[1609.05089] SIOUX project: a simultaneous multiband camera for exoplanet atmospheres studies
The exoplanet revolution is well underway. The last decade has seen order-of-magnitude increases in the number
of known planets beyond the Solar system. Detailed characterization of exoplanetary atmospheres provide the
best means for distinguishing the makeup of their outer layers, and the only hope for understanding the interplay
between initial composition chemistry, temperature-pressure atmospheric profiles, dynamics and circulation.
While pioneering work on the observational side has produced the first important detections of atmospheric
molecules for the class of transiting exoplanets, important limitations are still present due to the lack of systematic,
repeated measurements with optimized instrumentation at both visible (VIS) and near-infrared (NIR)
wavelengths. It is thus of fundamental importance to explore quantitatively possible avenues for improvements.
In this paper we report initial results of a feasibility study for the prototype of a versatile multi-band imaging
system for very high-precision differential photometry that exploits the choice of specifically selected narrow-band
filters and novel ideas for the execution of simultaneous VIS and NIR measurements.