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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Cassini: Mission to Saturn: Cassini's Final Orbits
    This animation, from Cassini's navigation team, shows the spacecraft's final orbits in 2016 and 2017.

    The green-colored orbits already visible at the beginning of the video represent the F-ring orbits, which Cassini will complete between
    November 2016 and April 2017. During this set of 20 orbits, the spacecraft approaches to just outside the edge of Saturn's main rings.

    The blue-colored orbits represent the Grand Finale orbits, which take place between April and September 2017, leading to Cassini's end-
    of-mission plunge into Saturn's atmosphere on Sept. 15.

    An animated chart at lower right illustrates how the distance of Cassini's point of closest approach to Saturn changes changes several
    times over the course of the Grand Finale. The orange circle represents the orbit of Saturn's moon Titan.

    Cassini's Final Orbits
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    The Sixth Mass Extinction Will Be Like Nothing In Earth's History
    The sixth mass extinction—the one that seven billion humans are doing their darnedest to trigger at this very moment—is shaping up
    to be like nothing our planet has ever seen. That’s the conclusion of a sweeping new analysis, which compared marine fossil records
    from Earth’s five previous mass extinction events to what’s happening in the oceans right now.
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    Know thy star, know thy planet

    When it comes to exoplanets, astronomers have realized that they only know the properties of the planets they discover
    as well as they know the properties of the stars being orbited. For a planet's size, precisely characterizing the host
    star can mean the difference in our understanding of whether a distant world is small like Earth or huge like Jupiter.

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    Ancient meteorite impact crater lies under Scotland - BBC News

    The only meteorite impact crater to be discovered anywhere in Britain
    or Ireland lies beneath a large area of Scotland, a scientist has suggested.

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    Discovering the unknown: the world's largest radio telescope
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    Nice weather at Canberra DSS 43 station tracking Voyager 1 and uplinking a modest 18kw.
    The probe is 18 hrs 52 mins 55 secs of light-travel time from Earth.

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    It still remains unclear how Plate Tectonics started on Earth.
    How did plate tectonics start on Earth? | Geology Page
    An international research team combining modeling experts from the ETH Zürich, the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences,
    and geologists from the University of Texas and Korea University in Seoul have proposed an answer to this question in a recent
    publication in the journal Nature. Based on advanced high-resolution numerical modeling and geological observations they
    demonstrate that a hot mantle plume rising to the lithosphere from the deep mantle might have broken the intact outer shell of
    the early Earth and induced the first large-scale sinking of lithospheric plates, a key process of Plate Tectonics called subduction.

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    Asteroid assault on early planets was more like a gentle massage | New Scientist
    A proposed period of intense asteroid and comet strikes on the inner solar system might be a fiction. Simulations
    suggest that the purported spike in impacts about 3.9 billion years ago could merely be an artefact of limited samples.

    “It’s been an overly simplistic interpretation of complicated data that leads to this illusion,” says Mark Harrison at
    the University of California, Los Angeles.
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    Pluto ‘Paints’ its Largest Moon Red

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    Titan's northern lakes, August 3, 2016
    A portrait of Titan using images taken through several infrared filters (left) processed into "pseudocolor" (right) reveals
    its northern lakes region receiving summer sun. Kraken Mare, on the south, has crisper edges; Ligeia Mare, to the upper right,
    has fuzzier edges. To the south of the lakes, near the bottom of the disk, are the Senkyo and Belet sand dune regions.

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    New discovery shatters previous beliefs about Earth’s origin -- ScienceDaily
    A new study demonstrates that the Earth and other planetary objects formed in the early years of the Solar System
    share similar chemical origins -- a finding at odds with accepted wisdom held by scientists for decades.

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    That's No Comet; That's Pluto! Comet-Like Tail And X-Rays Discovered At Solar System's Edge

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    The 1.5m wide Gaia Antenna Panel, which contains the satellite's Phased Array Antenna,
    is seen here inside the Antenna Test Facility at EADS CASA test facility in Madrid.
    ESA Science & Technology: Gaia Antenna Support Panel

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    Astronomers shed light on different galaxy types

    In research published today, Australian scientists have taken a critical step towards understanding why different types of galaxies exist throughout the Universe.
    The research, made possible by cutting-edge AAO instrumentation, means that astronomers can now classify galaxies according to their physical properties rather
    than human interpretation of a galaxy's appearance. For the past 200 years, telescopes have been capable of observing galaxies beyond our own galaxy, the Milky Way.
    Only a few were visible to begin with but as telescopes became more powerful, more galaxies were discovered, making it crucial for astronomers to come up with a way
    to consistently group different types of galaxies together.

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    Pluto stellar occultation
    Gaia > iow_20160914
    On 19 July 2016, Pluto passed in front of the faint star UCAC4 345-180315, offering a rare chance
    to study the atmosphere of the dwarf planet as the star gradually disappeared and then reappeared behind Pluto.

    This stellar occultation was only visible from a narrow strip stretching across Europe, similar to the totality path that a solar eclipse
    lays down on our planet’s surface. Precise knowledge of the star's position was crucial to correctly compute where on Earth the event was
    visible, so the exceptional early release of the Gaia position for this star, which was ten times more precise than previously known, was
    instrumental to the successful monitoring of this rare event.

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    HD 30963 is a chemically peculiar star, study finds

    New research conducted by a team of astronomers from the Paris Observatory in Meudon, France and the Notre Dame University –
    Louaize in Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon, reveals that a B-type main-sequence star designated HD 30963 has unusual metal overabundances.
    The findings were presented in a paper published Sept. 12 on the arXiv pre-print paper.

    HD 30963 was classified by previous studies as a B9 III superficially normal star; however, the new research showing abnormal metal
    abundances, including overabundances of mercury (Hg) and manganese (Mn), indicates that the star should be reclassified as a B9 HgMn star.

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    ALMA Spots Possible Formation Site of Icy Giant Planet - News & Columns - ALMA NAOJ
    Astronomers found signs of a growing planet around TW Hydra, a nearby young star, using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA).
    Based on the distance from the central star and the distribution of tiny dust grains, the baby planet is thought to be an icy giant, similar to
    Uranus and Neptune in our Solar System. This result is another step towards understanding the origins of various types of planets.

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    Summary of the astrometric, photometric, and survey properties

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