Asteroid 2016 RB1 to flyby Earth at 0.1 LD on September 7, 2016

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    Sol 1450, Mastcam 100. O5 neskutečná práce pozemního personálu..

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    Evidence of Planet 9 --"May Already Exist" - The Daily Galaxy --Great Discoveries Channel

    Actually, it’s quite possible that the planet has already been in some way imaged,” says Scott Sheppard of the Carnegie Institute. “That happened with Uranus,
    Neptune and Pluto — they were observed but not understood before they were actually detected. Who knows, proof of Planet X {or Planet 9} may already exist in
    some observatory archive.”
    Scott Shepard’s team has been se arching for proof of Planet 9 using the Dark Energy Camera on the 4-meter Blanco telescope at the Cerro Tollolo Inter-American
    Observatory in the southern Atacama region of Chile (below) . They have also collected data on distant solar system objects with the Japanese Hyper Surpime
    Camera on the 8-meter Subaru telescope in Hawaii. (National Optical Astronomical Observatory)

    Shepard is considering an alternative theory that involves a Planet 9 exoplanet that had been been kicked out of another nearby solar system that formed in
    the general vicinity of ours. Such things are known to happen.

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    Colliding Black Holes Tell New Story of Stars | Quanta Magazine
    Just months after their discovery, gravitational waves coming from the mergers of black holes are shaking up astrophysics.

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    Detailed age map shows how Milky Way came together
    Using colors to identify the approximate ages of more than 130,000 stars in the Milky Way's halo,
    Notre Dame astronomers have produced the clearest picture yet of how the galaxy formed more than 13.5 billion years ago.

    Astrophysicist Daniela Carollo, research assistant professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Notre Dame, and Timothy Beers,
    Notre Dame Chair of Astrophysics, along with research assistant professor Vinicius Placco and their colleagues published their findings in Nature
    Physics, including a chronographic (age) map that supports a hierarchical model of galaxy formation. That model, developed by theoreticians over
    the past few decades, suggests that the Milky Way formed by merging and accretion of small mini-halos containing stars and gas, and that the oldest
    of the Milky Way's stars are at the center of the galaxy and younger stars and galaxies merged with the Milky Way, drawn in by gravity over billions
    of years.

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    To Bennu and Back

    Philae is found! Rosetta Spacecraft finds its companion on Comet 67p
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    A Tale Etched in Time | astrobites
    In the 1840s, a star in the constellation Carina decided to put on a big show. Ejecting 10-15 times the mass of the sun, it grew brighter and brighter,
    becoming, for a time, the second brightest star in the sky. It was noted around the world and the Boorong Aboriginal people of Australia even incoporated
    it into their oral legends. This star, Eta Carinae, is a luminous blue variable (LBV), class of stars that have run out of hydrogen in their cores and
    are known to be very large and prone to losing mass in explosive events. Eta Carinae, however, isn’t your ordinary LBV – it is much brighter than most
    LBVs and no one really knows how it ejected so much mass during the Great Eruption of 1840.

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    A Search for Stellar-Mass Black Holes via Astrometric Microlensing

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