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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
    VIRGO --- ---
    The hidden dark side of NGC 24 | ESA/Hubble
    This shining disc of a spiral galaxy sits approximately 25 million light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Sculptor.
    Named NGC 24, the galaxy was discovered by British astronomer William Herschel in 1785, and measures some 40 000 light-years across.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Amazing pic by Karl Battams of ESA/NASA SOHO/LASCO C2 view of Io & Calisto, when Jupiter was out of FOV.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Na ni bych mohl koukat od soumraku do úsvitu...
    AsteroidDay Signatories & Astronauts Ron Garan, Leland D. Melvin
    & Anousheh Ansari with actress Selma Hayek.

    VIRGO --- ---
    ROSAT Image of Comet Hyakutake
    A team of U.S. and German astrophysicists have made the first ever detection of X-rays coming from a comet.
    Their discovery of a strong radiation signal -- about 100 times brighter than even the most optimistic predictions -
    was made March 27, 1996, during observations of Comet Hyakutake using Germany's orbiting ROSAT satellite.

    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO --- ---
    HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE: Galaxies Across Space And Time 4K short video

    Hubble Telescope Images: Eta Carinae Fantastic astronomy NASA Hubble Space Telescope
    VIRGO --- ---
    China switches on world’s largest radio telescope "FAST" today to search for alien transmission
    XCHAOS --- ---
    sice Forbes, ale linkuje na článek na arXiv. pozor, poněkud provokativní obsah - teorie modifikované dynamiky jsou z hlediska fyziky kategorie "všechno je jinak" :-)
    VIRGO --- ---
    Zatím jen demoverze. Ale působivá...
    100,000 Stars
    VIRGO --- ---
    Archives: See Pluto Now! 2014-11-09

    VIRGO --- ---
    A New Comet Was Just Discovered, and We May Never See It Again
    The comet might whip around the sun and not return for another 100,000 years—or the sun might snuff it out of existence.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Aurora And A Lunar Rainbow
    Taken by Sigurdur William Brynjarsson on September 20, 2016 @ Reykjanes, Iceland

    VIRGO --- ---
    A breathing Earth: the annual pulse of vegetation, land & ice

    VIRGO --- ---
    Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Into the Light | The Planetary Society

    Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Into the Light
    VIRGO --- ---
    Large fireball spotted at 23:34:15
    VIRGO --- ---
    Stormy ‘Space Weather’ for M-dwarf Planets?
    Proxima Centauri b, that highly interesting world around the nearest star, is about 0.05 AU out from its primary.
    The figure leaps out to anyone new to red dwarf stars, because it’s so very close to the star itself, well within
    the orbit of Mercury in our own system. But these are small, dim stars compared to our Sun, and hugging the star
    is essential to remain in the habitable zone. That also makes for very short years — Proxima b completes an orbit
    every 11.2 days.
    VIRGO --- ---
    BROUKOID: Částečně máš pravdu, bohužel nemalou roli hraje i naše ignoranství a otupělost způsobené konstantní mediální masírkou. Nic ve zlém.
    BROUKOID --- ---
    Obavam se ze to bude pravidelne "PR show" ve stylu vsech predchozich podobnych bombastickych prohlaseni, kterym predchazela takovato medialni masaz aby pak jenom zverejnili neco ve stylu "zjistili jsme ze na marsu byla skutecne voda" (coz myslim "prevratne" ohlasovali alespon 3x) - proste zase jenom vezmou normalni vyzkum, o kterem kazdy kdo se trochu zajima o vsemir slysel poprve pred 10 lety, ale kterem vetsina normalnich lidi nema paru a trochu ho vylesti, pridaji trochu novych dat a voilà - na nejakou dobu zase vytvori dojem ze nejsou zkostnatela cerna dira na penize ktera je jenom odleskem sve davne slavy jejimz dnesnim vrcholem je to, ze necha sve kosmonauty vozit ruskou 50 let starou kosmickou lodi na ISS kde muzou opravovat ISS a delat cool videa pro youtube :(

    You Promised Me Mars Colonies. Instead, I Got Facebook"new" findings from Jupiter's moon Europa.
    NEBULA --- ---
    VIRGO: taky si myslím :) ale i tak je to úžasný, dožít se vlastně toho, co jsem četla ve sci-fi knížkách :) a jestli jako fakt jo tak před clarkem opět smekám :)
    VIRGO --- ---
    NEBULA: Noooo! :)

    To bude moc zajímavý, a pokud půjde o další (lepší) potvrzení výtrysků, bude to fajn.
    Ale možná půjde o definitivní povrzení oceánu pod silnou krustou. Napovídala by tomu
    celá "slavnostní" aranž tohoto telkonu...
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam