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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
    VIRGO --- ---
    Theory redraws formation of early universe

    Scientists have provided a solid foundation for an alternative theory to help explain how the early universe took shape.

    This theory, first devised two decades ago, proposes that the dominant expansion in the early universe some 14 billion years ago,
    known as cosmological inflation, took place in a warm environment. The idea differs from existing theories which state that this
    time of change took place during a cold period.

    A group of physicists, including Professor Arjun Berera from the University, who first devised the theory, has now created the first
    compelling physical model of events that took place at this point in time, based on fundamental physical principles. This work contradicts
    prevailing beliefs in the field that if would be near impossible to devise a compelling model, based on first principles, for this theory.

    Their idea takes into account a scientific process known as the Little Higgs mechanism, which stabilises the mass of sub-atomic particles
    known as Higgs bosons. Their theory combines this mechanism with the concept that energy produced in the early universe allows for
    a continuous warm temperature.

    Their idea showed very good agreement with satellite measurements of temperature fluctuations in the early universe.
    VIRGO --- ---
    NEBULA: Čupr! *)
    NEBULA --- ---
    VIRGO: a skryté bylo vyjeveno :) díky :)
    VIRGO --- ---
    Aerial Survey of Kennedy Space Center Following Hurricane Matthew
    VIRGO --- ---
    This fall, NASA will start the process of providing companies with a potential opportunity to add modules to ISS.

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    On this day in 2005: Partial eclipse of Rhea by Dione
    As Cassini zoomed toward its October 11, 2005 encounter with Dione, it caught Rhea traveling behind Dione in a 16-frame movie.

    VIRGO --- ---
    High Altitude Balloon @ 108,190 feet
    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO: On mi bude ještě něco posílat, pak to celé uploadnu na imgur, a pošlu ti link. :)
    VIRGO --- ---
    NEBULA: stačí si ho na chvilku vypnout, refrešnout stránku, a měla bys to vidět.
    VIRGO --- ---
    A Friend For Pluto: Astronomers Find New Dwarf Planet In Our Solar System : The Two-Way : NPR

    Scientists in Michigan have found a new dwarf planet in our solar system.

    It's about 330 miles across and some 8.5 billion miles from the sun. It takes 1,100 years to complete one orbit.

    But one of the most interesting things about the new object, known for the time being as 2014 UZ224, is the way astronomers found it.

    David Gerdes of the University of Michigan led the team that found the new dwarf planet. Gerdes describes himself as "an adult-onset
    astronomer," having started his scientific career as a particle physicist.

    He helped develop a special camera called the Dark Energy Camera that the U.S. Department of Energy commissioned to make a map of distant galaxies.

    NEBULA --- ---
    VIRGO: asi mi to blokuje můj avast, jako poslední dobou hodně věcí, když vidím, že tam máš tři plusíky, tak ostatní to vidí, tak pardon :) jakože nic tedy
    VIRGO --- ---
    New infrared source detected in supernova remnant RCW 103

    Canadian astronomers report the discovery of a previously unseen infrared source in supernova remnant RCW 103,
    located some 10,000 light years away. According to a paper published Oct. 7 on arXiv.org, this newly detected
    source could be associated with a bright X-ray source known as 2E 1613.5-5053 and classified as a central compact
    object (CCO), that was discovered over 30 years ago.

    RCW 103 is a 2,000-years-old supernova remnant in the constellation Norma that is bright at X-ray, radio, optical
    and infrared wavelengths. In 1980, using the Einstein X-ray Observatory, astronomers spotted a mysterious bright
    X-ray source, that was designated 2E 1613.5-5053. The nature of this source remained a puzzle for researchers for
    nearly 30 years. In 2008, it was classified as a CCO.

    On June 22, 2016, the Burst Alert Telescope onboard NASA's Swift satellite detected a millisecond-timescale magnetar-
    like burst coming from 2E 1613.5-5053, and a team of astronomers led by Shriharsh Tendulkar of the McGill University
    in Montreal, Canada, took the opportunity to investigate the mysterious object more closely.

    They used the Hubble Space Telescope's (HST) Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) to conduct observations of 2E 1613.5-5053
    on July 4 and Aug. 11. The team found a new source that was absent in the HST observations carried out in 2002.

    "We observed 2E 1613.5-5053 with the Hubble Space Telescope (WFC3/IR) and we report here on the detection of
    a previously unseen infrared counterpart. In observations taken on 2016 July 4 and August 11, we detect a new source
    (mF110W - 26.3 AB mag and mF160W - 24.2 AB mag) at the Chandra position of 2E 1613.5-5053 which was not detected in
    HST/NICMOS images from 2002 August 15 and October 8 to a depth of 24.5 AB mag (F110W) and 25.5 AB mag (F160W),"
    the researchers wrote in the paper.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Chaos in cosmos: Stars with three planet-forming discs of gas – Niels Bohr Institute - University of Copenhagen

    A star with a ring of planets orbiting around it – that is the picture we know from our own solar system and from many of the thousands of exoplanets observed in recent years.
    But now researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute have discovered a system consisting of two stars with three rotating planet-forming accretion discs around them. It is a binary
    star where each star has its own planet-forming disc and in addition, there is one large shared disc. All three planet-forming discs are misaligned in relation to one another.
    The spectacular results are published in the scientific journal, Astrophysical Journal Letters.

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    VIRGO --- ---
    Ambitious mission to capture first picture of Earth-like planet launched | Science | The Guardian

    Project Blue will attempt to build a space telescope to be pointed at Alpha Centauri,
    hoping to glimpse planets where life may have gained a foothold

    Astronomers have launched an ambitious project to capture the first picture of an Earth-like planet that could be home to life beyond the solar system.

    The privately-led mission aims to build a space telescope the size of a washing machine and point it at Alpha Centauri, the closest star system to Earth,
    in the hope of glimpsing a rocky world or two where life may have gained a foothold.

    If the project is successful - and there is no guarantee - it could produce an image to rival the iconic “pale blue dot” photograph taken in 1990 when
    Nasa’s Voyager 1 probe looked back at Earth as it barrelled out of the solar system.
    VIRGO --- ---
    NEBULA: fw kvůli hostingu?
    NEBULA --- ---
    VIRGO: nic nevidím...
    a pražské planetárium má nový projektor

    Kudy z nudy - Planetárium Praha znovu otevírá sál Starvid
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    Commands going up! For the first time in 13 years, commands that will instruct ESA's Mars Express to hail
    a European lander on the Red Planet's surface were sent up today from ESOC! MEX will provide critical support
    to the entry, descent and landing of ESA's Schiaparelli module starting on 19 October. Image credit: ESA

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    Curio MAHLI composite photo on *Sol 1482* (October 06, 2016). Credits: NASA/JPL-CalTech/MSSS/Processing by Paul Hammond.

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    Nádhera! Kamarád se teď vrátil z Mount Wilson. Zatím jen první rychlokvašky:

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