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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Rád bych do toho šel, a vím, že jednoho zdejšího ID se to přímo týká.
    Bohužel jsem zapomněl, kterého. Pokud to tu bude číst, prosím, aby mi písnul do pošty. Díky.

    Podpořte "Planetární stezka údolím Vltavy" na Startovači - Projekty | Startovač

    planetarni stezka2final
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    OSIRIS-REx – Day 2 in Space | dslauretta

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    Osiris-REx transmissionr at the ATA this morning via Jon Richards.
    SETI Observing at the Allen Telescope Array

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    Meet LUCA: Scientists Discover the Common Ancestor to All Life on Earth | Big Think
    Scientists may have identified the ancestor that started all life and where it lived.
    We are talking about LUCA, the Last Universal Common Ancestor, also known as the “microbial Eve”.

    This is the organism from which all modern cells descended which likely lived underwater
    in hydrothermal vents, an area where seawater and magma come together on the ocean floor.

    As the researchers say in their paper in “Nature Microbiology” -

    “The concept of a last universal common ancestor of all cells (LUCA, or the progenote)
    is central to the study of early evolution and life's origin, yet information about
    how and where LUCA lived is lacking.”
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    EWAO Bacteria found in Otzi the iceman could turn the Out of Africa theory on its head, changing history forever
    According to scholars, The ‘Out of Africa’ theory sustains that the main migration from Africa occurred
    around 65,000 years ago, something that could prove to be inaccurate according to newest findings.
    VIRGO --- ---
    Rosetta's descent towards region of active pits
    Squeezing out unique scientific observations until the very end, Rosetta's thrilling mission
    will culminate with a descent on 30 September towards a region of active pits on the comet's 'head'.
    The region, known as Ma'at, lies on the smaller of the two lobes of Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko.
    It is home to several active pits more than 100 m in diameter and 50–60 m in depth – where a number
    of the comet's dust jets originate.

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    Atlas V OSIRIS-REx Rocket Cam
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    Ještě jednou o projektu Genesis:
    Q&A: Should we seed life on alien worlds? | Science | AAAS
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    VIRGO: velkej lajk :)
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    This Telescope Will Probe Alien Atmospheres
    A group of astronomers now hope to fill this gap in our knowledge. They are raising money for a nearly $4 million project called the Polarized Light from Atmospheres of
    Nearby ExtraTerrestrial Systems (PLANETS) telescope. If funding, site approvals and construction all line up, they hope to have the 1.85-meter telescope ready by mid-2018.

    The ultimate goal is to create a $600-million Colossus telescope with 60 independent off-axis 8 meter telescopes, all in a single structure, but that's down the road.
    First things first: the PLANETS telescope has less than a million dollars of funding to go before construction can begin.

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    Rosetta’s descent towards region of active pits / Rosetta / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA
    Squeezing out unique scientific observations until the very end, Rosetta’s thrilling mission will culminate with a descent
    on 30 September towards a region of active pits on the comet’s ‘head’.

    The region, known as Ma’at, lies on the smaller of the two lobes of Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. It is home to several
    active pits more than 100 m in diameter and 50–60 m in depth – where a number of the comet’s dust jets originate.

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    Cosmic Neutrinos Detected, Confirming The Big Bang's Last Great Prediction

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    Call for Media: Rosetta’s grand finale / Rosetta / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA
    Rosetta is set to complete its mission in a controlled descent to the surface of its comet on 30 September.

    Members of the media are invited to join Rosetta science and mission control experts at the ESA’s European
    Space Operations Centre (ESOC) in Darmstadt, Germany, on 29 and 30 September, to follow the conclusion of
    this historic mission.

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    Asteroid 2016 RB1 grazed Earth on 7 September. About the size of a cottage, the asteroid flew past our planet at an altitude of 34 000 km,
    roughly the same as the altitude of geostationary satellites. Yet it posed no hazard neither to our planet nor to spacecraft. It was
    discovered only 24 hours before closest approach, highlighting the need for us humans to keep an eye on our Solar System!
    ESA - European Space Agency

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    Massive CME*
    Taken by Neo on September 6, 2016 @ Netherlands
    Massive CME

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    Gigantic Jet
    Taken by Kevin Palivec on September 7, 2016 @ Hawley, Tx

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