On this day, in 1572, a supernova was first noted by Wolfgang Schuler of Wittenberg in the W-shaped
constellation of Cassiopeia but was seen by many observers throughout Europe and in the Far East.
It appeared as a new star, adjacent to the fainter star seen just northwest of the middle of the "W."
Tycho Brahe first noticed this new star on 11 Nov 1572, and he began to meticulously record its appearance.
Although he was not the first to see it, he gained fame from his book Stella Nova (Latin: "new star"). For
two weeks it was brighter than any other star in the sky and visible in daytime. By month's end, it began
to fade and change color, from bright white to yellow and orange to faint reddish light. It was visible
to the naked eye for about 16 months until Mar 1574