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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Australia shifts and tilts back and forth by several millimeters each year because of changes to the Earth’s center of mass,
    according to a new study. The findings could help scientists better track the precise location of Earth’s center of mass,
    which is important for GPS and other satellite measurements, according to the study’s author.

    All bodies have a center of mass, or the average position of the mass of an object. Earth’s center of mass lies roughly at
    the center of the planet’s molten core, about 6,000 kilometers (about 3,700 miles) beneath the surface.

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    Soft Capture Mechanism | ESA/Hubble
    Shown here in the top center is the Soft Capture Mechanism - the ring-like device that attaches to Hubble’s aft bulkhead.

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    Richard Dawkins and Other Prominent Scientists React to Trump's Win - Scientific American
    What the election results mean for science, in gut responses from Scientific American’s Board of Advisers
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    Astronomer Damian Peach photographed Jupiter over five nights in March 2016 shortly after its opposition to assemble this movie of
    the giant planet's appearance. This opposition coincided with Juno's approach to Jupiter. The animation is also available on Youtube.
    Great whirling Jupiter | The Planetary Society

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    Hubble Steals a Look at a Hungry Giant

    NGC 1222, seen in this image taken with the Wide Field Camera 3 on board the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope is a galaxy with a rather
    eventful story to tell. NGC 1222 has been described as a peculiar example of a type of galaxy known as a lenticular galaxy.

    Astronomers think that NGC 1222 is in the process of swallowing up two much smaller dwarf galaxies that strayed too close to it. It is likely that
    the encounter was the trigger for the starburst in NGC 1222, bringing in fresh supplies of gas that are now fueling the burst of star formation.

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    NASA — The James Webb Space Telescope: A Story of Art &...

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    Supernova 2016gxp in NGC 51

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    Exoplanet Exploration: Planets Beyond our Solar System: NASA space telescopes pinpoint elusive brown dwarf

    In a first-of-its-kind collaboration, NASA's Spitzer and Swift space telescopes joined forces to observe a microlensing event, when a distant star brightens
    due to the gravitational field of at least one foreground cosmic object. This technique is useful for finding low-mass bodies orbiting stars, such as planets.
    In this case, the observations revealed a brown dwarf.

    Brown dwarfs are thought to be the missing link between planets and stars, with masses up to 80 times that of Jupiter. But their centers are not hot or dense
    enough to generate energy through nuclear fusion the way stars do. Curiously, scientists have found that, for stars roughly the mass of our sun, less than
    1 percent have a brown dwarf orbiting within 3 AU (1 AU is the distance between Earth and the sun). This phenomenon is called the "brown dwarf desert."

    The newly discovered brown dwarf, which orbits a host star, may inhabit this desert. Spitzer and Swift observed the microlensing event after being tipped off
    by ground-based microlensing surveys, including the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE). The discovery of this brown dwarf, with the unwieldy name
    OGLE-2015-BLG-1319, marks the first time two space telescopes have collaborated to observe a microlensing event.

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    Topics - New Detective Instrument Captures Chemical Signatures of Planets - Subaru Telescope

    A team of scientists and engineers led by Princeton University researchers recently reported the successful operation of a new instrument
    for the Subaru Telescope that will allow astronomers to make direct observations and take spectra of planets orbiting nearby stars.

    The instrument, dubbed CHARIS (Coronagraphic High Angular Resolution Imaging Spectrograph), was designed and built by a team led by Professor
    N. Jeremy Kasdin. It allows astronomers to isolate light from planets larger than Jupiter going around a star other than the Sun and then
    analyze the light to determine the planets' atmospheric constituents. The recent observation is known in the astronomical community as a
    "first light," a first test of the instrument on the telescope to capture light from the universe that demonstrates it is operating successfully.

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    Impostor planet exposed by astronomers

    Don't be fooled by its light curve exhibiting anomalies like those caused by planets—one microlensing event with a fancy name OGLE-2016-BLG-0733
    is doing a really good job of mimicking an extrasolar world. This case of a binary-source event masquerading as a planet could have further
    implications for the search of exoplanets using the gravitational microlensing method.

    In contrast to other methods, microlensing is most sensitive for detecting planets around one to 10 AU away from their host stars. This method
    is also used to find new exoworlds around faint and dark objects at or beyond the snow line, and those not gravitationally bound to their parent
    stars. However, the correct interpretation of the signal provided by the microlensing method is often difficult due to various scenarios that
    can mimic planetary signals.

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    LSST camera - The largest camera for astronomy

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    Přístroj SPHERE odhaluje protoplanetární disky modelované nově zrozenými planetami
    Formování planetárních systémů | ESO Česko

    Nová detailní pozorování pomohla odhalit působivé struktury v protoplanetárních discích kolem mladých hvězd. Přístroj SPHERE, který pracuje ve spojení
    s dalekohledem ESO/VLT, vědcům umožnil zkoumat složité dynamické procesy v mladých planetárních systémech. U jedné ze sledovaných soustav byl dokonce
    pozorován vývoj doslova v reálném čase. Nedávno publikované výsledky získané trojicí vědeckých týmů dokládají mimořádné schopnosti přístroje SPHERE, který
    umožňuje přímo pozorovat, jakým způsobem planety formují disky, ze kterých se rodí. Odhaluje tak komplexnost prostředí, ve kterém se nové světy utvářejí.

    Moderní přístroj SPHERE, který pracuje ve spojení s dalekohledem ESO/VLT (Very Large Telescope) na observatoři Paranal (Paranal Observatory) v Chile, je
    určen k pátrání po exoplanetách (exoplanets). Trojice vědeckých týmů jej nedávno použila ve snaze po odhalení tajemství vývoje mladých planetárních systémů.
    Extrémní nárůst počtu známých exoplanet v uplynulých letech učinil z jejich výzkumu jeden z nejdynamičtěji se rozvíjejících oborů moderní astronomie

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    Based on computer simulations, astrophysicists at the University of Bern, Switzerland, conclude that the comet Chury
    did not obtain its duck-like form during the formation of our solar system 4.5 billion years ago. Although it does contain
    primordial material, they are able to show that the comet in its present form is hardly more than a billion years old.

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    Corey S. Powell: Pluto is a twilight world. Processing by New Horizons IMG pierces the gloom to reveal new details on the night side.

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    Starvation Diet for Black Hole Dims Brilliant Galaxy | NASA

    Astronomers may have solved the mystery of the peculiar volatile behavior of a supermassive black hole
    at the center of a galaxy. Combined data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and other observatories
    suggest that the black hole is no longer being fed enough fuel to make its surroundings shine brightly.

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    New theory of gravity might explain dark matter
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    Is Earth Our Solar System's Missing 'Super-Earth?'

    It wasn’t that long ago that we thought our Solar System was the prototype for how planetary systems ought to be configured.
    We thought that there were two classes of planets: the rocky worlds, that we’d find clustered in the inner regions, and the
    gas giants, located farther out. Starting in the 1990s, we finally began discovering planets around stars other than our own,
    and we were in for not just one but two rude awakenings, and we discovered our Solar System was not normal. In a new paper
    just accepted for publication this week, two Columbia University astrophysicists might have just explained why.

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    Modest Chaos in the Early Solar System

    The puzzling architecture of the Solar system has long been a headache for planetary dynamicists. We can sort of divide its structure
    (cover image, not to scale) into several zones. First, the terrestrial planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, which are divided from
    the gas and ice giant planets by the asteroid belt. Beyond the ice giants there is the Kuiper belt, which spans out to very large
    distances from the Sun. One longstanding conundrum in this ordering is the relatively small mass of Mars and existence of the asteroid
    belt in between Mars and Jupiter. It shouldn’t be there, and Mars should be way bigger. In fact, Mars is only 10% of the mass of Earth
    and therefore seems to have never accreted enough material to become a fully fledged planet. In planet formation, Mars-sized objects
    are usually termed “planetary embryos”, as we think this is the intermediate stage of a planet’s growth.

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    A Brief History of Halley’s Comet Sightings - History in the Headlines

    Roughly every 76 years, Halley’s comet passes close enough to the Earth to be viewed with the naked eye.
    Astronomer Edmond Halley first predicted the comet’s recurrence in the early 1700s, but sightings of it
    date back to at least the third century B.C., and it’s often taken a starring role in historical events.
    From ancient omens to a 1910 apocalyptic panic, take a look back at how astronomy’s most famous comet
    has been interpreted over the years.

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    November 14th's Super-Close Full Moon - Sky & Telescope
    The full Moon on Monday, November 14th, will be a little bigger and brighter than normal,
    because on that day the Moon will be closer to Earth than it's been in nearly 69 years.

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