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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    VIRGO: Krásný!
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    Fragmenting fireball observed over Boca Raton, Florida on November 11, 2016
    Fireball seen in the skies over Boca
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    A High-Resolution View of the Universe | Features | Nov 2016 | Photonics Spectra

    Even the best astronomical sites in the world, located on remote mountaintops with particularly stable air,
    degrade diffraction-limited images to 0.6 to 0.7 arcseconds. While this is approximately 100 times finer than
    the naked eye can achieve, it is no better than the diffraction limit of a modest backyard telescope.

    Space telescopes do not suffer from the limitations imposed by atmospheric turbulence. The 2.4-m-diameter Hubble
    Space Telescope can produce images with detail as fine as 0.04 arcseconds in visible light. The 6.5-m-diameter
    James Webb Space Telescope, due to be launched in 2018, will have nearly three times higher resolution in the
    infrared, but its mirrors are not specified to achieve the diffraction limit in the visible.

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    Comet 45P / Honda–Mrkos–Pajdušáková Brightens in December. Space news.
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    A Funnel on Mars Could Be a Place to Look for Life | UT News | The University of Texas at Austin

    A strangely shaped depression on Mars could be a new place to look for signs of life on the Red Planet, according to a University of Texas at Austin-led study.
    The depression was probably formed by a volcano beneath a glacier and could have been a warm, chemical-rich environment well suited for microbial life.

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    To Planet 9 — and Beyond! | DiscoverMagazine.com

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    WFIRST coronagraph: Imaging Giant Exoplanets Around Nearby Stars | Science Mission Directorate

    The Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) is the highest-ranked recommendation for a large space mission in the NRC 2010 decadal survey,
    New Worlds, New Horizons (NWNH) in Astronomy and Astrophysics. The WFIRST coronagraph instrument (CGI) will be the first high-contrast stellar
    coronagraph in space. It will enable WFIRST to respond to the goals of NWNH by directly imaging and spectrally characterizing giant exoplanets
    similar to Neptune and Jupiter, and possibly even super-Earths (extrasolar planets with a mass higher than Earth’s but lower than our Solar
    System’s ice giants, Neptune and Uranus), around nearby stars. The WFIRST CGI includes both a Shaped Pupil Coronagraph (SPC) and a Hybrid
    Lyot Coronagraph (HLC). All three of WFIRST’s CGI technology milestones for 2015 were passed successfully.

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    Q&A: Shadow Biospheres & Telescope Economics
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    Researchers use novel analysis technique to help solve Beagle 2 mystery — University of Leicester

    The Mars lander Beagle 2 deployed at least three or all four of its solar panels, scientists report. The probe was discovered on the Red
    Planet in November 2014, but uncertainty surrounded what had caused its failure to communicate with Earth. Now researchers say that
    Beagle 2 did not crash, but landed and probably deployed most of its panels.

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    Meteorites reveal lasting drought on Mars – University of Stirling

    The lack of liquid water on the surface of Mars today has been demonstrated by new evidence in the form
    of meteorites on the Red Planet examined by an international team of planetary scientists.

    In a study led by the University of Stirling, an international team of researchers has found the lack of
    rust on the meteorites indicates that Mars is incredibly dry, and has been that way for millions of years.

    The discovery, published in Nature Communications, provides vital insight into the planet’s current
    environment and shows how difficult it would be for life to exist on Mars today.

    Mars is a primary target in the search for life outside Earth, and liquid water is the most important
    pre-requisite for life.

    ASYD --- ---
    a do tretice

    Quick, How Might the Alien Spacecraft Work?—Stephen Wolfram Blog
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    VIRGO: Oprava: ze čtyř. Seth Shostak byl také na premiéře:
    Arrival: Squid Pro Quo | The Huffington Post
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    Tak dnes na webu ze tří zdrojů velké nadšení z (před)premiéry. Je na čase to shlédnout!

    The science behind the twisting alien linguistics of Arrival | New Scientist

    Arrival Trailer (2016) - Paramount Pictures
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    Durban Experiences the Real Search for ET
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    Cassini To Probe Nanograins in Saturn's Rings Prior To End Of Mission

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    Tak nejenže je zatím nejasná doba přechodu na kratší ob. dráhu, v NASA dokonce diskutují o možnosti, že by na ni sonda vůbec nepřešla.
    Nikterak by to prý nemělo omezit množství plánované vědecké práce. Sice by přístroje prováděly většinu měření pouze v době několikahodinové
    periapsidy, ale tím jak by se po většinu času pohybovalo Juno ve větších vzdálenostech od oblastí tvrdého záření, mohla by se celá mise
    prodloužit až do roku 2019, a možná i dál.

    Plánovaný zážeh 11. prosince byl zrušen, a je možné, že už se nikdy žádný další neuskuteční.

    Prodloužení do r. 19/20 nic nebrání kromě faktu, že někdy v polovině 2019 se sonda ocitne po dobu asi 10 hodin v zákrytu planetou, slun.
    panely nebudou dostávat dost slun. světla a radikálně poklesne teplota. Podobná situace se už stala, ale nikdy po tak dlouhou dobu,
    proto se letová kontrola snaží přijít na to, jak se tomu elegantně vyhnout (pokud bude v té době sonda ještě funkční).
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    CHRISTINE CORBETT MORAN was in Antarctica when she got the news: NASA wanted to interview her, in person, for the next class of astronauts.
    Moran is a coder and theoretical astrophysicist, and she’d been holed up in the southernmost part of the world for 10 months, studying the
    echoes of the Big Bang. She was scheduled to leave the coldest continent in November anyway, so four days after NASA rang, on October 18,
    she booked the five flights necessary to get to Houston and sell her qualifications to space-agency officials.

    Moran—who has worked in propulsion at SpaceX , co-led creation of the iOS version of the encrypted communication app Signal, and minored in
    philosophy—probably wouldn’t have been as attractive an astronaut candidate historically as she is today. But NASA’s missions have evolved.
    When the agency put out its latest application call, it specified that the lucky few might fly in Orion, a deep-space vessel meant to make
    the #journeytomars. And that kind of long, tight, potentially science-centric job lends itself to a different resume than astronaut calls
    past. Say, someone who knows science and software and can stay sane at the South Pole.

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