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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    In exploring the ‘now,’ new book links flow of time with Big Bang | Berkeley News

    Muller’s new idea: Time is expanding because space is expanding.

    “The new physics principle is that space and time are linked;
    when you create new space, you will create new time,” Muller said.

    “Every moment, the universe gets a little bigger, and there is a little more time, and it is this leading edge of time
    that we refer to as now,” he writes. “The future does not yet exist … it is being created. Now is at the boundary,
    the shock front, the new time that is coming from nothing, the leading edge of time.”

    Muller’s theory explaining the flow of time led to a collaboration with Caltech theoretician Shaun Maguire and a paper
    posted online June 25 that explains the theory in more detail – using mathematics – and proposes a way to test it using
    LIGO, an experiment that detects gravitational waves created by merging black holes.

    If Muller and Maguire are right, then when two black holes merge and create new space, they should also create new time,
    which would delay the gravitational wave signal LIGO observes from Earth.

    “The coalescing of two black holes creates millions of cubic miles of new space, which means a one-time creation of new time,”
    Muller said. The black hole merger first reported by LIGO in February 2016 involved two black holes weighing about 29 and 36
    times the mass of the sun, producing a final black hole weighing about 62 solar masses. The new space created in the merger
    would produce about 1 millisecond of new time, which is near the detection level of LIGO. A similar event at one-third
    the distance would allow LIGO to detect the newly created time.

    Why does time advance?: Richard Muller's new theory
    VIRGO --- ---

    Earth may have a new neighbor, in the form of an Earth-like planet in a solar system only 16 light years away. The planet orbits a star named Gliese 832,
    and that solar system already hosts two other known exoplanets: Gliese 832B and Gliese 832C. The findings were reported in a new paper by Suman Satyal at
    the University of Texas, and colleagues J. Gri?th, and Z. E. Musielak.

    Gliese 832B is a gas giant similar to Jupiter, at 0.64 the mass of Jupiter, and it orbits its star at 3.5 AU. G832B probably plays a role similar to Jupiter
    in our Solar System, by setting gravitational equilibrium. Gliese 832C is a Super-Earth about 5 times as massive as Earth, and it orbits the star at a very
    close 0.16 AU. G832C is a rocky planet on the inner edge of the habitable zone, but is likely too close to its star for habitability. Gliese 832, the star
    at the center of it all, is a red dwarf about half the size of our Sun, in both mass and radius.

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    New Horizons' Close-Up of Charon’s Surface

    Flying over Charon
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    Juno and Marble Movie update at Apojove 1 | The Planetary Society
    Juno se při svém druhém oběhu dostal ve středu do apojovu (nejdál od planety), a vrací se zpět k joviánskému severnímu pólu,
    nad kterým proletí 19. října. V té době dojde k opětovnému zážehu, který změní jeho oběžnou dobu ze současných 55,5 dní na
    dva týdny. Sonda je v dobrém stavu, a je připravena na listopadový počátek vědeckého výzkumu.

    V pondělí 26/09 se Slunce dostane do dráhy Země-Jupiter, proto je od dnešního dne na týden pozastavena komunikace se sondou.
    To bude znamenat i pozastavení záznamu Junocamu, který nepřetržitě snímkuje polohy planety a galileovských měsíců už od 11.
    července. Záznam znovu začne 30.9. a skončí 18.10. Gerald Eichstädt editoval tříminutovou poslední veri, kterou Emily
    uveřejnila na Planetary v rámci tohoto krátkého reportu.

    JunoCam Marble Movie 11 Jul - 10 Sep 2016 processed by Gerald Eichstädt
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    VIRGO: This is what HST observed on Europa in 2013 when it spotted a plume of water 200 km high over the surface.

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    Reminder: The findings are to be discussed at 11 a.m. PT (2 p.m. ET) / 19:00 GMT / 21:00 CEST
    during a live-streamed teleconference.

    NASA is gearing up to unveil “surprising evidence” of activity that may be related to the presence
    of a watery ocean beneath the icy surface of Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons.

    Europa's Great Lakes - Britney Schmidt (SETI Talks)
    NEBULA --- ---
    VIRGO: dokonalost :)
    VIRGO --- ---
    News - Bright fireball meteor flashes over southern Quebec - The Weather Network

    Thursday, September 22, 2016, 2:41 PM - Did you see it? A bright meteor flashed through
    the sky from Sherbrooke to Montreal on Wednesday night! Here's what we know.

    At just about 9:40 p.m. EDT on the night of Wednesday, September 21, a small space rock,
    likely not much bigger than a baseball, plunged into Earth's atmosphere over southern Quebec.

    Meteor spotted streaking across night sky in New Hampshire
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    ALMA UDF!!
    ALMA Explores the Hubble Ultra Deep Field | ESO United Kingdom

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    Titulní píseň Vangelisova alba (vychází zítra).

    Vangelis - Vangelis: Rosetta Timeline (Rosetta)
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    Dnes na Marsu:

    Curiosity moved approximately 5.1m SE (130º) on *Sol 1468*
    A look beyond the buttes, Sept. 22, 2016.

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    The Seasons and the Earth's Orbit - Milankovitch Cycles
    The Seasons and the Earth's Orbit

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    Kennedy Team Briefed on Juno Mission Progress | Kennedy Space Center

    Since its arrival in orbit around Jupiter nearly three months ago, the Juno spacecraft already is impressing scientists
    with its observations of the gas giant. Employees at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida were briefed on the status
    and the scientific promise of a mission many audience members helped launch a little more than five years ago.
    VIRGO --- ---
    STScI: OGLE-2007-BLG-349

    Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, and a trick of nature, have confirmed the existence of a planet orbiting two stars
    in the system OGLE-2007-BLG-349, located 8,000 light-years away towards the center of our galaxy. The Hubble observations represent
    the first time such a three-body system has been confirmed using the gravitational microlensing technique.

    HubbleSite - NewsCenter - Hubble Finds Planet Orbiting Pair of Stars (09/22/2016) - The Full Story

    VIRGO --- ---
    Scientists confirm the universe has no direction

    The universe is not spinning or stretched in any particular direction, according to the most stringent test yet.

    Looking out into the night sky, we see a clumpy universe: planets orbit stars in solar systems and stars are grouped into galaxies,
    which in turn form enormous galaxy clusters. But cosmologists assume this effect is only local: that if we look on sufficiently large
    scales, the universe is actually uniform.

    The vast majority of calculations made about our universe start with this assumption: that the universe is broadly the same, whatever
    your position and in whichever direction you look. If, however, the universe was stretching preferentially in one direction, or spinning
    about an axis in a similar way to the Earth rotating, this fundamental assumption, and all the calculations that hinge on it, would be wrong.

    Now, scientists from University College London and Imperial College London have put this assumption through its most stringent test yet and
    found only a 1 in 121,000 chance that the universe is not the same in all directions.

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    One target is imaged by three of Curiosity's cameras while located at the same location, each image has been cropped to feature just the target.
    On the left of the montage is a navigation camera frame, in the center is a right-side mast camera frame, on the right is a cropped mosaic of
    three ChemCam remote micro imager (RMI) frames. The NavCam and MastCam frames have been annotated to show the area of coverage of
    the next frame. The mission sols have also been annotated above each frame in the montage.

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    Phoenix Planets: Some 'Tatooine' Worlds May Rise from Stellar Ashes

    A new study reveals that the most massive worlds occur nearly as often around tight pairs of stars as they do around singles. While most planets
    that orbit one star came into being along with their sun, some of the worlds orbiting two tightly paired objects may have come from one of the stars' debris.

    "Because of the challenges they present, binary stars have been for a long time neglected," Mariangela Bonavita, a researcher at the University of Edinburgh
    in the United Kingdom, told Space.com. Bonavita examined a number of stellar surveys, including The Search for Planets Orbiting Two Stars (SPOTS), to which
    Bonavita contributed, to hunt for worlds around pairs of stars.
    VIRGO --- ---
    Intersecting Channels near Olympica Fossae

    HiRISE | Intersecting Channels near Olympica Fossae (ESP_045091_2045)
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