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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Oppo Sols 4541 - 4569
    Mars Exploration Rovers Update: Opportunity Departs Spirit Mound, Embarks on Toughest Exit Ever | The Planetary Society

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    A transformation in Virgo | ESA/Hubble

    Located some 60 million light-years away, NGC 4388 is experiencing some of the less desirable effects that come with
    belonging to such a massive galaxy cluster. It is undergoing a transformation, and has taken on a somewhat confused identity.

    While the galaxy’s outskirts appear smooth and featureless, a classic feature of an elliptical galaxy, its centre displays remarkable dust lanes
    constrained within two symmetric spiral arms, which emerge from the galaxy’s glowing core — one of the obvious features of a spiral galaxy.
    Within the arms, speckles of bright blue mark the locations of young stars, indicating that NGC 4388 has hosted recent bursts of star formation.

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    Alan Stern: Two full days of intensive New Horizons science team
    planning for our 1 Jan 2019 MU69 encounter begin tomorrow!

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    Wow, první runda úspěšná!

    NASA's Saturn-orbiting Cassini spacecraft has made its first close dive past the outer edges of Saturn's rings
    since beginning its penultimate mission phase on Nov. 30.

    Cassini crossed through the plane of Saturn's rings on Dec. 4 at 5:09 a.m. PST (8:09 a.m. EST) at a distance
    of approximately 57,000 miles (91,000 kilometers) above Saturn's cloud tops. This is the approximate location
    of a faint, dusty ring produced by the planet’s small moons Janus and Epimetheus, and just 6,800 miles (11,000
    kilometers) from the center of Saturn's F ring.

    Cassini: Mission to Saturn: Cassini Makes First Ring-Grazing Plunge

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    ALMA measures size of seeds of planets

    Researchers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), have for the first time, achieved a precise size measurement
    of small dust particles around a young star through radio-wave polarization. ALMA's high sensitivity for detecting polarized radio waves
    made possible this important step in tracing the formation of planets around young stars.

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    New dwarf satellite galaxy of Messier 83 found

    Astronomers have found a new dwarf satellite of Messier 83 (M83, also known as the Southern Pinwheel Galaxy)
    located some 85,000 light years from its host. This satellite galaxy was designated dw1335-29 and could be
    an irregular or a transition dwarf. The findings were presented in a paper published Nov. 30 on arXiv.org.

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    Today is the 5th Anniversary of the Habitable Exoplanets Catalog
    The Habitable Exoplanets Catalog - Planetary Habitability Laboratory @ UPR Arecibo

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    The case for co-decaying dark matter

    There isn't as much dark matter around today as there used to be. According to one of the most popular models of dark matter, the universe
    contained much more dark matter early on when the temperature was hotter. As the universe cooled, the dark matter annihilated away, at least
    up until a point when thermal equilibrium was reached and the annihilations ceased, resulting in the number of dark matter particles in
    the universe "freezing out" and remaining roughly constant.

    Although this scenario, called "the weakly-interacting-massive-particle" (WIMP) scenario,
    has been researched extensively, it's still unclear if the dark matter is indeed a WIMP.

    In a new study published in Physical Review Letters, Cornell physicists Jeff Asaf Dror, Eric Kuflik, and Wee Hao Ng have proposed a new mechanism
    for dark matter freeze-out in which there is not one but many dark sector particles that all co-decay to produce the observed dark matter density.
    One or more of these particles are potential candidates for dark matter.

    "For a long time, the Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) has been the paradigm for explaining the particle nature of dark matter," Kuflik
    told Phys.org. "Most experiments to discover dark matter were designed to find something that looks like a WIMP. The motivation for our work was to
    try to find other explanations for the nature of dark matter that would be experimentally searched for in a qualitatively different way than the WIMP.
    VIRGO --- ---
    Fingerprint of the early Universe | ESO United States

    This spectrum, taken by the UVES instrument mounted on ESO’s Very Large Telescope in Chile, shows the light from a quasar, catchily named HE0940-1050,
    after it has travelled through such clouds. The vertical lines are tell-tale signs of absorption — they show where light has been absorbed by the gas
    in the intergalactic medium and thus removed from the original quasar spectrum. The intensity of the lines is linked to the amount of material which
    is crossed by the light. By analysing these lines, astronomers can infer all sorts of information about the material from which the clouds are made.
    The exceptional value of this particular spectrum is in the very faint lines which are the faintest ever observed in a quasar spectrum.

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    A Trans-Neptunian object, discovered by the Kepler Space Telescope!
    This is the first time a TNO has been discovered by a spacecraft that is not the Hubble telescope.
    Congratulations to András Pál from Konkoly Observatory, Hungary.

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    The moon Hyperion tumbles as it orbits Saturn. Hyperion's (270 kilometers across) spin axis has a chaotic orientation in time,
    meaning that it is essentially impossible to predict how the moon will be spinning in the future. So far, scientists only know
    of a few bodies with such chaotic spins. The image was taken in green light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on
    Aug. 22, 2016. The view was acquired at a distance of approximately 326 000 kilometers from Hyperion and at a Sun-Hyperion-
    spacecraft, or phase, angle of 10 degrees. Image scale is 2 kilometers per pixel.

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    VIRGO: Sice komorní, ale zajímavý to bylo.

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    The Story of Grace Lillian Burke Hubble | San Marino Tribune

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    Saturn: ‘Grazing’ the Rings

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    IMO: Spectacular fireballs lit up the skies over Florida, Ireland and the Netherlands over the last 10 days.
    Florida, Ireland and the Netherlands fireballs | IMO

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    The atmospheres of WASP planets with JWST | WASP Planets

    The James Webb Space Telescope is expected to revolutionise the study of exoplanet atmospheres following its launch in 2018,
    and WASP planets will be among the prime targets. Paul Mollière et al have been simulating the data expected, and have produced
    this illustration of the atmospheric emission spectrum of WASP-18b.

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    It’s record-breaking because it’s so faint. Could this galaxy be a sign of many yet-unknown dwarf galaxies orbiting our Milky Way?
    And do we now have a way to detect them? Astronomical theorists hope so!

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    GORDHART: jj, řešilo se včíra vedle v klubu. Naštěstí maj na ISS zásoby až do června.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam