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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
    VIRGO --- ---
    HADIAK: Armageddon :)

    Výborná fotka! Silná atmoška. Tady leje jak z konve, tak to na mně působí fakt naléhavě. Super! :)
    HADIAK --- ---
    mraky... nad horizontom menej (kde ich nechcem), tak uvidime ako to vide;

    VIRGO --- ---
    Rekordní doba trvání blesku: 7.74 s. (Horiz. dráha cca 200 km, foto je ilustrační)
    France strikes with longest-lasting lightning bolt

    HOWKING --- ---
    VIRGO: Líbilo by se mi, kdyby se mu tam ta oblačnost měnila tak jak šla. WinJupos je podvod!!!! :-D
    VIRGO --- ---
    HOWKING: No vždyť udává rozsah 12 nocí. :)
    HOWKING --- ---
    HADIAK: Je podivné, že se mu tam nemění oblačnost - takový kus rotace za jednu noc nenasnímáš. (WinJupos - mě je to jasný)
    VIRGO --- ---
    HADIAK: No jo, ty jsi na tom polohově ještě lépe! :) Pak dej vědět, jak to dopadlo.
    HADIAK --- ---
    VIRGO: ano, tiez som zvedavy ako sa to vyvinie do zapadu mesiaca :/
    VIRGO --- ---
    HADIAK: No jo, Damián... :)
    VIRGO --- ---
    Já dnes zažil penumbrální ostudu... :)
    Po +/- 14 dnech krásnýho počasí se před dnešním divadlem zatáhlo, od 20. h už nepokrytě pršelo.
    HOWKING to naštěstí chytnul pár set km východně, ale prý taky o fous.

    [ HOWKING @ Astronomie, Astrofyzika, atd. (pouze vedecky). ]
    HADIAK --- ---
    Made from images taken between June 4th - 18th, 2016. 356mm reflector with ASI290 camera.

    Mars opposition 2016
    VIRGO --- ---
    New Theory of the Higgs Boson Could Explain Why Gravity Is So Weak

    Something is seriously wrong with gravity, and nobody's quite sure why. The problem is that gravity is too weak.

    A group of physicists who have developed an alternative theory to explain gravity. Their theory involves decaying particles and the Higgs boson. The Higgs
    boson, discovered in 2012, is thought to be directly correlated to the strength of gravity. The more mass in the Higgs boson, the stronger gravity would
    be for all matter in the universe. So essentially, the question "Why is gravity so weak?" is the same as, "Why doesn't the Higgs boson have more mass?"

    The new theory attempts to answer that question by arguing that after the Big Bang, a bunch of different Higgs bosons were created, each with a different
    mass. The Higgs bosons with large masses were unstable, so they decayed and broke apart into smaller Higgs bosons.
    VIRGO --- ---
    Karl Battams odpoledne nahodil dnešní snímek SOHO/LASCO s Jupiterem (vlevo) a Merkurem
    (nejjasnější bod vpravo dole cca na 4 hodinách). Ale před chvilkou to někdo doplnil o
    dráhové schéma. Moc zajímavé! (asynchronní skládanka)

    VIRGO --- ---
    Chondrite meteorites contain a puzzling mismatch in isotopic composition with Earth's crust.
    The mismatch puzzles scientists because they long believed that Earth formed from planetary
    objects similar to meteorites. A new paper explains how this mismatch could have come about.
    VIRGO --- ---

    Saturn’s rings might have formed when it ate a rotating icy rock that passed too close. This scenario could explain why Saturn’s rings
    are made of different stuff from those of other gas giants.

    Existing theories assume that rings form when objects such as asteroids or comets are pulverised by the gravity of a planet like Saturn.
    But they fail to explain why Saturn’s rings are mostly water ice, while other gas giants’ are rocky, says Ryuki Hyodo at Kobe University in Japan.
    VIRGO --- ---
    Zooming in on the unusual active galaxy Markarian 1018
    VIRGO --- ---
    Kate je prostě úžasná! :)

    NASA Astronaut Wears Spacesuit Painted By Kids With Cancer – Houston Public Media

    VIRGO --- ---
    Origin of minor planets’ rings revealed | Kobe University

    A team of researchers has clarified the origin of the rings recently discovered around two minor planets known as centaurs, and their results
    suggest the existence of rings around other centaurs. These findings were published on August 29 in Astrophysical Journal Letters, and
    introduced in AAS Nova, a website for research highlights from the journals of the American Astronomical Society.

    The lead author of the paper is HYODO Ryuki (Kobe University Department of Planetology, Graduate School of Science), and co-authors are Professor
    Sébastien Charnoz (Institute de Physique du Globe/Université Paris Diderot), Project Associate Professor GENDA Hidenori (Earth-Life Science Institute,
    Tokyo Institute of Technology), and Professor OHTSUKI Keiji (Kobe University Department of Planetology, Graduate School of Science).

    VIRGO --- ---
    Are Stellar Storms Bad News for M-Dwarf Planets?

    Coronal mass ejections (CMEs), enormous releases of energy from the Sun, can have significant space-weather implications for Earth. Do similar
    storms from smaller stars — M dwarfs like V374 Peg, or the nearby Proxima Centauri — mean bad news for the planets that these stars host?
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