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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
    VIRGO --- ---
    Fireball over Sierra Nevada on Oct. 4 at 23:46 UT (01:46 local time on Oct. 5)
    VIRGO --- ---
    Čerstvý WSH. Dnešní host: Paul Geithner z týmu Webbova teleskopu!
    323K13L --- ---
    Final switch-off and shut-down of the Rosetta Mission Engineering Qualification Model, an identical twin of the 'real' Rosetta, that has been used at ESOC for more than a decade to test and validate software and procedures before upload to space. Switch-off was done by Rosetta Spacecraft Operations Manager Sylvain Lodiot on 6 October 2016.
    Rosetta EQM shutdown | Flickr
    HADIAK --- ---
    Dnešné uzimené fotenie;

    Moonset / Západ Mesiaca
    VIRGO --- ---
    30 million years from now, a massive cloud of gas will collide with the Milky Way.
    Astronomers are studying the incoming cloud and learning more about its origin.

    ScienceCasts: Massive Cloud on Collision Course with the Milky Way
    VIRGO --- ---
    Kepler pozoroval 67P!
    News | NASA's Kepler Gets the 'Big Picture' of Comet 67P

    VIRGO --- ---
    Gaia latest alerts in red:
    All-Sky Gaia Alerts
    VIRGO --- ---
    Failed hunt for Proxima b’s star transit leaves us in the dark | New Scientist

    The hunt to learn more about our nearest exoplanet, the Earth-like Proxima b, has come up empty-handed. If the planet
    ever passes between its star and us, we could rapidly learn a lot about it – but observations show it is unlikely to do so.
    VIRGO --- ---
    Timelapse záběrů webbcamů: Přesun a náklon teleskopu z posledních dnů.

    Time-lapse: Webbcam View of James Webb Space Telescope Lift and Rotation
    VIRGO --- ---

    Tenhle starý záznam mi utekl. Docela sodovka...
    TMT Opponents Halt Groundbreaking Ceremony
    VIRGO --- ---
    Another set of wheel check-outs on Oct 6, 2016, mission sol 1482. These images of the wheels are acquired at regular periods
    to check the condition of the wheels. This set was acquired by the Hand Lens camera (MAHLI) which is on the turret on the end
    of Curiosity's 2-meter long robotic arm which has been lowered close to the ground to capture these images of the wheels,
    additional images will often be taken of the wheels on the right side of the rover with the mast camera and may show
    a hitchhiker on the middle wheel seen by the navigation camera after the last drive.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Dione Saturn's third moon hiding an ocean. Space News.
    VIRGO --- ---
    JAYME: Jj, tu diamantovou si pamatuji.
    Hmm, planeta z čokošky - sen Homera Simpsona! :)
    JAYME --- ---
    VIRGO: me bavi takovy ty vypocty planet celejch z diamantu, ze zlata apod. jen doufam, ze se doziju treba planety cely z cokolady
    VIRGO --- ---
    Planet in star system nearest our Sun 'may have oceans'

    A rocky planet discovered in the "habitable" zone of the star nearest our Sun may be covered with oceans,
    researchers at France's CNRS research institute said Thursday.

    A team including CNRS astrophysicists have calculated the size and surface properties of the planet dubbed
    Proxima b, and concluded it may be an "ocean planet" similar to Earth.

    Scientists announced Proxima b's discovery in August, and said it may be the first exoplanet—planet outside
    our Solar System—to one day be visited by robots from Earth.

    The planet orbits within a "temperate" zone from its host star Proxima Centauri, some four light years from us.

    It is estimated to have a mass about 1.3 times that of Earth, and orbits about 7.5 million kilometres (4.6
    million miles) from its star—about a tenth the distance of innermost planet Mercury from the Sun.

    VIRGO --- ---

    Great balls of fire! NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has detected superhot blobs of gas, each twice as massive as the planet Mars,
    being ejected near a dying star. The plasma balls are zooming so fast through space it would take only 30 minutes for them to travel from
    Earth to the moon. This stellar "cannon fire" has continued once every 8.5 years for at least the past 400 years, astronomers estimate.

    The fireballs present a puzzle to astronomers, because the ejected material could not have been shot out by the host star, called V Hydrae.
    The star is a bloated red giant, residing 1,200 light-years away, which has probably shed at least half of its mass into space during its
    death throes. Red giants are dying stars in the late stages of life that are exhausting their nuclear fuel that makes them shine. They have
    expanded in size and are shedding their outer layers into space.

    VIRGO --- ---
    SOFIA Detects Collapsing Clouds Becoming Young Suns

    Researchers on board NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, SOFIA, observed the collapse of portions of six interstellar clouds
    on their way to becoming new stars that will be much larger than our sun. When a gas cloud collapses on itself, the cloud’s own gravity causes it to contract
    and the contraction produces heat friction. Heat from the contraction eventually causes the core to ignite hydrogen fusion reactions creating a star.

    VIRGO --- ---
    A Year of Mars Weather | The Planetary Society

    A camera called MARCI aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captures a global view of Mars and its weather daily,
    which the team at Malin Space Science Systems maps onto a 3D globe of the planet. Here is one such image for each
    month of 2014, arranged chronologically from left to right and from top to bottom. Look for bright water ice clouds,
    which often cling to the volcano summits, and yellowish, billowing dust storms.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Bolide Meteor Remnant Smoke Over The Pacific Ocean
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