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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
    VIRGO --- ---
    Schiaparelli descent data: decoding underway / ExoMars / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA
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    Pro mně novinka na stránkách LSST - https://www.lsst.org/scientists/simulations/opsim

    Observing the sky: LSST simulation
    SLAPPY --- ---
    Po nedávném objevu měsíčku u trpasličí planety Makemake je nyní podobný objev hlášen i u velkého trpaslíka 2007 OR10.

    Koukám, že odkaz na článek od Emily L. už tady je, taky tady ještě ode mě česky:
    Souputník pro největšího bezejmenného trpaslíka | Divy Sluneční Soustavy

    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO --- ---
    Did the Mysterious 'Planet Nine' Tilt the Solar System?

    The putative "Planet Nine" may have tilted the entire solar system, researchers say.

    In January, astronomers revealed evidence for the potential existence of another planet in the solar system.
    Researchers suggest that if this world — dubbed Planet Nine — exists, it could be about 10 times Earth's mass
    and orbit the sun at a distance about 500 times the distance from the Earth to the sun.

    Previous research suggested that Planet Nine would possess a highly tilted orbit compared with the relatively thin,
    flat zone in which the eight official planets circle the sun. This led scientists to investigate whether Planet
    Nine's slant might help explain other tilting seen elsewhere in the solar system.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Mysterious Cosmic Objects Erupting in X-rays Discovered
    Astronomers have found a pair of extraordinary cosmic objects that dramatically burst in X-rays. This discovery, obtained with
    NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA’s XMM-Newton observatory, may represent a new class of explosive events found in space.

    The mysterious X-ray sources flare up and become about a hundred times brighter in less than a minute, before returning to original
    X-ray levels after about an hour. At their peak, these objects qualify as ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) that give off hundreds
    to thousands of times more X-rays than typical binary systems where a star is orbiting a black hole or neutron star.

    Mysterious Cosmic Objects Erupting in X-rays Discovered | NASA

    VIRGO --- ---
    Juno je v safe modu

    Scientists Intrigued by Data from First Flyby - Mission Status Report

    NASA’s Juno spacecraft entered safe mode Tuesday, Oct. 18 at about 10:47 p.m. PDT (Oct. 19 at 1:47 a.m. EDT). Early indications are a software
    performance monitor induced a reboot of the spacecraft’s onboard computer. The spacecraft acted as expected during the transition into safe mode,
    restarted successfully and is healthy. High-rate data has been restored, and the spacecraft is conducting flight software diagnostics.
    All instruments are off, and the planned science data collection for today’s close flyby of Jupiter (perijove 2), did not occur.
    VIRGO --- ---
    Jupiter cyclone storm shadow, 9000km across & 85 km high: from the first Juno perijove on Aug 27, 2016
    Cloud topography near Jupiter's north pole | The Planetary Society

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    A new photo album made from hundreds of images of more than 70,000 galaxies
    represents one of the most detailed galaxy studies ever compiled.
    The big picture of the universe reveals the family tree of | Cosmos

    A new photo album made from hundreds of images of more than 70,000 galaxies represents
    one of the most detailed galaxy studies ever compiled, spanning a period of 12 billion years.

    The album, which my colleagues and I compiled, allows us to track the family tree of galaxies
    over more than 90% of the age of the universe.

    We used the 6.5-metre Magellan Baade Telescope and FourStar infrared camera to snap
    these images over 45 nights.

    VIRGO --- ---
    EDM status: Tak znovu a lépe - - - zítra ráno... Nevypadá to dobře..
    VIRGO --- ---
    ESA's webcast of today's arrival at Mars is going on a break for around 90 minutes, when engineers
    should verify whether the Trace Gas Orbiter is in the correct orbit and give an update on Schiaparelli.

    20:25 CEST - ESA stream should continue with details about the lander.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Emily Lakdawalla: Opportunity was instructed to attempt a photo; we don't know if it succeeded.
    Its downlink begins at 13:07 PDT / 20:07 UT / 22:07 CEST.

    VIRGO --- ---
    NASA’s MAVEN Mission Observes Ups and Downs of Water Escape from Mars

    After investigating the upper atmosphere of the Red Planet for a full Martian year,
    NASA’s MAVEN mission has determined that the escaping water does not always go gently into space.

    Sophisticated measurements made by a suite of instruments on the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution, or MAVEN, spacecraft revealed the ups and downs
    of hydrogen escape – and therefore water loss. The escape rate peaked when Mars was at its closest point to the sun and dropped off when the planet was
    farthest from the sun. The rate of loss varied dramatically overall, with 10 times more hydrogen escaping at the maximum.

    VIRGO --- ---
    V mezičase:

    DPS/EPSC update: 2007 OR10 has a moon! | The Planetary Society
    All this week I'm attending the joint meeting of the European Planetary Science Congress and the Division for Planetary Sciences
    of the American Astronomical Society (DPS/EPSC), taking place here in Pasadena, California. There's a lot of science to digest but
    I can get a big piece of news out of the way quickly: the third-largest object known beyond Neptune, 2007 OR10, has a moon.
    The discovery was reported in a poster by Gábor Marton, Csaba Kiss, and Thomas Mueller on Monday.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Na data z landeru se čeká


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    TGO telemetry signal acquired! Two European probes at Mars orbit now!

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    Ground controllers are receiving data packets from Mars Express via a ground station in Cebreros, Spain,
    but it will take another half-hour or so to make sense of the results.

    Paolo Ferri, head of ESA's mission operations department, told reporters a few minutes ago that the radio telescope array in Pune,
    India, received the carrier beacon from Schiaparelli for the majority of its descent, but the signal was weak, as expected.

    The capability to monitor Schiaparelli's landing in real-time via the Indian telescope was thought to be purely experimental,
    and potentially unreliable. It was not required, but nice to have.

    "We had the signal for a long time, so definitely we could follow the majority of the descent," Ferri said. "It's very difficult
    to say at what point (we lost the signal).

    "There will be a chance certainly with Mars Express to look in detail at the Doppler (data) and then identify the range in the Doppler.
    At a minimum, with the Mars Express signal ... we can deduce the actual timeline of the descent. The majority of the descent was followed.
    We saw the signal for a large number of minutes."

    VIRGO --- ---
    The suspense is killing us.
    Suspense on Mars as Europe Awaits Signal from Lander
    VIRGO --- ---
    The Trace Gas Orbiter's main engine burn should be complete by now, and the spacecraft should be in orbit around Mars.
    The craft's guidance system was expected to turn off the engine once it sensed the burn had put the orbiter on the correct trajectory.

    But the orbiter is on the opposite side of Mars as viewed from Earth, so it will take nearly an hour to verify the burn ended as planned.
    The maneuver was going smoothly when ground controllers lost communications with the Trace Gas Orbiter as expected.

    ESTRACK Madrid waiting for MEX signal confirmation:

    VIRGO --- ---
    The Trace Gas Orbiter's main engine burn should be complete by now, and the spacecraft should be in orbit around Mars.
    The craft's guidance system was expected to turn off the engine once it sensed the burn had put the orbiter on the correct trajectory.
    But the orbiter is on the opposite side of Mars as viewed from Earth, so it will take nearly an hour to verify the burn ended as planned.
    The maneuver was going smoothly when ground controllers lost communications with the Trace Gas Orbiter as expected.
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