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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Meteor Fireball December 6 2016 off the Norwegian Coast
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    Zooming in on one of the KiDS survey regions
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    Barns Are Painted Red Because of the Physics of Dying Stars | Smart News | Smithsonian
    Have you ever noticed that almost every barn you have ever seen is red? Here's why. :)

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    VIRGO: No fragments of meteorite in Siberia found so far

    TASS: Science & Space - No fragments of meteorite in Siberia found so far — source

    Видео падения метеорита в Хакасии. Сибирь. 06.12.2016
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    Giant radio flare of Cygnus X-3 detected by astronomers

    Russian astronomers have recently observed a giant radio flare from a strong X-ray binary source known as Cygnus X-3
    (Cyg X-3 for short). The flare occurred after more than five years of quiescence of this source. The discovery was
    presented in a paper published Dec. 2 on the arXiv pre-print server.

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    Temná hmota může být ve vesmíru rozložena rovnoměrněji | ESO Česko
    Pečlivá analýza snímků rozsáhlých oblastí oblohy pořízených dalekohledem VST přinesla překvapivý výsledek

    Analýza dat získaných v rámci rozsáhlé přehlídky galaxií, kterou v uplynulých letech prováděl dalekohled ESO/VST pracující na observatoři Paranal v Chile, naznačuje,
    že hustota temné hmoty ve vesmíru by mohla být nižší a její rozložení rovnoměrnější, než se dosud myslelo. Mezinárodní tým vědců využil snímky získané v rámci přehlídky
    KiDS (Kilo Degree Survey) k výzkumu vlivu gravitačního působení nejrozsáhlejších struktur hmoty ve vesmíru na světlo přicházející od patnácti milionů sledovaných
    vzdálených galaxií. Zdá se, že výsledky získané tímto způsobem jsou v rozporu se staršími závěry učiněnými na základě údajů z družice Planck.

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    Project Starshot: Visiting the Nearest Star Within Our Lifetime

    Up Close at Alpha Centauri
    In early December the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics offered as part of its fall colloquium series a talk by Harvard’s Avi Loeb,
    fortunately captured on YouTube as Project Starshot: Visiting the Nearest Star Within Our Lifetime. We’ve looked at Breakthrough Starshot in
    many posts on Centauri Dreams, including my reports from the last set of meetings in Palo Alto, but for those new to the concept of using
    a laser array to send small, instrumented sails to the Alpha Centauri stars, this video is a fine introduction.
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    New telescope chip offers clear view of alien planets | ANU

    Scientists have developed a new optical chip for a telescope that enables astronomers to have a clear view of alien planets that may support life.

    Seeing a planet outside the solar system which is close to its host sun, similar to Earth, is very difficult with today's standard astronomical
    instruments due to the brightness of the sun. Associate Professor Steve Madden from The Australian National University (ANU) said the new chip
    removes light from the host sun, allowing astronomers for the first time to take a clear image of the planet.

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    Cassini: Mission to Saturn: Cassini Beams Back First Images from New Orbit

    NASA's Cassini spacecraft has sent to Earth its first views of Saturn’s atmosphere since beginning the latest phase of its mission.
    The new images show scenes from high above Saturn's northern hemisphere, including the planet's intriguing hexagon-shaped jet stream.

    Cassini began its new mission phase, called its Ring-Grazing Orbits, on Nov. 30. Each of these weeklong orbits - 20 in all - carries
    the spacecraft high above Saturn's northern hemisphere before sending it skimming past the outer edges of the planet's main rings.

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    No aliens? Astronomer says that's so pessimistic - Futurity

    Woodruff T. Sullivan III—”Woody” for short—is a professor emeritus of astronomy at the University of Washington
    and co-founder of its astrobiology program. Here, he answers questions about the search for life beyond Earth,
    his plan to write a historical biography, and “the world’s first working sundial tattoo.”

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    Cosmos on Nautilus: Extraterrestrials May Be Robots Without Consciousness
    Humans may have one thing that advanced aliens don’t: consciousness.

    mans are probably not the greatest intelligences in the universe. Earth is a relatively young planet and the oldest civilizations
    could be billions of years older than us. But even on Earth, Homo sapiens may not be the most intelligent species for that much longer.

    The world Go, chess, and Jeopardy champions are now all AIs. AI is projected to outmode many human professions within the next few decades.
    And given the rapid pace of its development, AI may soon advance to artificial general intelligence—intelligence that, like human intelligence,
    can combine insights from different topic areas and display flexibility and common sense. From there it is a short leap to superintelligent AI,
    which is smarter than humans in every respect, even those that now seem firmly in the human domain, such as scientific reasoning and social skills.
    Each of us alive today may be one of the last rungs on the evolutionary ladder that leads from the first living cell to synthetic intelligence.

    What we are only beginning to realize is that these two forms of superhuman intelligence—alien and artificial—may not be so distinct. The technological
    developments we are witnessing today may have all happened before, elsewhere in the universe. The transition from biological to synthetic intelligence
    may be a general pattern, instantiated over and over, throughout the cosmos. The universe’s greatest intelligences may be postbiological, having grown
    out of civilizations that were once biological. (This is a view I share with Paul Davies, Steven Dick, Martin Rees, and Seth Shostak, among others.)
    To judge from the human experience—the only example we have—the transition from biological to postbiological may take only a few hundred years.
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    Moon, Planets And Stars Trail Above Forbidden City
    Taken by Jeff Dai on December 5, 2016 @ Forbidden City, Beijing, China

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    Cosmic dust grains found on city rooftops for the first time | New Scientist
    Researchers sifted through 300 kilograms of muck trapped in roof gutters in Paris, Oslo and Berlin. Using magnets
    to pull out the particles, which contain magnetic minerals, they identified a total of 500 cosmic dust grains.

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    People in the Republic of Khakassia in southwest Siberia witnessed a large fireball exploding in the sky on
    Tuesday, which briefly made the evening as bright as the day. Some even managed to catch the event on camera.
    Meteor explodes over Siberian city, turning night into day (VIDEO) — RT News

    Видео падения метеорита в Хакасии
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    News | Curiosity Rover Team Examining New Drill Hiatus

    Curiosity is at a site on lower Mount Sharp selected for what would be the mission's seventh sample-collection drilling of 2016.
    The rover team learned Dec. 1 that Curiosity did not complete the commands for drilling. The rover detected a fault in an early
    step in which the "drill feed" mechanism did not extend the drill to touch the rock target with the bit.

    "We are in the process of defining a set of diagnostic tests to carefully assess the drill feed mechanism. We are using our test
    rover here on Earth to try out these tests before we run them on Mars," Curiosity Deputy Project Manager Steven Lee, at NASA's
    Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, said Monday. "To be cautious, until we run the tests on Curiosity, we want to
    restrict any dynamic changes that could affect the diagnosis. That means not moving the arm and not driving, which could shake it."

    Two among the set of possible causes being assessed are that a brake on the drill feed mechanism did not disengage fully or that
    an electronic encoder for the mechanism's motor did not function as expected. Lee said that workarounds may exist for both of
    those scenarios, but the first step is to identify why the motor did not operate properly last week.

    Sols 1539 and 1540 Hazcam view. Drill fault being diagnosed so the arm isn't moving:

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    ExoMars orbiter images Phobos / ExoMars / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA

    The ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter has imaged the martian moon Phobos as part of a second set
    of test science measurements made since it arrived at the Red Planet on 19 October.

    The Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO), a joint endeavour between ESA and Roscosmos, made its first
    scientific calibration measurements during two orbits between 20 and 28 November.

    Example data from the first orbit were published last week, focusing on Mars itself. During
    the second orbit, the instruments made a number of measurements of Phobos, a 27×22×18 km
    moon that orbits Mars at a distance of only 6000 km.

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    Ocean worlds in the outer solar system - Nimmo - 2016 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets - Wiley Online Library

    Many outer solar system bodies are thought to harbor liquid water oceans beneath their ice shells. This article first reviews how such oceans are detected.
    We then discuss how they are maintained, when they formed, and what the oceans' likely characteristics are. We focus in particular on Europa, Ganymede, Callisto,
    Titan, and Enceladus, bodies for which there is direct evidence of subsurface oceans. We also consider candidate ocean worlds such as Pluto and Triton.

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    This is what today's Gaia AMA looked like at ESOC: Dave Milligan & the mission control team
    (& Jose Hernandez at ESAC via Skype) 'on task' replying to questions.

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