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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Rings around young star suggest planet formation in progress

    Rice University astronomers and their colleagues have for the first time mapped gases in three dark rings around
    a distant star. The rings mark spaces where planets are thought to have formed from dust and gas around the star.

    All the rings around HD 163296 are devoid of dust, and the international team of researchers led by Rice astronomer
    Andrea Isella is sure that planets, probably gas giants with masses comparable to Saturn, are responsible for
    clearing the outermost ones. But the inner ring has far more carbon monoxide than the other two, leading them to
    believe no planet exists there. That remains unexplained, he said.

    ALMA Finds Evidence of Pair of Infant Planets around Young Star
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    Very bright fireball spotted over Spain on December 11, 2016
    Meteorite fall on 11 Dec. 2016
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    Low-mass companion found inside debris disc of a nearby star

    Astronomers have uncovered a new low-mass companion residing inside a massive debris disc surrounding a nearby star
    designated HD 206893. The discovery could provide new important clues on how low-mass stellar companions form and evolve.
    The findings were presented in a paper published Dec. 1 on the arXiv pre-print server.

    Located some 125 light years away, HD 206893 is an F5V star hosting a debris disc detected through its large infrared excess.
    It is about 24 percent more massive than the sun and its age is estimated to be within the range of 200 million to 2.1 billion
    years. Due to its proximity and the presence of a debris disk, HD 206893's environment is an excellent place for astronomers
    to look for new stars and planets.

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    Loop Around the Local Universe
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    :: OSEL.CZ :: - Betlémská hvězda nejspíš nebyla hvězdou ani kometou
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    Very bright fireball exploded over Norway on December 6, 2016, turning temporarily the night into day
    Huge fireball explodes over Norway on December 6, 2016 turning night into day
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    Kázeň musí být! Parádní dokument do sbírky :)

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    LIGO black hole echoes hint at general-relativity breakdown : Nature News & Comment
    Gravitational-wave data show tentative signs of firewalls or other exotic physics.

    It was hailed as an elegant confirmation of Einstein’s general theory of relativity — but ironically the discovery of gravitational waves
    earlier this year could herald the first evidence that the theory breaks down at the edge of black holes. Physicists have analysed the publicly
    released data from the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), and claim to have found “echoes” of the waves that seem to
    contradict general relativity’s predictions.

    The echoes could yet disappear with more data. If they persist, the finding would be extraordinary. Physicists have predicted that Einstein’s
    hugely successful theory could break down in extreme scenarios, such as at the centre of black holes. The echoes would indicate the even more
    dramatic possibility that relativity fails at the black hole’s edge, far from its core.

    If the echoes go away, then general relativity will have withstood a test of its power — previously, it wasn’t clear that physicists would be
    able to test their non-standard predictions.

    Two Black Holes Merge into One
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    Research offers clues about the timing of Jupiter's formation

    A peculiar class of meteorites has offered scientists new clues about when the planet Jupiter took shape and wandered through the solar system.

    Scientists have theorized for years now that Jupiter probably was not always in its current orbit, which is about five astronomical units from
    the sun (Earth's distance from the sun is one astronomical unit). One line of evidence suggesting a Jovian migration deals with the size of Mars.
    Mars is much smaller than planetary accretion models predict. One explanation for that is that Jupiter once orbited much closer to the sun than
    it does now. During that time, it would have swept up much of the material needed to create supersized Mars.

    But while most scientists agree that giant planets migrate, the timing of Jupiter's formation and migration has been a mystery.
    That's where the meteorites come in.

    Meteorites known as CB chondrites were formed as objects in the early solar system—most likely in the present-day asteroid belt—slammed into each
    other with incredible speed. This new study, published in the journal Science Advances, used computer simulations to show that Jupiter's immense
    gravity would have provided the right conditions for these hypervelocity impacts to occur. That in turn suggests that Jupiter was near its current
    size and sitting somewhere near the asteroid belt when the CB chondrules were formed, which was about 5 million years after formation of the first
    solar system solids.

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    The playful wonderland behind great inventions | Steven Johnson
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    SOFIA Sees Super-Heated Gas Streams Churning up Possible Storm of New Stars

    Scientists on board NASA’s flying telescope, the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, or SOFIA, caught sight of roiling
    material streaming from a newly formed star, which could spark the birth of a new generation of stars in the surrounding gas clouds.

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    Dark matter that talks to itself could explain galaxy mystery | New Scientist

    DARK matter might talk to itself. The mysterious substance that outweighs all visible matter
    in the cosmos might be best explained if it’s able to interact with itself via an invisible force.

    Take a look at any image of a galaxy and you will see that the centre is the brightest. With so much light – and
    therefore mass – concentrated there, astronomers expected central objects to orbit faster than those on the outer rim.

    But in the early 20th century, astronomers were surprised to find that galaxies’ outer stars appear to move about as fast
    as their inner stars, suggesting that there is more matter that doesn’t meet the eye. The name given to the invisible stuff
    is dark matter, and the standard paradigm suggests it is composed of weakly interacting massive particles, or WIMPs.

    Now new research on galactic rotation curves – graphs showing the orbital speeds of stars versus their distance from
    the centre of the galaxy – suggests the story might not be so simple.
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    Chandra :: Photo Album :: SPT 0346-52 :: December 8, 2016

    SPT0346-52 is a galaxy found about a billion years after the Big Bang that has one of the highest rates
    of star formation ever seen in a galaxy. Chandra's observations ruled out the presence of an actively
    growing supermassive black hole, bolstering the case of extreme star formation in this galaxy.

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    The ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter has imaged the martian moon Phobos.
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    Ta asi nejvíce ikonická na závěr...

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    HOWKING: Tak to byla rychlovka. Včera jsem házel na g+ zprávu o jeho hospitalizaci... R.I.P.

    John Glenn hospitalized at Wexner Medical Center | NBC4i.com
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