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Detailed images of Schiaparelli and its descent hardware on Mars / ExoMars / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA
A high-resolution image taken by a NASA Mars orbiter this week reveals further details of the area where the ExoMars Schiaparelli
module ended up following its descent on 19 October.
The latest image was taken on 25 October by the high-resolution camera on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and provides close-ups
of new markings on the planet’s surface first found by the spacecraft’s ‘context camera’ last week.
Both cameras had already been scheduled to observe the centre of the landing ellipse after the coordinates had been updated following
the separation of Schiaparelli from ESA’s Trace Gas Orbiter on 16 October. The separation manoeuvre, hypersonic atmospheric entry and
parachute phases of Schiaparelli’s descent went according to plan, the module ended up within the main camera’s footprint, despite
problems in the final phase.
The new images provide a more detailed look at the major components of the Schiaparelli hardware used in the descent sequence.