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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Feed Cabin Installation of World's Largest Radio Telescope Completes in Southwest China
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    The Telescope That Spans Continents
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    Prospects for Characterizing the Atmosphere of Proxima Centauri b
    In a paper uploaded to the arXiv repository, Laura Kreidberg and Abraham Loeb of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics argue
    the JWST is the instrument with the “potential to put the first constraints on the possibility of life around the nearest star to the
    Solar System.” The simulations the pair ran indicate that the telescope will be able to reliably distinguish a planet with bare rock
    from one with the kind of night-time heat redistribution we’re looking for.

    [1608.07345] Prospects for Characterizing the Atmosphere of Proxima Centauri b
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    VIRGO --- ---
    Physics in the Days of Einstein and Feynman
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    High school students build dry ice engine for Mars colonisers | Cosmos
    Two North Carolina high school freshmen have created an engine that runs on dry ice to aid Martian exploration and colonisation.

    Chase Bishop and James Thompson developed the project as part of the TIME 4 Real Science Program, a research platform in North
    Carolina which teams high school students with teachers and volunteer scientists.

    Through this program, Bishop and Thompson spent more 250 hours thinking: could dry ice, as it sublimates from solid to gas,
    create enough energy to drive a piston?
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    Galaxy Cluster Discovered Over 11 Billion Light Years Away
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    HOWKING: Paráda, pak pls hned pošli sem. :))
    HOWKING --- ---
    Slibuje další :-)
    VIRGO --- ---
    HOWKING: Parádní!
    HOWKING --- ---
    Využil toho vysokého rozlišení a zkusil jsem pomocí Registaxu ty záběry, konkrétně z Apolla 17, stabilizovat. Celé video je 8x zrychlené a proložené záběry prvních kroku Cernana a celé té měsíční krajiny.
    HOWKING --- ---
    Pěkná práce Jana Masera - z uvolněných hd videi přistání na Měsíci vyrobil pomoci registaxu jedno stabilozované
    VIRGO --- ---
    New comet C/2016 R3 (BORISOV) discovered on September 11, 2016 by Gennady Borisov at magnitude 16 R using 0.3-m f/1.5 Genon astrograph
    at the MARGO observatory (near Nauchnij, Crimea. The comet was confirmed by H. Sato, P. Birtwhistle, J.-F. Soulier, and A. Hale. The
    initial parabolic orbit has perihelion on October 10, 2016 at 0.448367 AU with inclination near 53 degrees. The object was posted on
    the Possible Comet Confirmation Page at the Minor Planet Center. The preliminary orbit was identified by Maik M. Meyer to be very similar
    to the orbit of comet C/1915 R1 (Mellish) computed by Dr. St. Einarsson and D. Alter in 1915. Attempts to link the two objects were not
    successful. A new orbit was computed for comet C/1915 R1 (Mellish) based on additional observations in 1915.

    CBET 4321: 20160916 : COMET C/2016 R3 (BORISOV)
    MPEC 2016-S03 : COMET C/2016 R3
    Images of new comet C/2016 R3 (BORISOV) by Gennady Borisov

    VIRGO --- ---
    New comet C/2016 R3 (BORISOV) imaged by Peter Birtwhistle
    at J95 Great Shefford Observatory on September 13, 2016. The stacked image had a combined 19
    minutes total exposure taken in twilight and with high cloud interference. Field of view in
    the copped image is 3.9 x 3.9 arc minutes.

    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO --- ---
    NEBULA: Finance jsou bezesporu klíčovou záležitostí. Ale ještě důležitější je
    zpětný příliv amerických odborníků!!

    Ve fyzice gravitačních vln se USA dostaly v posledních +/- 20 letech nejdál
    Co se týče projektů a výroby, jsou americké firmy klíčové. Ať je to Lockheed Martin, ale
    hlavně týmy z JPL. Všechny ty mikrostabilizační systémy jsou jejich práce! Nejen u LISA
    Pathfinder, ale třeba i u sondy GAIA, pohonný systém DAWN (na odlišném principu),
    zkrátka jsou to největší mazáci na planetě.

    V neposlední řadě se díky lepším technickým řešením šetří i ony finance. Nu zkrátka pro mně
    jde o nejlepší zprávu, nejen od nešťastného roku 2011, ale od konce 90. let! A "ovace ve
    stoje" pro vědecké týmy z LIGO, jejichž úspěchy nakoply úředníky a šéfy NASA.

    Btw: za chvíli tu máme Nobelovky, jsem přesvědčený, že uvidím Kipa Thornea ve smokingu! :)
    VIRGO --- ---
    Iss Harvest Moon Transit
    Taken by Clancy Cochran on September 17, 2016 @ Sheridan, California

    NEBULA --- ---
    VIRGO: !!!!!!!!!!!! tak to teda je!! super vohoz! :)
    DARKMOOR: hlavně doufám, že urychlí díky financím... :)
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    CleanSat / Clean Space / Space Engineering & Technology / Our Activities / ESA

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    Juno's Mission to Jupiter [Infographic] - World Science Festival

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