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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Virgin Galactic Postpones 1st Glide Test with New SpaceShipTwo

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    Very bright, greenish fireball spotted over the Niigata Airport, Japan on October 31, 2016
    Green light-emitting body Niigata airport sky of Japan is passing fireball? UFO?
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    The International Space Station serves as home, office and recreation room for astronauts. They share this confined space far above the Earth with crew members from different
    countries and cultures for as long as six months or more. At the same time, maintaining individual well-being and crew harmony is important for the crew and mission success.

    The Culture, Values, and Environmental Adaptation in Space (At Home In Space) investigation, sponsored by the Canadian Space Agency, looks at changes in perceptions about home
    in space and the ways a unique culture may develop aboard the station during a mission.

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    Mount Rainier Volcano is a Ticking Time Bomb
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    Did Early Earth Spin On Its Side? | SETI Institute

    New theoretical modeling of the ancient history of the Earth and the Moon suggests that the giant collision
    that spawned our natural satellite may have left Earth spinning very fast, and with its spin axis highly tilted.

    Computer simulations of what followed the collision, sometimes referred to as the “big whack,” show that, following this event,
    and as the young Moon’s orbit was getting bigger, the Earth lost much of its spin as well gained a nearly upright orientation with
    respect to the ecliptic. The simulations give new insight into the question of whether planets with big moons are more likely to
    have moderate climates and life.

    “Despite smart people working on this problem for fifty years, we’re still discovering surprisingly basic things about the earliest
    history of our world,” says Matija Cuk a scientist at the SETI Institute and lead researcher for the simulations. “It’s quite humbling.”

    Since the nineteenth century, scientists have known that the Moon is gradually moving away from Earth and that or planet’s spin is
    simultaneously slowing down. The cause is the ocean tides raised by the Moon which slowly dissipate energy as they move across the ocean
    basins. This energy has to come from somewhere, resulting in a slowing down of Earth’s rotation, with our days very slowly getting longer.
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    The World's Largest Telescope Might Not Be Built in Hawaii After All

    As a bitter, multi-year battle over the legality of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) rages on, an alternate path forward has begun to emerge.
    The world’s largest telescope may not wind up on the frosty peak of Mauna Kea, Hawaii, but instead it might be placed in Spain’s Canary Islands.
    It’d be a loss for astronomy, but a major win for Hawaiian cultural practitioners who don’t want their sacred mountain marred by gigantic machines.
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    New Instrument Could Search for Signatures of Life on Mars
    A sensing technique that the U.S. military currently uses to remotely monitor the air to detect potentially life-threatening chemicals, toxins, and pathogens
    has inspired a new instrument that could “sniff” for life on Mars and other targets in the solar system -- the Bio-Indicator Lidar Instrument, or BILI.

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    Mystery solved behind birth of Saturn’s rings | Kobe University

    A team of researchers has presented a new model for the origin of Saturn’s rings based on results of computer simulations. The results of the simulations are also applicable to rings
    of other giant planets and explain the compositional differences between the rings of Saturn and Uranus. The findings were published on October 6 in the online version of Icarus.

    The lead author of the paper is HYODO Ryuki (Kobe University, Graduate School of Science), and co-authors are Professor Sébastien Charnoz (Institute de Physique du Globe/Université Paris
    Diderot), Professor OHTSUKI Keiji (Kobe University, Graduate School of Science), and Project Associate Professor GENDA Hidenori (Earth-Life Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology).

    The present study focused on the period called the Late Heavy Bombardment that is believed to have occurred 4 billion years ago in our solar system, when the giant planets underwent orbital
    migration. It is thought that several thousand Pluto-sized (one fifth of Earth’s size) objects from the Kuiper belt existed in the outer solar system beyond Neptune. First the researchers
    calculated the probability that these large objects passed close enough to the giant planets to be destroyed by their tidal force during the Late Heavy Bombardment. Results showed that
    Saturn, Uranus and Neptune experienced close encounters with these large celestial objects multiple times.

    Next the group used computer simulations to investigate disruption of these Kuiper belt objects by tidal force when they passed the vicinity of the giant planets (see Figure 2a). The results
    of the simulations varied depending on the initial conditions, such as the rotation of the passing objects and their minimum approach distance to the planet. However they discovered that in
    many cases fragments comprising 0.1-10% of the initial mass of the passing objects were captured into orbits around the planet (see Figures 2a, b). The combined mass of these captured
    fragments was found to be sufficient to explain the mass of the current rings around Saturn and Uranus. In other words, these planetary rings were formed when sufficiently large objects
    passed very close to giants and were destroyed.
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    Hypervariable galactic nuclei

    Extreme variability in the intensity of the optical light of galaxies, by factors of two or more, is of great interest to astronomers. It can flag the presence
    of rare types of supernovae, for example, or spot sudden accretion activity around quiescent black holes or around the supermassive black hole at the galaxy's
    nucleus. In recent years systematic searches for such variability have been made using instruments that can survey wide swaths of the sky. One, the Panoramic
    Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System (PanSTARRS), is a facility capable very wide-field imaging using a combination of relatively small mirrors coupled
    with very large digital cameras, and it can observe the entire sky accessible to it several times a month.

    CfA astronomer Martin Elvis was part of a team of scientists that looked for variability in galaxies by comparing PanSTARRS images of the sky with images taken
    by an earlier survey, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, about ten years before; the results were followed up with several other telescopes. Their comparison spanned
    nearly one-third of the whole sky. After sifting through thousands of apparent transients per month to check, among other things, for accurate spatial coincidences,
    that the candidates were galaxies, and that multiple observations confirmed the variability, the team reports finding seventy-six reliable objects. Spectroscopic
    followups and other observations were then able to classify these into nine categories, including supernovae and radio-emitting galaxies. In the end, the team
    found fifteen hypervariable sources that have brightened by almost a factor of ten in the past decade; light from the most distant one of these has been
    traveling for about nine billion years. The galaxies' light is blue in color and has been steadily changing, usually getting weaker.
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    Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope
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    Alan Stern :D

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    Gaia spies two temporarily magnified stars

    While scanning the sky to measure the position of over one billion stars in our Galaxy, ESA's Gaia satellite has detected
    two rare instances of stars whose light was temporarily boosted by other celestial objects passing across their lines of
    sight. One of these stars is expected to brighten again soon. Gaia's measurements will be instrumental to learn more about
    the nature of these 'cosmic magnifying glasses'.

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    ‘No UFOs allowed’: French mayor refuses to overturn town’s extraterrestrial ban

    The French town of Châteauneuf-du-Pape is best-known for its superlative red wine,
    but it sounds like the locals might have been enjoying the fruits of their labours a little too much.

    For the last 62 years, a law has prohibited the “flying over, landing, or taking off of flying saucers”
    in the area – and the mayor of the town has refused to overturn it.

    Former mayor Lucien Jeune issued the ban, which reads: “Any aircraft, known as flying saucer or flying
    cigar, which should land on the territory of the community will be immediately held in custody.”

    No police officers in his constituency have ever had to arrest any aliens, but that doesn’t mean that
    current mayor Claude Avril will drop the law any time soon.

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    Space debris: how many operating, dysfunctional & dead satellites & spacecrafts orbiting our planet (per country)

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    TANTRAMAN: ne. třeba Wolf 359 má zářivej výkon (mnoho)řádově větší, než všechno vysílání v historii Země dohromady a objevili jsme ho loni, i když je trapnejch sedm světelnejch let daleko.
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    Hunt for ninth planet reveals new extremely distant Solar System objects | Carnegie Institution for Science

    In the race to discover a proposed ninth planet in our Solar System, Carnegie’s Scott Sheppard and Chadwick Trujillo of Northern Arizona University
    have observed several never-before-seen objects at extreme distances from the Sun in our Solar System. Sheppard and Trujillo have now submitted their
    latest discoveries to the International Astronomical Union’s Minor Planet Center for official designations. A paper about the discoveries has also
    been accepted to The Astronomical Journal.

    The more objects that are found at extreme distances, the better the chance of constraining the location of the ninth planet that Sheppard and Trujillo
    first predicted to exist far beyond Pluto (itself no longer classified as a planet) in 2014. The placement and orbits of small, so-called extreme trans-
    Neptunian objects, can help narrow down the size and distance from the Sun of the predicted ninth planet, because that planet’s gravity influences
    the movements of the smaller objects that are far beyond Neptune. The objects are called trans-Neptunian because their orbits around the Sun
    are greater than Neptune’s.

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