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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Spiral galaxy NGC 5523 could be an isolated product of soft galaxy mergers, study suggests

    The spiral galaxy NGC 5523 is believed to be an example of an isolated galaxy whose evolution was not influenced by other objects.
    However, a new study conducted by U.S. astronomers shows that the isolation of NGC 5523 could be due to its past minor mergers
    with surrounding low-mass galaxies. The findings are detailed in a paper published Nov. 18 on arXiv.org.

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    Press Release - Record-breaking Faint Satellite Galaxy of the Milky Way Discovered - Subaru Telescope

    An international team led by researchers from Tohoku University has found an extremely faint dwarf satellite galaxy of the Milky Way.
    The team's discovery is part of the ongoing Subaru Strategic Survey using Hyper Suprime-Cam. The satellite, named Virgo I, lies in
    the direction of the constellation Virgo. At the absolute magnitude of -0.8 in the optical waveband (Note), it may well be the faintest
    satellite galaxy yet found. Its discovery suggests the presence of a large number of yet-undetected dwarf satellites in the halo of
    the Milky Way and provides important insights into galaxy formation through hierarchical assembly of dark matter.

    Record-breaking Faint Satellite Galaxy of the Milky Way Discovered
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    Images from Cassini's final close flyby of Hyperion last May. All images use UV, Green, and IR for RGB.

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    Is there a 9th planet? | Documentary
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    William J. Borucki, principal investigator for NASA's Kepler mission at the agency's Ames Research Center in
    Silicon Valley, California, has been named a Fellow by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

    Borucki is recognized for distinguished contributions to the field of astrophysics, with his leadership of the Kepler
    Mission leading to the discovery of thousands of exoplanets.

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    No wrong side of Earth for Meteor Camera Network

    On October 1, the third station of a new 48-camera, video-surveillance network in the United Arab Emirates has come online to help map meteor
    showers. The network complements the existing 80-camera Cameras for Allsky Meteor Surveillance (CAMS) network twelve time zones later in California.

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    Chandra :: Photo Album :: Cyg X-3's Little Friend :: November 21, 2016

    A snapshot of the stellar life cycle has been captured in a new portrait from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Smithsonian's Submillimeter Array (SMA).
    A cloud that is giving birth to stars has been observed to reflect X-rays from Cygnus X-3, a source of X-rays produced by a system where a massive star is slowly
    being eaten by its companion black hole or neutron star. This discovery provides a new way to study how stars form.

    In 2003, astronomers used Chandra's high-resolution X-ray vision to find a mysterious source of X-ray emission located very close to Cygnus X-3. The separation
    of these two sources on the sky is equivalent to the width of a penny at a distance of 830 feet away. In 2013, astronomers reported that the new source is
    a cloud of gas and dust.

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    UCR Today: Large Number of Dwarf Galaxies Discovered in the Early Universe

    A UC Riverside-lead team of astronomers has discovered a large number of dwarf galaxies in the early universe by
    using the gravitational lensing phenomenon, completing astronomers’ census of star-forming galaxies in that epoch

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    Space 360: First-ever panoramic view of Earth from aboard Intl Space Station
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    Střízlivé, skvělé.
    Skeptic Check: Aliens - The Evidence | Big Picture Science
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    Geological field trip to Gale crater, Mars - Marion Nachon (SETI Talks 2016)
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    Dino-Killing Asteroid May Have Punctured Earth's Crust
    After analyzing the crater from the cosmic impact that ended the age of dinosaurs, scientists now say the object
    that smacked into the planet may have punched nearly all the way through Earth's crust, according to a new study.

    The finding could shed light on how impacts can reshape the faces of planets and how such collisions can generate
    new habitats for life, the researchers said.

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    A bright sungrazing comet vaporized in the solar corona on November 17, seen by SOHO/LASCO

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    As of the end of September 2016, the ESA/NASA SOHO spacecraft had discovered 3 205 new comets!

    Little bit of a particle (dust) shower for ESA/NASA SOHO/LASCO C3 a few hours ago

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    Ask An Astrobiologist - Episode 1: Dr Charles Cockell
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    Parkes telescope receivers
    The 64-m Parkes telescope will soon be equipped with a brand-new ultra-wide band receiver covering a frequency range of 0.7 - 4.0 GHz (middle, right).
    And, after commissioning the Phased-Array Feed (PAF) - bought by the Max-Planck Institute for Radioastronmie (MPIfR) in Bonn for installation on the
    100-m Effelsberg telescope (top, right) - we are keen to obtain funding to build a cyrogenically cooled PAF (bottom, right) for wide-field mapping.

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    50th anniversary of the famous 1966 Leonid storm : American Meteor Society

    The Leonids had been relatively quiet for 100 years between 1866 and 1966. Astronomers predicted an intense display in 1899 and when they failed to impress
    that year the public scorned astronomers for many years. It was not until the bright comets of 1910 did the public look again favorably on astronomers.

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    Bright Radio Bursts Probe Universe's Hidden Matter | Caltech
    Fast radio bursts, or FRBs, are mysterious flashes of radio waves originating outside our Milky Way galaxy. A team of scientists, jointly led by Caltech
    postdoctoral scholar Vikram Ravi and Curtin University research fellow Ryan Shannon, has now observed the most luminous FRB to date, called FRB 150807.

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